知末案例   /   医疗空间   /   医院   /   Ryder Architecture


2020/11/23 12:30:34
The hospital presents a strong and unique presence responding to the characteristics and the vernacular of the region, creating a welcoming environment and a distinct sense of place. The design has been considered holistically, developing the form and massing as a direct expression of the function of the facilities while integrating these into a whole campus development.
▼项目整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © Paul McMullin
The three primary elements of the campus; the diagnostic and treatment bar, the inpatient pavilions and the women’s and children’s hospital are individually expressed to create a vibrant but ordered composition. The architecture of the diagnostic and treatment bar reflects its position as the primary component of the hospital, serving both the inpatient accommodation and the women’s and children’s hospital. The diagnostic and treatment bar contains the most critical and highly serviced elements of the hospital including emergency care, main theatres and critical care, outpatients and ambulatory care, imaging, facilities management, mortuary, and pathology.
▼平面功能分析图,function analysis diagram ©Ryder Architecture
▼模型,model ©Ryder Architecture
This element forms a strong backbone to the campus when viewed on arrival, with the women’s and children’s hospital acting as a softer foil, and as a backdrop to the inpatient pavilions when viewed from the south western aspect. The roofscape is developed as a series of irregular pitches enclosing roof level plant installations, emphasising entrance positions and providing a striking silhouette against the hills and skyline. The wooded landscape extends from the southwest into the north east of the campus and forms a natural setting for the women’s and children’s hospital. It generates a softness to the arrival environment and forms a protective buffer between the hospital and the vehicular areas.
▼入口,诊疗区成为园区的强大骨干,entrance, diagnostic area forming a strong backbone of the campus © Paul McMullin
▼南侧外观,诊疗区成为住院部的背景幕,external view from the southern side, diagnostic area becoming a backdrop for the inpatient pavilions © Paul McMullin
The form of the hospital responds to the extension of the landscape with a softer, curvilinear form to provide a counterpoint to the linear diagnostic and treatment bar. This wooded landscape gives depth and texture to the south west aspect of the campus. Inpatient accommodation is arranged as a series of pavilions extending into the woodland.  The pavilions are conceived as an organic grouping of buildings, with a loose configuration which allows glimpses through to the hills beyond.  The spaces between the blocks also permit a network of contrasting informal pedestrian routes connecting the inside world with the outside world.
▼体块分析,volume analysis ©Ryder Architecture
▼住院部景观,可以看见远处的山丘,landscape of the inpatient pavilion with view to the distanced hills © Paul McMullin
The high quality palette of materials, featuring reconstituted stone panels, are designed to provide a richness of texture across the three principal components of the hospital and convey the qualities of longevity, solidity and timelessness in a modern and contemporary vernacular. The horizontal form of the pavilions is countered by the subdivision of the long elevation, the vertical arrangement of window openings and the inset abstract representation of a birch glade in the reconstituted panels, inspired by the woodland campus concept.
▼住院部建筑立面,building facade of the inpatient pavilion © Paul McMullin
The diagnostic and treatment bar is a honey coloured stone similar to the Glasgow Blonde stone that is familiar across the west coast of Scotland. This colour provides a back drop to the lighter treatment of the inpatient pavilions and the hospital which feature a white reconstituted stone which is very similar to the indigenous Galloway White granite. The material choice reflects the concept of a sense of place, firmly grounding the new hospital in its local environment and providing a quality and robustness of material appropriate for a major public building.
▼诊疗区立面,building facade of the diagnostic area © Paul McMullin
Our principal circulation routes have been segregated by floor to minimise shared and crossflows; the primary public and visitor movement occurring at ground floor level, clinical movements at first floor level and FM movements at the lower ground floor. Circulation routes include rest opportunities for elderly users and areas that promote interaction between disciplines within the hospital. We have considered how departments may change and, through a change legacy, suggested how expansion can be achieved in key areas without compromise to circulation routes, clinical efficiency and travel distances.
▼大厅,lobby © Paul McMullin
▼流动的路线中提供休息区,rest area in the circulation route ©Dumfries and Galloway photos
▼等候区,waiting area © Paul McMullin
▼玻璃立面带来优美景观,glass facade bringing in beautiful scenery © Paul McMullin
▼不同楼层中的连廊,bridges on different floors © Paul McMullin
The interior design has been developed within a hierarchy of spaces – public, semi private and private. The interior design strategy provides a cohesive framework to encompass all aspects of the interior environment from the uplifting and civic spaces of the main entrance through to the detail specification of robust door protection. We have created a vibrant composition set within a stimulating series of spaces and gardens which results in a therapeutic environment for patients and visitors alike. We have developed a design which ensures the co location of like uses to promote an integrated service, to increase efficiency and to improve communication across departments. Circulation routes have been designed to effectively segregate flows, reduce travel distances and provide intuitive wayfinding.
▼护士站,nurse station © Paul McMullin
▼病房区,wards area © Paul McMullin
▼夜景,night view © Paul McMullin
▼总平面图,site plan ©Ryder Architecture
▼纵剖面图,longitudinal section ©Ryder Architecture
▼病房栋剖轴测图,axonometric section of the inpatient pavilion ©Ryder Architecture
客户:NHS Dumfries and Galloway
奖项: 苏格兰规划质量奖 2018年苏格兰医疗设施奖 2018年建设更好的医疗设施奖 AJ 建筑奖——入围 2018年MIPIM(国际房地产投资展览会)——入围 2018年RIAS(苏格兰建筑师学会)/RIBA(皇家建筑师协会)——入围 2018年RTPI(皇家城市规划学会)——入围 2016年最佳医疗项目合作奖
Client: NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Location: Dumfries and Galloway
Complete: 2017
Area: 63,500sqm
Cost: £212m
Awards:  Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning Health Facilities Scotland 2018 Building Better Healthcare 2018 AJ Architecture – Shortlisted MIPIM 2018 – Finalist RIAS / RIBA 2018 – Shortlisted RTPI 2018 – Shortlisted Partnerships Award for Best Healthcare Project 2016
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