知末案例   /   建筑   /   办公建筑   /   Gendai Sekkei co., ltd.


2020/12/09 17:44:48
It is an office building for “Holdings”, which is controlled by a logistics company based in the city of Mitaka, west of Tokyo. The site facing the metropolitan highway runs north to south, and after being divided in consideration of its actual use in the future, it will be phased out and the apartments will be expanded in stages according to the first phase plan.
▼项目概览, overall view of the project © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
▼由街道看项目, viewing the project from the street © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
控股是指通过持有某一或多个公司一定数量的股份,从而掌握其管理及营运权的复杂体系。因此,作为公司的颜面,Gendai Sekkei co., ltd.事务所为MH办公楼采用了多元化而不是单一的建筑形式。本项目致力于通过建筑彰显出物流和运输行业公司的严谨与专业的工作态度。
Holdings is a system that spans a variety of companies, so the architecture, which is the face of the company, is expected to be not uniform but multifaceted. At the time of planning, we thought a building that embodied the certainty of work and the rigorous rules of a company originating in the logistics and transportation industries would be appropriate.
▼分析图,analyze diagram © Gendai Sekkei co., ltd.
Due to the nature of the building, it is not advisable to bury it in the environment, but it is not desirable for its existence to be too prominent. Therefore, in order to satisfy such conditions as privacy and openness, consideration for noise and vibrations, avoid the inaccessible environment of the outside and make the building intimate, each of the four turns of the building has different characters.
▼项目北立面,north facade © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
▼东立面,east facade © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
On the north side, which is highly visible from the outside, the openings and walls are repeated regularly, and on the east side, the openings and walls are repeated with different spans in anticipation of a long elevation plan at the time of expansion. In both cases, the folded plate-shaped outer wall is brought into the interior as is. On the south and west sides, planters and sliding windows will appear depending on the adjacent houses and apartments.
▼立面细部, detail of the facade © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
Based on the requirement to install solar power generation equipment on 3 floors plus ceiling with absolute height restrictions, we kept the floor height as low as possible and pushed equipment and wiring pipes, which tend to be dark, to the ceiling. The ceiling height of each floor was set to be slightly low at 2,300mm. However, the full-height windows, which are alternately arranged with the folded-plate-shaped walls, allow the line of sight to pass in a vertical direction, and the interior has moderate privacy and a large expanse without feeling low or cramped.
▼室内概览,overall view of the interior© Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
▼通高的玻璃窗与折板外墙在视觉上扩大了空间 © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch] Full-height glazing and folded-plate-shaped facades enlarge the space visually
▼室内细部,detail of interior © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
▼可滑动的推拉门分隔室内空间,Sliding doors separate the interior Spaces© Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
Gendai Sekkei co., ltd.事务所力图运用简洁而有力的建筑语言,打造一个经得起时间考验的办公楼。当摆放完家具后,MH办公楼又将呈现出一个全新的景象。项目旨在通过建筑提升该公司在当地的归属感,成为员工共同的家。
With a simple but powerful stance, the appearance of the architecture changed a lot with the installation of furniture, our goal being to build a building that could stand the test of time as the home of a company that is deeply rooted in the region.
▼外廊与内廊细部, details of the hallway © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
▼楼梯间细部,details of the staircase © Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
▼平面图,plan © Gendai Sekkei co., ltd.
▼剖面图,section © Gendai Sekkei co., ltd.
Name: MH office City: Mitaka, Tokyo Country: Japan Architect: Seiki Murashige / Gendai Sekkei co., ltd. Year: 2020 Area: 250.59m2 Photography: Joaquín Mosquera [idearch]
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