

Nestled in the southeast of China, Guizhou enjoys beautiful scenery and unique Karst landform which not only symbolizes the long history of the planet but also shows a kind of unreality that transcends time and space. Perhaps it belongs to the future, a future with divided continents, floating islands and strolling oases.
现实:贵阳龙湖天曜坐落贵阳市观山湖区,地处城市主干道旁,交通网络成熟,文化教育资源及生活配套丰富。项目自持 6 万方购物中心,场馆内包含贵阳首个 3000㎡电竞馆,因此项目以“电竞”为出发点,勾勒对未来生活场景的构想。
Reality:Located in Guanshanhu District of Guiyang City, Longfor Origin is nearby an urban road, enjoying a fully-fledged fabulous transport network, rich educational resources and complete living facilities. The development boasts a 60,000 m2 shopping center which houses the first 3,000㎡ E-sports Club of Guiyang City. Therefore, with the theme of “E-sports”, the designers outline the scenes of future life.
▼平面推演过程,Planing evolution process © 犁墨景观
Virtual: What is the future like? Will it be a space full of conflicts between the real and virtual worlds? Will it be a world filled with sound, light and electricity and lack of green? Utopia and anti-utopia? Will it be the end of the world or its rebirth? Will there be shackles or freedom? Most of the science fiction films tend to present the future world from a pessimistic perspective, which lack the description of future life. Thus acting against the eschatology, we hope to create an oasis for peaceful life.
Floating: Green island float in the sky, going against the law of nature and bringing new feelings and strong self consciousness.
Particle: The basic law of physics is similar to psychology which focuses on the emotions of human. What make up us are the numerous long-existing particles. Our body may disappear one day, but the consciousness will not.
Plants: In a new environment, ancient plants will gradually come back to life, making everywhere green all year round. Buildings and humans are no longer the dominant powers of the city; on the contrary, plants will last longer than any ideology.
Interface: Designed in semi-open style, a floating green island is created with a sculptural language, which transcends the modern visual experience and display a sense of the future; the open and attractive urban interface shows its public commercial function in the future.
▼项目航拍顶视图,aerial top view of the project© Holi 河狸景观摄影
Oasis: Plants and metal, ancient and modern, virtual and reality, deconstruction and reconstruction, spiritual wander and time travel, game world and real life…… we prefer ideological expression.
▼项目概览,overall of the project© Holi 河狸景观摄影
Floating Island: The huge white island looks like an aircraft from the future world, presenting the lifestyle of the future people. Green sedum lineare covers the top of the “aircraft”, from which life begins to spread on the whole island.
▼巨大的白色岛屿好似某种未来世界的大型飞行器,The huge white island looks like an aircraft from the future world © Holi 河狸景观摄影
We design the island as a sculpture and display it to the outside world. At the same time, it separates the square from the garden, blurring the boundary and making the whole space open and integrated.
▼雕塑语言构建起漂浮绿岛与建筑相得益彰,floating green island is created with a sculptural language complete the architecture© Holi 河狸景观摄影
▼浮岛作为雕塑装置分割广场和花园空间,the island as a sculpture separates the square from the garden© Holi 河狸景观摄影
Wander: With flowing lines, partly overlapped flower beds, undulating landform, simple green, changing light and shadows, wander thus begins in the elegant garden. Curved flower beds serve as a distinct urban interface; undulating curved lines attract people’s attention, making the entrance space more dynamic.
▼起伏的律动曲线极易吸纳视线,undulating curved lines attract people’s attention © Holi 河狸景观摄影
Curved flower beds serve as a distinct urban interface; undulating curved lines attract people’s attention, making the entrance space more dynamic.
▼流淌的线形,交叠的花池,With flowing lines, partly overlapped flower beds © Holi 河狸景观摄影
Particle fragment: The world brightens up because of the reflective function of the particles. Therefore, we try to encourage visitors to think about their relationship with the world using particle fragments, thus maximizing the emotions hidden under the cold metal. Particles scatter and gather together in the space, creating different feelings that only belong to the oasis. Here, light, water, green plants and white walls dialogue with the universe as well as with humans.
▼粒子碎片,Particle fragment © 犁墨景观
▼金属镜面马赛克,是对现代社会碎片化的隐喻,Metal mirror mosaic is also a metaphor of today’s fragmented society© Holi 河狸景观摄影
The form of fragment is inspired by the mosaic in old electronic games, which is also a metaphor of today’s fragmented society. Metal mirror material is selected to express the idea of particle: particles make up everything, while mirror reflects everything. At the same time, the cold sci-tech texture forms a sharp contrast with the surrounding flowers and grass. The figure pieced together by fragments dialogues with visitors, telling the stories about the space.
碎片拼凑的人体形态,The figure pieced together by fragments dialogues with visitors © Holi 河狸景观摄影
▼冰冷质感与四周花草丛生形成鲜明的对比,the cold sci-tech texture forms a sharp contrast with the surrounding flowers and grass © Holi 河狸景观摄影
Future Garden: The terrace garden continues the flowing lines, connecting the past and the future in the changing light and shadows. Soft tree fern, miniature tree fern and tuber fern, which are living fossils witnessing the changes of the world, bloom in the future garden. While the Spinulose tree fern, hoenix roebelenii, Strelitzia reginae Aiton and bromeliad bring the garden a futuristic touch. In this fantastic garden, people will have a time travel to experience both the past and the future.
未来花园,Future Garden © Holi 河狸景观摄影
▼具有科幻感的小品与植物,plants and the small installation with a futuristic touch© Holi 河狸景观摄影
丰富的热带与远古植物,Rich in tropical and ancient plants© Holi 河狸景观摄影
“一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特”对于电子竞技 X 生活场景的构想,不同的解题思路会呈现完全不一样的结果。当下呈现的答案仅仅是我们想传达的对于未来生活的思考和理解。
"there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes." The ideas about E-sports vary from people to people, which lead to different results. The design is just a presentation of our thought and understanding about future life.
▼金属马赛克细部,detail of the metal mirror mosaic© Holi 河狸景观摄影
▼花池细部,details of the planters© Holi 河狸景观摄影
▼项目生成轴测分析图,axonometric diagram© 犁墨景观