

The General Urban Development Plan was strictly considered and respected, resulting in an interesting reinterpretation of the city ordinance, making the closed block plan compatible with a more effective use of the site. The project accepts the distribution of the given volumes and enhances their clearness using a simple and neutral style. The use of a limited number of opening types, which are apparently distributed randomly, provides a strong abstract and neutral character to the building.
▼从街道看建筑,view from the street © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
▼东立面,east facade © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
▼北立面,north facade © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
The generous dimensions of the courtyard of the urban block asks for a project characterized by its delicate approach at the ground floor level. The transversal disposition of the car park is used to establish two clearly differentiated zones: over it, on its roof, a great paved surface with intensive use, whereas the rest of the space is solved with soft floor finishes and intensive planting of medium and big scale indigenous trees. Furthermore, the slight alterations on the horizontal plane are reinterpreted with small hills, which recreate a simple and varied interior landscape with low vegetation. The continuous and wavy soft surfaces are covered with lavender, thyme and rosemary, which require little water for maintenance, and with winding compacted earth paths.
▼独特的底层空间,unique ground floor space © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
▼庭院内部,inside the courtyard © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
▼从二层看庭院,view of the courtyard from the second floor © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
The complex includes a space for community use (for kid’s parties, meetings, etc.) located on the north block. The entryways, high and well sunlit, are inviting spaces for communal activities.
▼社区综合体,the complex © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
▼位于二层的建筑入口,the entryways high and well sunlit © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
▼室外走廊,outdoor corridor © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
▼室外露台,outdoor terrace © Angel Baltanás; María Roldán
A small apartment is not a reduced version of a bigger one. Its dimensions determine a new type of housing unit, essentially different to the conventional social housing examples. The young and homogeneous users and their also homogeneous and singular relation with the owner of the apartment (units for rent with future buying possibilities) also determines and modifies the conventional elements that are often used for the construction of this type of buildings. Thereby, the flexibility in the distribution of the different elements, using moveable panels or sliding partition walls, the minimized circulation spaces achieved by concentrating the maximum surface possible in the living-dining area and the possibility of visually linking the kitchen to the living-dining room were features present in the basis of the design. The kitchens are well ventilated, 100% of them have openings to the exterior as well as the indispensable forced ventilation mechanisms. They can be (or not) considered integrated kitchens so that their disposition allows the kitchen space to be visually connected (or not) to the living-dining room.The current apartment is also, in many occasions, a small office. The distribution of the second bedroom allows it to be also used as a small study, linked or not to the living-dining area.
▼灵活配置的室内空间,flexible interior space © Burgos & Garrido
The project looks for the maximum clarity hence the segregation of the day and night areas and the enrichment of a flexible distribution system with small intermediate spaces that link the different areas of each apartment, making the most of its typological possibilities.
▼场地平面,site plan © Burgos & Garrido
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing © Burgos & Garrido
Client: Agencia de Vivienda Social de la Comunidad de Madrid Arquitects: Francisco Burgos & Ginés Garrido / BGAA Colaborators: Agustín Martín; Pilar Recio; Raquel Marugán; Cristina Cordero; Emilio Ontiveros; Almudena Carro; Samir Alaouim Engineering: Juan Carlos Salvá; BGAA, Carma Ingenieros; Montse Vall-Llossera Dates: 2010-2015 Budget: 11.734.428€ Photogrphers: Angel Baltanás; María Roldán