

项目位于以色列特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)商业中心,是Roy David Architecture事务所为高科技公司Natrual Intelligence设计的全新总部办公室。项目建筑面积高达10,000平方米,占据了新托哈大厦(new ToHa Tower)整整三个楼层空间。作为概念营销领域的全球领导者之一,Natrual Intelligence致力于通过网站数据对比,为全球领先品牌吸引高价值的客户,从而推动全球性流行产品,并提供为消费者量身定做的广告创意。
The 10,000 square meter office occupies three entire floors of the new ToHa Tower in the heart of Tel Aviv’s business centre. c was commissioned to design the offices of the high-tech company Natrual Intelligence, a global leader in intent marketing, operating comparison websites that drive high value customer acquisition for leading brands. They specialize in pushing forward global and popular products, while the advertising is tailormade for the consumer.
▼接待前台,reception hall © Roy David Architecture
▼定制的网格式天花板成为空间中的焦点,The custom 3d grid ceiling becomes the focal point of the space © Roy David Architecture
项目的设计灵感来自于Natrual Intelligence的品牌理念,旨在打造既流行又富有吸引力,同时还是为客户量身定做的办公空间。为了更好地达到目标,Roy David Architecture事务所将目光投向了音乐领域,尤其是与这一理念异曲同工的独立流行音乐。独立流行音乐是基于流行乐而衍生的音乐类型,旨在吸引尽可能多的人,同时它也是基于独立厂牌的音乐,因此独立流行音乐并不一味迎合大众,而是针对较小的目标群体。与接待大厅相连的是主自助餐厅,可容纳所有员工,用于举办大型聚会活动。此外,每个楼层末端还设有一个中等规模的开放时厨房空间,以供员工自由使用。
This idea, of something that is both popular and has mass appeal, but at the same time is tailormade, was the inspiration for this project. The concept led our team to look toward the world of music, specifically at the indie pop genre that holds the same inherit properties. Indie pop is based on the popular genre designed to attract as many people as possible, but since it is based in independent labels, it does not cater to the masses, rather to smaller targeted groups. Adjacent to the main reception is the main cafeteria designed to house all employees and large events, while at the end of each floor is another medium sized kitchen.
▼可容纳所有员工的公共餐厅,public dining room for all employees © Roy David Architecture
▼餐厅墙体饰面与家具由不同材质拼接而成,The wall finishes and furniture in the dining room are made of different materials © Roy David Architecture
室内主色调,空间总体氛围以及设计师想表达的态度灵感均来自独立流行音乐文化,比如乐队专辑封面等。这些想法通过材料、照明、图形、定制木工以及艺术涂鸦转化为设计语言。设计的依据还包括托哈大厦(ToHa Tower)锯齿状且非线性的建筑轮廓。不同材料在空间中拼接方式,边缘锋利陡峭的定制家具,无一不强调出建筑的几何风格。此外,建筑的特点还激发了一种全新的解构主义,不管是从天花板,地板还是家具物品上都能看出,不同的材料被分解后又以不同的方式重新组合在一起布满整个室内空间。
The color palette, the general mood and attitude of the space were derived from the feel of the indie pop music, album covers and general culture. These ideas were translated into a design language via materiality, lighting, graphics, custom carpentry and art. The bases for the project plan itself is in the context of the ToHa Tower, which is jagged and nonlinear. Accentuation of the geometry can be seen in the way different materials meet in the space, as well as in furniture items that follow abrupt angles. Furthermore, the characteristics of the building inspired an approach of deconstructivism, reflected in ceilings, floors and objects that are broken down and put together in different ways throughout the space.
▼每层末端的开放式厨房,open kitchen at the end of each floor © Roy David Architecture
An extremely prominent aspect of this project is the collaboration with five separate artists curated by the artist Ohad Benit. The artwork thought the space is of brilliant colors and different textures, including hand- made knitted objects, video are, 3d installations and graphics on the glass modular partitions. Each artist was given a domain, ensuring the variety in the different areas. All these elements together create an exceptional experience one does not usually encounter in an office space.
▼整个室内空间中布满色彩明亮,纹理丰富的艺术作品,artwork thought the space is of brilliant colors and different textures © Roy David Architecture
▼公共休闲区细部,detail of the public leisure area © Roy David Architecture
▼艺术彩绘墙面,Art painted walls © Roy David Architecture
▼由公共休闲区域看工作区,viewing the working area by the public leisure area© Roy David Architecture
项目中一项重要的挑战,即为,转变Natrual Intelligence公司过去独立私密的办公模式,使包括总裁以及高管办公室在内的办公区形成一个开放的大空间。因此,半开放式空间成为项目中的首选,通过设计并定制办公长桌,工作区与走廊之间形成明显的边界,既保证空间的开放又保护了员工的隐私。开放式的办公空间沿幕墙排布,在最大程度上为员工们提供了自然采光与景观视野。办公长桌的末端设有一个高储物柜,桌面上,每个工位之间都设有分隔隔板。
The primary challenge was moving the entire company from private rooms to an open space constellation, including the CEO and executives. The solution was to create semi-open spaces, with clear boundaries between the workstations and the corridors that would insure the employee’s privacy. This was achieved via the design of a custom-made workstation bench that included a tall storage cabinet at its end, as well as lower partitions between each individual workstation. The open space workstations are located along the curtain wall, to allow employees to take in as much natural light and view as possible.
▼工作区沿立面幕墙排布,aerial view of the project © Roy David Architecture
▼办公长桌的末端设有一个高储物柜,每个工位之间都设有分隔隔板,custom-made workstation bench that included a tall storage cabinet at its end, as well as lower partitions between each individual workstation © Roy David Architecture
▼由休闲区看工作区与会议室,viewing the the working area and meeting room from the leisure area © Roy David Architecture
Private meeting rooms were planned for each executive in addition to his or her open space workstation in order to allow confidentiality and convenience. Separating the open spaces along the curtain wall, are the executive meeting rooms. Along the buildings core, across the open space, are the general meeting rooms, phone booths etc. Incorporated throughout the space are informal gathering areas, kitchenettes, diners and multifunctional seating elements.
The enclosed rooms in the project are bound by glass modular partitions. The partitions are painted four carefully picked out colours, each partition divided into four parts – the lowest module completely opaque, the second semi-opaque, and the last two completely transparent. Another focal point of the project are the carefully detailed design carpentry items throughout the project. Starting at the workstations, through the different types of kitchens, to the multifunctional seating areas consisting of wooded tribunes, diners, booths and sofas.
▼封闭房间由模块化的玻璃隔断围合而成,外部形成多功能的座位区,enclosed rooms in the project are bound by glass modular partitions and form a multifunctional seating area © Roy David Architecture
▼隔断配有4种不同的模块类型,each partition divided into four parts © Roy David Architecture
▼不同类型公共会议室室内概览,overview of different types of public conference rooms © Roy David Architecture
▼不同类型私人会议室室内概览,overview of different types of private meeting rooms © Roy David Architecture
Different floors and ceilings were assigned to each type of room, the floors consisting of either carpet tiles, parquet or colourful painted ceramic tiles. Ceilings are primarily costume made and designed by the RDA team. The different custom-made ceilings are one of the focal points of the project, for example a 3D grid that incorporates integral light fixtures and hanging geometric metal planters, or a ceiling type that is assembled from three materials, join by lighting strips, that take on different shapes in each appearance.
▼多媒体式的艺术作品, multimedia work of art © Roy David Architecture
▼天花板细部,details of the ceiling © Roy David Architecture
▼家具细部,details of the furniture © Roy David Architecture