

SHOYO ART LIFE位于杭州中山北路上,当看见项目 现场是一个狭长的空间而且有两处高差。于是我们想从空间的本身作为我们设计的出发点,在现有的空间基础上打造出一个攀爬式的休闲空间体验。
▼奶茶店入口,the entrance ©张家宁
We are determined to put the walking path for guests on the left in accordance with the features of the space, then the spare space can be used for leisure, producing equipment and other functions in this aspect.
▼从室内望向入口,view of the entrance from the interior space ©张家宁
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing © 构造空间设计
Regarding the long and narrow space, we are determined to place the producing equipment in the middle region with a passage being left for passing through the front and back space. Extension treatment is made for the four steps at the beginning of the corridor stairs and the combination is made with the bar platform in the equipment region. A staggered combination must be made for the steps of the passage with the aim to make full use of the space while combination will endow it with the new functions: moreover, part of the step body is separated and used as the connection between the stool and the bar platform. In this way, such treatment method of occlusion will not only solve the functional problems, but also enrich the entire space.
▼室内用餐区,the dining area © 张家宁
There is a geometric space of small scale interspersed with the space above the bar platform. From the overall perspective, it links the preceding and the following space accordingly. It is able to balance the relationship between the front and back space, at the same time, it also enriches the rhythm of the entire space; from the perspective of function, the overhead geometric space functions as a small tea area and exhibition space, which achieves the full use of space once again.
▼制作吧台,the bar platform © 张家宁
In terms of the renovation for stairs near the entrance, the design method is the same as that of the passage, since the combined body forms a leisure platform. Furthermore, the glass window is designed as an open type with the window and the seat being integrated into one part, which makes the boundary between indoor and outdoor space fuzzy and ambiguous.
▼吧台旁的楼梯通向二层,the stairs by the bar leading to the second floor © 张家宁
▼二层用餐区,the dining area on the second floor © 张家宁
▼从二层用餐区望向入口,view of the entrance from the second floor © 张家宁
There is a rich space form, so it is expected that the combination of color and material should be more infused accordingly. In this regard, we choose to combine the art paint of gray texture and stainless steel of dark gray color, so the overall response will become more callous.
▼桌椅细部,details of the furnitures © 张家宁
有了这层材质底色后再装饰物的设计上点到即可 不想做过多的装饰。雕塑,灵感来与熟睡进入梦乡的孩子,甜蜜安详的状态。装饰镜,它的灵感来源于一大堆和“花”有关的祝福语,作为整个灰色调空间内唯一凸显的色彩。
There is no need for complicated design of decorations when there is such layer of material as the background color and too much decoration is not necessary. The sculpture is inspired from the children who are in a sweet dream and peaceful state. Decorative mirror is inspired from a great deal of blessing words related to “flowers” and it is regarded as the only prominent color within the entire gray space.
▼雕塑,the sculpture © 张家宁
▼平面图,plan © 构造空间设计