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墨西哥 Downtown 酒店,殖民风格与工业时代的在地结合

2020/11/05 10:45:37
Downtown位于墨西哥城Centro Historico区,项目混合了17世纪殖民时期的壮丽和工业时代的粗犷,将本土文化融入设计理念之中,突显所在区域的特点。建筑原身为知名的Miravalle伯爵夫人府,与殖民时期的历史地标比肩坐落在这片被评为世界文化遗产的卵石街道上。
Blending colonial 17th Century grandeur with a raw industrial edge, Downtown integrates local indigenous culture into its concept while celebrating its location in the Centro Historico borough of Mexico City. Known as the “Palacio de los Condes de Miravalle” it sits comfortably next to other colonial landmarks on the cobbled streets of this Unesco World heritage site.
▼项目外观,external view of the project
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早餐庭院和Downtown的大堂设置于Miravalle伯爵夫人府的中央阳台上。这里空间独特,人们可以感受17世纪殖民风格的建筑,并且欣赏由Manuel Rodríguez Lozano绘制的名为“The Holocaust”的壁画。旅客可以从自己的房间来到这里享用早餐。
Located in the central balcony of the palace of the countess of Miravalle, is the breakfast patio and lobby of Downtown. A unique space that let you enjoy the 17th Century colonial architecture and the fresco “The Holocaust” of muralist Manuel Rodríguez Lozano. In this area guests can enjoy breakfast and access to their rooms.
▼酒店入口,连接大堂和庭院,entrance of the hotel connecting to the lobby and the patio
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▼早餐庭院,装饰有壁画,breakfast patio decorated with fresco
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The large terrace has spectacular views of the skyline of the historic center, with its churched, Torre Latinoamericana and the Casino Espalol, among others. It is the perfect place to hold events and to relax with a drink.
▼露台酒吧,roof top bar
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The pool terrace has a pool, a jacuzzi and a bar that let you enjoy the best views and the best weather.
▼泳池露台,pool terrace
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▼泳池边的休息区,resting area beside the pool
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▼客房,将殖民时期的壮丽风格与工业风结合在一起,guest room integrating the colonial grandeur with the industrial style
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墨西哥 Downtown 酒店,殖民风格与工业时代的在地结合-22
墨西哥 Downtown 酒店,殖民风格与工业时代的在地结合-23
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