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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect

2024/04/26 10:50:56
场地原本是一片布满荆棘的废墟,Dario Castellino 将其重新设计成与环境完美相融的度假胜地。
Starting from an abandoned ruin overgrown with brambles, Dario Castellino has designed a retreat house that seamlessly merges with the landscape.
Buen Retiro 住宅位于意大利库尼奥省,场地依山傍水,围绕于树林间,能够俯瞰到 Roccasparvera 的 Stura 峡谷,这座房子由库尼奥本地建筑师 Dario Castellino 设计,与自然环境和谐共处,是一座精心设计的度假胜地。地处风景如画的 Brogli 地区(当地话为“萌芽”),Buen Retiro 住宅成为场地中生机勃勃的萌芽,让古老的乡村生活重新焕发生机。该项目如同 Castellino 在库尼奥山谷拉卢普(Paraloup)和坎波费(Campofei)所做的工作一样,体现了他一直以来对改善和优化阿尔卑斯小型村落的思考。
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building©Fabio Oggero
Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-4
Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-5
▼建筑特写,Close-up of the building©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-8
Immersed in the woods and overlooking the Stura Valley in Roccasparvera, in the province of Cuneo, where the mountains gently slope towards the river, the Buen Retiro is a masterfully crafted retreat designed by the Cuneo-based architect Dario Castellino, in complete harmony with the surrounding nature. Located in the picturesque area of Broglio (in local jargon “sprout”), Buen Retiro is a virtuous sprout that revitalizes an ancient place of rural life. The project reflects Castellino’s ongoing commitment to enhancing and requalifying small alpine hamlets, like his interventions in the Cuneo valleys at Paraloup and Campofei.
▼建筑立面,Facade of the building©Fabio Oggero
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▼门廊,Porch©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-14
▼门外风景,Landscape out of the porch©Fabio Oggero
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从杂草丛生的古老石筑废墟出发,Castellino 采用碳化落叶松木和玻璃打造的有机扩建使废墟重获新生。住宅形成自然与建筑之间的过渡空间,这里丛林、材质、建筑元素和韵律都完美相融。
Starting from an ancient stone ruin enveloped by wild nature and brambles, Castellino has brought to life a modern and organic expansion in burnt larch wood and glass. It forms a spatial continuum between nature and architecture, where the forest, the materials used, architectural elements, and rhythm are in perfect harmony.
▼建筑夜景,Night view©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-21
▼通透的扩建,Transparent expansion©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-24
这座用石头和石灰建成的小型简陋农舍,上下层各有房间,在形式和材质上都得到了精心保留。建筑师采用 Stura 山谷回收的木材,以保留其本土特性,有针对性地对房屋进行加固,并重建了屋顶。扩建部分通过内部木质楼梯与原有结构相连,该楼梯位于重建且独立的原有老门廊内。现代化扩建与石材体量完美相融,形成一体性与视觉联系性。新的体量与原结构缓缓相融,以水平形式和较低的高度形成清晰的区分,并巧妙地与长条形金属屋檐融为一体。
▼雪景,Snowy view©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-28
Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-29
The small and humble stone and lime agricultural structure, with a room on the upper floor and one on the lower floor, has been wisely preserved in form and materials. Targeted interventions for consolidation and roof reconstruction, using reclaimed wood from the Stura valley, have contributed to maintaining its authenticity. The connection to the pre-existing structure is made through an internal wooden staircase, located in the reconstructed and isolated old portico. The modern extension harmonizes with the stone building, respecting its integrity and visual unity. The new volume integrates gently, clearly revealing its nature as an expansion through horizontal forms and reduced height, fitting delicately beneath the long sheet metal roof.
