知末案例   /   建筑   /   办公建筑   /   现代办公建筑


2021/02/08 16:38:58
美特斯邦威总部位于上海康桥工业区东区,东侧是环桥路,南侧是周邓公路,远离城市,与自然郊区接壤,由矶崎新+胡倩上海工作室承接设计。项目总用地面积约为 8.3 万平方米,包含办公商业、工业厂房、艺术中心、品牌秀场、居住空间等功能,是兼具实用性与艺术性一体的综合性办公园区。
Meters/bonwe Headquarters designed by Isozaki + HuQian Partners is situated in the East Kangqiao Industry Park, Shanghai, with Huanqiao Road on its east and Zhoudeng Highway on the south. Located outside the established city, neighboring natural suburbs, the project has a total area of 83,000 square meters including industrial plant, art center, brand show, residential space and other functions. It is a mixed-use office campus with both practicality and artistic integration.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©吴清山
As an important development scheme initiated by the Shanghai Government, Kangqiao Industry Park sits next to the Pudong section of Shanghai Outer Ring Express Way, emphasizing the maximum convenience of logistics and transportation. The development is proposed as a multi-functional urban district that prioritizes modern industry, lifestyle, and commerce, with all-round urban functions including industrial production, housing, financial and commercial services, and territorial management. The rapid growth attracted many international corporations to invest and setup their headquarters here, quickly building up the density of the area. The starting point and original anticipation for this project was to explore the possibility of office spaces combined with living within such context. Despite modifications during the realization of this project, we managed to preserve our studies on the fundamental qualities of architecture.
There were three main clues to unravel this design: ①As a part of the city, how can this project with such a pressing scale be respond to the anticipation of both the client and the city? ②How can the project contribute to and integrate with the most fundamental everyday activities, including clothing, food, housing, and transportation of its user? ③How can the project stand out from the homogenous surroundings, from the stereotype of universal production spaces, and produce spaces that are essentially unique?
▼整体顶视图,top view of the entire project©吴清山
设计之初,我们从城市与功能切入。从城市的角度观察,场地东侧为人行道路,我们考虑通过行人的尺度与速度来呈现,东侧建筑作为主要的办公空间,以较低的建筑高度及递进高度的形式设置(最高约 32m,最低约 24 米)。
We approached the design from its program and its relationship with the city. From an urban perspective, the east side is in close contact with pedestrians. The main office spaces are placed along the east side with a more intimate scale, allowing the pedestrians to observe the building comfortably from eye level and with walking speed. The building reduces its height from 32 meters to 24 meters as it nears the street.
The expressway with mainly large vehicles on the west makes it unlikely for passersby to observe the architecture in a calm manner, and the massive scale of the headquarters remains an unavoidable oppressive factor for the city. Therefore, how this piece of architecture responds to adjacent urban environments and how it may contribute to the corporation is the first set of topics for the design. Based on our understanding of the brief, viewing the architecture as a regional monument with a certain height and emblematic appearance seems to be an appropriate design strategy.
▼设计分析,design analysis©矶崎新+胡倩上海工作室
As a large-scale mixed-use production facility, the Meters/bonwe Headquarters needs to provide many residential spaces for its employees. The original idea of placing residential spaces along the street is based on both practical considerations for an appropriate massing and on the consideration that employees of a casual apparel company, are likely to wear products of the company in their everyday life. This can be used as a natural and effective branding strategy as the everydayness of the outfits echoes with the spirit of the brand. By showcasing the product through people’s activities, the architecture marks itself as a living urban-scale billboard.
▼功能分析,function analysis©矶崎新+胡倩上海工作室
Although not fully realized, we kept the core concept by creating open balconies for the residential units. We believe that the strategy of introducing theatricality into the design could be a significant contribution for both the company and the city if fully adopted. The project eventually takes shape of a sloped massing with height increasing from east to west.
▼最初方案模型,model of the original proposal©矶崎新+胡倩上海工作室
▼实施方案鸟瞰,aerial view of the final proposal©吴清山
▼项目外观,external view of the project©吴清山
As one of the first fashion brands in China, our client has led the trend among Chinese teenagers. The iconic casual feature of the brand roots from its close relationship with the consumers over the years. We tried to preserve this feature in the architecture by designing around the most fundamental everyday necessities, which have four aspects including clothing, food, housing, and transportation.
As a facility for a clothing company, the element of clothing is inherent in the project. Meanwhile, the founder of the corporation has an affiliation with nature and gardening. We proposed a central courtyard with generous open space as a buffer between living and working spaces. The courtyard also led us to the study of food and agricultural production by introducing rice and other crops as part of the landscape. This results in a rudimental and simplistic natural space and provides additional outdoor event spaces for fashion shows and recreation of the users.
▼最初景观方案,landscape in the original proposal©矶崎新+胡倩上海工作室
▼景观分析,landscape analysis ©矶崎新+胡倩上海工作室
作为综合性的总部园区,企业里 70%的职工都会居住生活在这里,“住”元素浑然天成。同时还承载着大量企业员工的工作和休闲娱乐的行为路径,员工从入口进入园区直接到达主要的工作区域,主要工作区由高低错落的两幢建筑组成,位于中间的厂房大堂作为主要的交通核连接整体内部空间,使得交通路径简洁明了,同时设置了水景中庭,为员工提供了休闲场所。
Housing is also an inherent element in the project as 70% of its employees will live on campus. As the supporting infrastructure for the daily activities of the employees, the campus has its main entrance leading directly to the main production spaces, which consists of two building blocks with different heights. The central lobby is connected to all the main spaces in the campus, keeping the circulation simple and legible. Smaller courtyards with waterscape are inserted into the office spaces for the users to rest and relax.
