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160590fmM 独立住宅丨BLAF Architects

2021/03/18 11:55:20
建筑影响自然,自然也同样影响着建筑。除此之外,艺术也是本项目设计中的关键性因素,最终,16-0590-fmM独立住宅以极富美感的几何形态呈现出来,宛如一尊雕塑一般伫立在场地之上。在本项目中,BLAF Architects事务所以建筑的可建造性、可负担性、可持续发展性、能源消耗、经济效率为指导原则,为住宅赋予了简洁而有力的抽象几何形态外观。
Architecture has an influence on nature, and nature has an influence on our architecture. Art also influences our architecture. A sculpture forms the basis of this residential volume. In our quest for buildability, affordability, circular, energetic and economic efficiency, we allow ourselves to be guided by geometric abstraction.
▼项目外观,appearance © Stijn Bollaert
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Circle and square become form-retaining elements in masonry in volume. They form the basic structure that supports the roof. The wooden structure of the insulated volume perforates with surgical precision these massive volumes, creating an alternation of enclosed and open outdoor spaces.
▼北立面,north facade © Stijn Bollaert
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▼南立面,south facade © Stijn Bollaert
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▼圆与方是其体量构成中的基本元素,Circle and square become form-retaining elements in masonry in volume © Stijn Bollaert
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The brick volumes carry the solid concrete roof between the volumes, in the brick volumes the wall, floor and roof are made of wood. The hybrid way of building uses each material with its specific qualities and ensures a high-performance way of building. In addition to the performance, the hybrid permanent structure ensures different experiences, atmospheres, sounds. Structure and materialization are reduced to the essence.
▼砖墙与玻璃幕墙形成鲜明的虚实对比,Brick wall and glass curtain wall form a sharp contrast between virtual and real © Stijn Bollaert
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▼项目外观细部,details of the appearance © Stijn Bollaert
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The space between the volumes is open and equally oriented to each side, no front, side or rear sides but rather east, south, west and north. This double-height central space forms the theater for current and future uses. It has the potential to apply secondary structures, allowing it to respond to changes in program.
▼北侧入口、厨房与餐厅,entrance of the north side with the kitchen and dinging area © Stijn Bollaert
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▼厨房嵌在砖墙体量中,kitchen within the masonry volume © Stijn Bollaert
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▼电视间,TV room © Stijn Bollaert
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▼由中央客厅看书房/婴儿房,viewing the office/baby room from the central living room © Stijn Bollaert
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▼夹层空间,mezzanine © Stijn Bollaert
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▼空间细部,details © Stijn Bollaert
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The brick volumes include the private and serving functional spaces such as the sleeping quarters, yoga room, bathroom, storage room and entrance. These spaces are related to an enclosed outdoor space. Intermediate spaces are created inside and outside, but all open in relation to the environment.
▼卧室,bedroom © Stijn Bollaert
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▼封闭的体量中均设有独立的小型室外庭院, These spaces are related to an enclosed outdoor space © Stijn Bollaert
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▼木制结构与庭院细部,detail of the wooden structure and the outdoor space © Stijn Bollaert
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▼天井庭院上空,Above the patio courtyard © Stijn Bollaert
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▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram ©BLAF Architects
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▼总平面图,master plan ©BLAF Architects
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▼底层平面图,ground floor plan ©BLAF Architects
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▼夹层平面图,verdieping plan ©BLAF Architects
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▼剖面图,section ©BLAF Architects
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Client: Private Designteam: BLAF Architects Program: Single family house Bruto floor area: 172,2m2 Completion year: 2019 Photo credit: Stijn Bollaert
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