

Aedas has recently completed the iconic 339-metres Hengqin International Financial Centre tower, which stands at the estuary of the Pearl River and overlooking Macau just across the waters. The spirally rising volume invokes the Chinese myth of flood dragons emerging from the sea – a perfect metaphor for the strength and power of the region.
▼项目概览,Overall view © CreatAR Images
▼犹如蛟龙出海拔地而起,the tower spirally rising as emerging dragons © CreatAR Images
▼项目所在地,project location © Aedas
The project is located in Zhuhai’s Hengqin Island, a future financial district connecting Hong Kong, Macao and other major cities in the Greater Bay Area. The city, surrounded by the sea and mountainous terrain and positioned at the heart of this world-class city cluster, is thriving to become a driving force of growth highlighted in China’s latest national development strategies.
▼位于珠海与澳门之间十字形贯通水域的中心点,standing along the water boundary between Zhuhai and Macau © Terrence Zhang
▼盘旋升腾间俯视整片水域,overlooking the waters of Pearl River Estuary © CreatAR Images
“我们想要在这个蕴藏巨大能量的地块,打造一栋特别的建筑,来象征金融新区的新生,代表兴旺发展的横琴,甚至传递出新时代的中国力量。” Aedas全球设计董事Dr. Andy Wen(温子先博士)如是说。项目集甲级办公、会议展览、商务公寓和商业零售等功能于一体。设计将商业零售和会议中心在便于出入的裙房,甲级办公空间放于中低层,商务公寓置于静谧的高层。
▼项目业态分布,program layout © Aedas
“The site possesses powerful momentum for future developments. So we imagined this unique building to express the quality of speed, growth and vitality. It resembles prosperity of the new district and rise of the country,” explains Dr Andy Wen, Aedas Global Design Principal. The development comprises mixed programs including Grade-A office, conference and exhibition amenities, commercial apartments and retail space. Conventional and retail spaces are placed in the podium to allow for easy access. Offices are up to the middle of the tower while the apartments are set on top, enjoying the tranquil and scenic sea views.
▼象征金融新区的新生,symbolize the new born of the financial new district © Terrence Zhang
▼从中国古典绘画经典南宋陈容《九龙图》中汲取建筑体量灵感 The design is inspired by “The Nine Dragons”, a famous stroll of Chinese painting from the Song Dynasty
▼手绘稿及建筑形体演变,sketches and design evolvement © Aedas
Inspired by “The Nine Dragons”, a famous stroll of Chinese painting from the Song Dynasty, the design embodies the convergence of energy in the architectural form. The traditional totem of the dragon emerging from the sea symbolises new life breaking through the barriers and ceaselessly flourishing into an imposing power. It’s transformed into the elegant curves and powerful twists of the tower, complementing the undulating surface of the waters around it. With four vertical blocks shooting up to the sky and merging into the building, the tower itself also becomes a symbol of talents and resources congregating at Hengqin to create a new metropolis in the Greater Bay Area.
▼简洁有力的塔楼线条展现破水而出的大气磅礴,Simple yet powerful building silhouette © Terrence Zhang
▼蜿蜒灵动的裙楼线条,elegant curves around the podium © Terrence Zhang
The subtropical climate of Zhuhai imposes higher requirements on the tower’s wind load to withstand the strong winds during typhoon seasons. The design team meticulously adjusted the building’s orientation and entrance to reduce wind drag and improve pedestrians’ experience. The fluid elevations are clad in glass and metal panels, pouring down to form a huge curtain swept aside and twisted in the cosmic wind ending in a flurry of horizontally creased envelop surrounding a tall exhibition space and a unique canopy over the entrance. A smooth transition between the super high-rise and the low rise podium is achieved by pulling and twisting the vertical elements around the central axis, turning the tower walls into the podium roof.
▼线条灵动优雅的裙楼,podium marked by elegant lines © Terrence Zhang
▼极具识别性的入口雨棚,the unique canopy over the entrance © Terrence Zhang
▼裙楼的屋顶延展升腾为塔楼外墙 © Terrence Zhang the vertical elements around the central axis was pulled and twisted, turning the tower walls into the podium roof
▼通过数字化工具,运用参数化技术合理化设计,parametric techniques applied to rationalize the design © Aedas
“Architecture is not just an artistic expression. It should also be buildable solutions.” Parametric techniques were applied to design the details of the curvy curtain wall. With rigorous calculations, the curtain wall is divided into smaller, standardised units in a limited numbers of dimensional types. The glass panel units, mostly flat, are installed by sections and with gradually shifting angles to form the three-dimensional curve. The design team is thus able to realise the design with highest precision and minimised construction cost.
▼完美呈现3D曲线,perfectly realised three-dimensional curve © Terrence Zhang
▼首层平面,L1 Floor Plan © Aedas
▼西北、东北、东南、西南立面,Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest Elevation © Aedas
▼剖面图,Section © Aedas
项目:横琴国际金融中心 位置:中国珠海 服务范围:设计及项目建筑师 业主:珠海华发城市运营投资控股有限公司(珠海十字门中央商务区建设控股有限公司) 建筑面积:218,955平方米(地上:138,158平方米;地下:80,797平方米) 竣工年份:2020年 建筑设计:Keith Griffiths(纪达夫),主席及全球设计董事;Dr. Andy Wen(温子先博士),全球设计董事;林世杰(Ed Lam),执行董事
Project: Hengqin International Financial Center Location: Zhuhai, China Architect: Aedas Client: Zhuhai Shizimen Central Business District Development Holdings Co., Ltd Gross Floor Area: 218,955 sq m (above ground: 138,158 sq m; below ground: 80,797 sq m) Completion Year: 2020 Design Directors: Global Design Principal Dr Andy Wen, Chairman and Global Design Principal Keith Griffiths, and Executive Director Ed Lam