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Madí 住宅丨墨西哥丨Doméstico Estudio

2024/04/18 15:18:03
A retirement house that blends in and immerses you in the forest of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Zaickz Moz
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Madí 住宅丨墨西哥丨Doméstico Estudio-4
Madí House emerged as part of a retirement plan where the main idea focused on creating a rest house to share with the family that had all the comforts to gradually inhabit it to become a retirement house. From this premise arises one of the first challenges in project programming, having this hybrid function.
▼建筑与环境,Building and the environment ©Zaickz Moz
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▼立面,Facade ©Zaickz Moz
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该住宅在伊达尔戈州瓦斯卡-德奥坎波(Huasca de Ocampo)周围的山脚下,其中一项首要需求是保护场地内原有的大部分森林,因此房子需位于最自由的空间,减少对环境的影响。此外,空间的需求主要由合适的朝向规划,根据最大的树木占地面积所确定。
It is located in the foothills of the mountains that surround Huasca de Ocampo, in the state of Hidalgo and one of the primary requirements of the project contemplated the conservation of most of the pre-existing forest of the site, thus conditioning the location of the house in the freest space and with the least environmental impact. In addition, the required spaces were ordered based on the appropriate orientation according to the footprint defined mainly by the largest trees.
▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Zaickz Moz
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Madí 住宅丨墨西哥丨Doméstico Estudio-15
In this way, the design began from an exploration that integrated different shapes and exterior colors that managed to blend in with their immediate surroundings, keeping in mind that the priority was to achieve adequate integration with the forest and the land’s topography.
▼色调与环境,Tones and the environment ©Zaickz Moz
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▼色调与环境,Tones and the environment ©Zaickz Moz
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The program analysis on the site showed a “T”-shaped plan that divides the project between social areas on one floor and private areas on two floors, connected to the center of the two-story volume with a circulation core.
▼体量关系,Volume relationship ©Zaickz Moz
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Madí 住宅丨墨西哥丨Doméstico Estudio-26
The land has a slope on its shortest side, which led to the construction of the house on terrace levels, leaving the highest part for the private program and the lowest for the public program that gradually extends and opens with the outside until it is completely integrated with the landscape.
▼门廊,Portico ©Zaickz Moz
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▼景色,Beautiful view ©Zaickz Moz
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The private wing is tucked into the most wooded part of the land and is composed of four bedrooms of equal proportions with a full bathroom inside each space. It is completed in the circulation area with a small study that looks out onto the forest through a clear window; The social area is composed of an open space that contains: the living room, dining room, and kitchen in a linear manner, opens in turn to broader views that allow connection with the outside through a modular portico that leads to a second social area that It extends to the southeast of the property.
▼门廊特写,Close-up of the portico ©Zaickz Moz
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根据对场地内树木的间距分析,结构空间上采用了16.80 m x 4.20 m的模数;该尺寸能够让空间按整数分隔,以最小尺寸满足舒适与使用需求,同时还使房屋具有灵活性。
▼公共区,Social area ©Zaickz Moz
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Madí 住宅丨墨西哥丨Doméstico Estudio-40
The structural-spatial modulation of 16.80 m x 4.20 m is the product of an analysis of the distance of the trees on the terrain; This made it possible to modulate the spaces in fractions of those measurements to achieve minimum dimensions of comfort and operation, in addition to granting flexibility to the house.
▼走廊,Corridor ©Zaickz Moz
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The materiality of the house determined by the use of brick in scales from gray to black, was defined from the search for thermal comfort due to being located in a cold and mountain area, but also from the exploration of materials that achieved a blend with the chromaticity of the forest and that made reference to the historical context of the mining region, where the haciendas and natural landscapes have a similar chromaticity and texture.
▼灰黑色的砖,Grey and black bricks ©Zaickz Moz
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▼温馨的室内,Cozy interior ©Zaickz Moz
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The selection of this material allowed us to create a modular façade with different treatments on the 7 faces, locating openings and solids based on two criteria: the first, on the use of the interior spaces and the second on the views towards the exterior and the relationship with the interior spaces with the forest.
▼楼梯,Staircase ©Zaickz Moz
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▼社交区特写,Close-up of the social areas ©Zaickz Moz
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The project has a rainwater recovery, filtering, and purification system, since being located in a forested area, the amount of annual precipitation will allow it to supply the house sustainably during the entire rainy season and a few more months. The idea is to reduce the region’s environmental impact and make an independent house as much as possible.
▼餐厅,Dining room ©Zaickz Moz
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Madí 住宅丨墨西哥丨Doméstico Estudio-62
Silence and contemplation were the conceptual axes of this project that are integrated into its context holistically and discreetly.
▼卧室,Bedroom ©Zaickz Moz
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▼卧室局部,Close-up of the bedroom ©Zaickz Moz
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▼总平面图,Masterplan ©Doméstico Estudio
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▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan ©Doméstico Estudio
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▼二层平面图,Second floor plan ©Doméstico Estudio
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▼立面图,Elevations ©Doméstico Estudio
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▼剖面图,Sections ©Doméstico Estudio
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Madí 住宅丨墨西哥丨Doméstico Estudio-80
ARCHITECTURE & CONSTRUCTION_ Doméstico Estudio (@domesticoestudio) ARCHITECTS_ Carlos Nuñez, Fernanda Quintana, Guillem Villanueva, Elisa Herrera and Andrés Celorio AREA_ 205 M2 YEAR_ 2022 LOCATION_ Huasca de Ocampo, Hidalgo (Mexico) PHOTOGRAPHY_ Zaickz Moz
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