The sheltered passageway spanning across the central courtyard functions as the main circulation connecting the production spaces with office spaces, living spaces and other supporting facilities. It also acts as a threshold between interior and exterior spaces, allowing nature to infiltrate into the interior, and provides flexible event spaces including showroom, gallery, and mechanic services as needed.
These interactions surrounding elements of clothing, food, and housing are important parts of the daily cycle of transportation. Working and living in the campus all contribute to the culture of the brand featuring everydayness. Despite the various modifications occurred as the project developed, the natural stimulation of the four aspects of everyday life, especially the aspect of food, is appreciated and preserved by the client. Sometimes there are conflicts between the vision of architects and their clients, but there are times when the two can reach consensus.
▼穿过中庭的晴雨长廊,covered corridor across the center courtyard©吴清山
地块所处的工业园区,周边的建筑基本上都会在总部大门之后设置入口广场。这是一种惯性的思维模式,人们常常认为,总部园区的入口处必须要营造这样一种气派的氛围。我们认为即使设计一个 50 米的入口广场,影响中庭空间氛围的同时也并不显得那么气派。与其去呈现两个都不起眼的空间,不如把所有的空间都留给庭院。对于园区里面生活的人们来说,入口的气派远不如拥有一片属于他们自己的庭院景观和农作稻田更重要,这对他们的休闲生活以及精神上的治愈提升都是更有意义的。
It is a common strategy to place entrance plazas for other headquarters in the area. It is almost a natural mind-set for the corporation to create sublime open space as a necessary emblem of esteem. For us, creating a plaza with a dimension of some 50 meters will not create the anticipated effect of sublime, and will only deteriorate the integrity of the central courtyard. Comparing to creating two unexceptional open spaces, it is better to concentrate on just the one which is more significant for its actual users. The central courtyard is closely connected to user’s daily life. An internal landscape that is made interactive with agricultural production plays a greater role in curing and elevating people’s spirits.
Architects try to give constructive suggestions on topics involving the city, the building and its performance based on their experiences of the past and visions for the future. Clients on the other hand are more easily influenced by trends. Exchanging the monumentality at the entrance for a concentrated central courtyard that serves for the well-being of the actual users are made possible because of the consensus we share with our client.
▼宽敞的庭院空间,broad courtyard©吴清山
▼庭院带来更好的空间体验,courtyard bringing in better life experience©吴清山
During our trip on the site shortly after the commission, we found that the constructions in this area seem to fall inevitably into homogeneity. Despite trying out different colors and materials on the exterior, they were of little difference underneath the façade. With similar massing and scale, even though the actual programs may be different, the result is similar. Innovations are not easy. But the role of architects is to work through the constraints and present a project in which the city, the building and programs work with each other in the best possible way.
The project is a horizontal headquarters, with a parallel continuum of the office atmosphere, the standard frame structure is easy to present a modular space. Even so, we still hope to create novelties in the project based on our studies of the fundamentals. Currently the project has not gone through interior furnishing and waterscape and greenery featuring various crops are not fully realized. But due to its flexibility, the daily activities can be gradually introduced into this flexible system of space.
The interior spaces are based on functionality. By introducing different spans, different form and density of the beams and slabs and different tectonic details of enclosures, the project takes the universal frame system steps further, creating various characteristic atmosphere in space. Without further detailing, the structures alone can have different affects on its users and are adaptive to various alterations in the future.
▼室内空间,interior space©吴清山
With respect to the client’s preferences, the façade addressed the continuity of horizontal linear elements. We rounded up the profile of the façade with the intention to add dynamics to the stereotypic image that dates itself back to the time of Bauhaus.
▼架构挑檐做圆角处理,chamfered corners©吴清山
For the elevation of office spaces facing the interior water courtyard, we used external egress stairs as an important design element that regulates the rhythm of the façade. They not only provide shortcuts in circulation between levels but also help to activate the courtyard spaces with daily activities.
▼水景中庭,water courtyard©吴清山
▼立面楼梯,staircase on the facade©吴清山
We hope to refrain from the homogeneity of the site, not by simply swapping the project’s appearance in a cosmetic way, but by reconsidering the essentials requirements of space. By responding to the city, extracting and interpreting the four fundamental elements of everyday life, focusing on the communicative potentials of the architecture as landmark and advertisement, balancing between entrance and central courtyard and setting eyes on structures and detailing, we managed to persist on our study of the fundamentals and carry them out in the final project.
▼项目以及专访视频,project and interview video©DCD 设计营递、矶崎新+胡倩上海工作室
用地面积:8.3 万平方米
建筑面积:23.2 万平方米
视频拍摄剪辑:DCD 设计营递
采访撰稿:DCD 设计营递
Project type: Corporate Headquarters
Location: Shanghai, China
Design Institute: Isozaki + HuQian Partners
Leading Architects: Qian HU, Kuniaki TAKAHASHI
Project Manager: Edward Wang
Design and Construction Period: 2015-2020
Site Area: 83,000 sqm
Floor Area: 232,000 sqm
Construction Documents Design: Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design (Group)Co.,Ltd
Structure Consultant (Design Phase): Arup
Lighting Consultant: Lightlinks
Contractor: Nantong Si Jian Group Co.,Ltd.
Facade Consultant: CIMA Project Consultancy Co. Ltd., Shanghai
Photographer: Qingshan WU
Video and Editing: Duni-DCD
Interview and Writing: Duni-DCD
Translated by: Chengzhe ZHU
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