莫维亚 BRT 概念环 4丨丹麦哥本哈根丨URBAN POWER

2023/11/08 09:36:30
Location:Copenhagen, Denmark; | ;View Map
Category:Cities;Bus stations
As Greater Copenhagen expands, the need for better, environmentally sustainable connections to, from and between the suburbs becomes increasingly important.
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With a recognisable, characteristic design that adapts to fit the individual locations, the future BRT-stations will offer the comfort known from the metro stations, but with a green and tactile look and feel. 
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The green mobility stations will improve the surrounding area as well, by defining attractive, green public spaces and facilitating easy last-mile travelling through the establishment of city-bike services.
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URBAN POWER developed the concept design for stations along the Greater Copenhagen Ring Road 4 in close collaboration with MOVIA.
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The BRT stations will have a collectively distinctive appearance, where green plants and wooden cladding comprise the shapes and structures. Optimal commuting experiences are achieved with technologic innovations; travellers check in at the station instead of on the bus, timetables are easily visible and the electric busses are charged while people board. 
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As stations naturally densify urban activity, the surrounding area and functions will incorporate external services like city bikes, postal services, kiosks and shops, that further increase the benefits of using public transportation rather than cars.
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