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突尼斯花园城市丨突尼斯丨Design International

2021/10/12 07:12:48
Architect:Design International
Location:Tunis, Tunisia; | ;View Map
Category:Offices;Shops;Shopping Centres
Design International strived to create a district that is well connected to the rest of city and combines the essential elements required to create a vibrant and inclusive community. Tunis City will be a place to relax, entertain, shop, work and stay. 
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The concept draws inspiration from the natural geography of Tunis as a city surrounded by water and includes a water-walk which creates a zigzagging sequence of green areas that provide continuity throughout the site and a beautiful and inviting environment, while the cuttingedge architectural design ensures Tunis City will be a modern, “smart city”, offering an outstanding experience to the customer.
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