

Located in Gubei, Shanghai, base YUPING is situated in residential pocket just outside the inner ring road. The original building was a five-story nondescript office building. MASS considered the surrounding environment and materials and transformed it into a serviced apartment complex with a modern identity, materiality and function that drew inspiration from the surrounding contextual narratives.
MASS completely remodeled the façade, interior spaces and outdoor courtyard, added a swimming pool, and programed a 400 square meter retail area on the first floor for new innovative tenant-mixes to service the building’s tenants and local community.
▼base玉屏南路外观,base YUPING exterior view ©田方方
The entrance to the apartment building is placed within the courtyard, providing both privacy coupled with a sense of arrival. The building integrates into the surrounding community through its simple refined form and material presence.
▼位于后方庭院的公寓租户入口,entrance to the apartment ©田方方
The lobby functions as a living room with a café/reception, library, and direct access to the courtyard and swimming pool providing opportunity for casual interaction between tenants. The grey brick paving, another vernacular Shanghai material, continues into the lobby blurring the boundary between the inside and outside.
▼大堂区,lobby ©田方方
The apartment entrances are set back from the corridor, creating a moment to decompress and transition into the inner private spaces.
▼公寓走廊,apartment corridor ©田方方
MASS 置入 “木盒” ; “盒内” 是卧室与衣橱空间, “盒外” 则为起居室。以小步阶上下内外,即可不设墙体而隐性分割空间。增加空间的层次感。室内采用了白色水磨石地面与白色橱柜搭配,营造明亮简约的空间氛围。
In the studio apartment typology, MASS designed a ‘wooden box’ to serve as both the bedroom and wardrobe. The steps leading to this ‘box’ act as an additional lounge and serve to delineate the different zones within the small space. White terrazzo flooring and white cabinets create a refined simplicity and bright atmosphere inviting natural light in.
▼公寓室内空间,apartment interior view ©田方方
电视柜与餐桌功能兼具的水磨石吧台,是与三两好友小酌一杯的空间。MASS 将不足30平米的空间排布得井然有序,任何一种生活状态都能自然且自由的切换。
A terrazzo counter is designed as both a TV and dining table providing multi-functionality in the small space.
▼室内细节,interior detailed view ©田方方
外立面为水洗石,灰泥与瓷砖组合;水洗石是老上海建筑中常用的材料,自然并且有着独特的肌理。MASS 借此连接记忆中的上海,演绎 “过去” 与 “现在” 的对话。
This is the first base façade to combine pebble-dash, stucco and tile, resulting in a tactile narrative referencing the context of the building. The pebble-dash is a deliberate call to the memory of the city of Shanghai, where during the 1920’s this material was often used on facades in the Former French Concession. MASS revives the pebble-dash in base YUPING, creating a dialogue between Shanghai’s past and present.
▼建筑立面,facade view ©田方方
▼base玉屏南路夜景,base YUPING night view ©田方方
▼正面轴测图,axon – front ©MASS DESIGN OFFICE
▼背面轴测图,axon – back ©MASS DESIGN OFFICE
▼公寓平面,apartment plan
▼公寓剖面,apartment section