▼雪景特写,Close-up while snowy©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-33
新建的体量以其精确纤细的木柱支撑在钢筋混凝土板上。墙面铺设带有 CalceLegnoCanapa®隔层的木板,该隔层由三种结构系统组成,环保的同时具有良好的机械、抗震、防火以及绝缘性能。屋顶夹板采用隔热的木质梁板组成。南侧的特点是采用了大型玻璃窗,塑造了与室外的视觉联系,消除了室内外隔阂。深色的木框架与立面上带有隔热层的条板和内部隔断使房子与自然环境和谐共处。
▼起居室,Living room©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-37
▼优美的景色,Beautiful views©Fabio Oggero
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The expansion features a precise structure with slender wooden pillars resting on a reinforced concrete slab. The walls are made of nailed wooden boards containing CalceLegnoCanapa® insulating panels, a three-component system with low environmental impact and good mechanical, seismic, fire-resistant, and insulating properties. The roof deck is insulated and made with wooden beams and boards. The southern side is characterized by large single-glazed windows, creating a visual continuity with the outside and eliminating the distinction between interior and exterior. Harmony with the natural context is ensured by the dark coloring of the frames and strips covering the insulated portions of the facade and internal partitions.
▼房间细部,Details of the rooms©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅丨意大利丨Dario Castellino Architect-43
The careful choice of materials and colors to integrate with the surrounding environment is accompanied by a distinctive play of contrasts in the design. The smaller windows of the original building express a desire for protection, while the expansive panoramic glass conveys a sense of openness and complete immersion in the landscape. Through these generous windows, nature flows in and out of the house, creating an unparalleled connection between interior and exterior spaces.
▼精妙的采光,Subtle lighting©Fabio Oggero
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▼富有质感的材质,Textured materials©Fabio Oggero
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▼室内与外景,The interior and landscape©Fabio Oggero
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▼厨房,Kitchen©Fabio Oggero
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作为库尼奥峡谷本地木材供应链的忠实拥护者,Dario Castellino 仅使用当地的木材建造,积极促进当地产业与经济。他采用了日本 Shou Sugi Ban 工艺修复原建筑,提升其抵抗风化、防虫蛀、防水以及防火特性。该技术采用桐树油进行木材表皮碳化处理。
▼火炉,Fireplace©Fabio Oggero
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▼新旧结合,Combination of the new and the old©Fabio Oggero
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Dario Castellino, a staunch supporter of the local wood supply chain in the Cuneo valleys, exclusively used wood from the area in the new construction, positively stimulating local energies and economies. He preserved the material using the Japanese Shou Sugi Ban technique, which imparts greater resistance to weathering, parasites, water, and even fire. This technique involves a superficial carbonization process followed by the application of Tung oil.
▼卫生间,Toilet©Fabio Oggero
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▼楼梯特写,Close-up of the staircase©Fabio Oggero
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In addition, the house is completely energy self-sufficient thanks to the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof, accompanied by an energy storage system. This off-grid residence represents a concrete commitment to a zero-emission home.
▼卧室,Bedroom©Fabio Oggero
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▼卫生间,Toilet©Fabio Oggero
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▼盥洗池,The sink©Fabio Oggero
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Buen Retiro 住宅是 Klimahouse Fiera Bolzano 主办的“2024 木构建筑奖”私人建筑类的五家决赛入围建筑之一,入围理由:“这是一座优雅的玻璃亭,矗立于纤细的木材平台之上,带有通透的起居室以及与原乡村建筑搭配得当的自由平面,原建筑首层包含浴室,上层设有卧室。这件作品经过精心设计,坐落于田园牧歌似的丘陵景观之中,重新找回了现代乡村住宅的悠久传统,为业主带来独特的休闲时光。”
The Buen Retiro is among the five finalists in the Private Architecture category of the Wood Architecture Prize 2024, promoted by Klimahouse Fiera Bolzano, with the following motivation: “An elegant glass pavilion, elevated on a slender wooden platform, provides an airy living space with a free plan that complements a restored rural building housing a bathroom on the ground floor and a bedroom on the upper floor. With great sophistication, the work, nestled in the bucolic foothill landscape, rediscovers threads with the grand tradition of modern country houses, designed for the leisure of the architect-client.”
▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼一层平面图,First floor plan©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼剖面图 AA,Section AA©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼剖面图 BB,Section BB©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼南立面,South elevation ©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼北立面,North elevation ©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼东立面,East elevation©Dario Castellino Architect
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▼西立面,West elevation©Dario Castellino Architect
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