

项目坐落于奥斯坦德海滩,由著名城市艺术事务所SpY设计,并在“水晶船之夜”灯光节中大放异彩。“Barrier” 灯光装置由5个大功率激光器组成,向海滩上空发出长达1.5公里的独特红色光束。这些光束以抽象的形式定义出奥斯坦德海岸线,幻化成为海滩与天空的水平分界线。
The “Barrier” is made with 5 high-powered lasers that create a unique 1.5 km red light that crosses Ostend beach for “THE CRISTAL SHIP BY NIGHT” light festival. It is a conceptual line that defines the coast of Ostend and divides the beach and the sky horizontally into 2.
▼装置概览,overall of the project © RubenP Bescos
▼光束以抽象的形式定义出奥斯坦德海岸线,conceptual line that defines the coast of Ostend © RubenP Bescos
▼长达1.5公里的独特红色光束,unique 1.5 km red light © RubenP Bescos
This red light beam paints a spatial and conceptual division that proposes a reflection on the limits and barriers that exist in our society, in our minds and at our borders. Social and intellectual polarisation is ever more present in our society and requires joint reflection that leads us to a common cause.
▼光束幻化成为海滩与天空的水平分界线,This red light beam divides the beach and the sky horizontally into 2 © RubenP Bescos
▼装置暗喻存在于社会、思想以及个人边界上的限制和障碍,proposes a reflection on the limits and barriers that exist in our society, in our minds and at our borders © RubenP Bescos
In this occasion, SpY has envisioned the installation of a Barrier is made with 5 high-powered lasers that create a unique 1.5 km red light. Given the simplicity and visual power of the project, citizens and visitors are immediately surprised by the decontex-tualization of the place that suggests a spatial and conceptual division of the beach and the sky horizontally into 2.
▼光束由海边的建筑物中发出,Beams of light emanate from buildings on the coast © RubenP Bescos
▼光束照在周边建筑物上的效果,The effect of a beam of light on the surrounding buildings © RubenP Bescos
▼高功率激光器, high-powered lasers © RubenP Bescos