知末案例   /   家装空间   /   公寓   /   New Affiliates


2020/10/27 17:01:35
New Affiliates事务所完成了纽约Gramercy Park附近一间公寓的改造设计,面积约46.5平方米,项目旨在为住在附近的建筑师们提供交流互动的场所。因此,改造的重点在于高效的空间规划和灵活布局设计,需要在小住宅内创造出充足的生活与工作区域。改造后的公寓既是住宅又为娱乐提供了空间,可以灵活使用,迅速地从家变为沙龙,从私用变为公共。
New Affiliates has completed the redesign of a 500-square-foot pied-à-terre apartment near New York City’s Gramercy Park for a strategic advisor to emerging architects who lives bicoastally. The renovation focused on efficient space planning and flexible programming to provide ample live and work space within the confines of a small studio apartment. The apartment will serve as both a part-time residence and space for entertaining, and can convert quickly from home to salon, and from private interior to event space.
▼室内概览,overview © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
To optimize space for a range of daily uses, the designers compartmentalized the apartment into a sequence of dual-use areas: A small recess by the entry functions as an office as well as an extension of the adjacent kitchen; the bedroom also serves as a living and/or dining space. In plan, the apartment consists of two distinct zones with a bathroom in between, a footprint that imitates that of a larger-sized unit in program and feel.
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing © New Affiliates
▼入口小空间,a small recess by the entry © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
折线墙面连接了厨房–办公室和卧室–客厅–餐厅两个主要的起居空间。墙体具有多种功能,不仅内部暗藏着食品储藏室、壁橱和折叠床,还可以通过漫反射将窗户引入的自然光反射进室内。项目负责人之一Jaffer Kolb介绍说:“这面墙是公寓内关键的视觉标志,利于自然采光,同时将人引向后面的大房间。”“公寓内必要的家具,包括床、橱柜、厨房仓储等设施都可以像瑞士军刀一样收入墙中。”虽然这面折叠墙体占用了小空间中的更多面积,设计师却通过体量、光线和角度的巧妙安排塑造出空间感。此外,窗户下定制木工元素的设计也异曲同工。
▼折线墙面,the pleated white wall © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
A pleated white wall connects the two main living areas: the hybrid kitchen/office with the back bedroom/living/dining space. This element serves multiple functions. It contains pantry storage, closet space, and a Murphy bed while bouncing natural light from the single window in the apartment throughout the interior. “We designed the pleated wall as a key visual element tying the apartment together, orienting it to maximize light and to draw visitors to the larger back room,” says co-principal Jaffer Kolb. “It houses everything–the bed, closets, kitchen pantry–into a single move, like a Swiss Army knife.” While the addition of this voluminous pleated wall takes up valuable square footage in the small space, it in fact produces the feeling of space from within through a subtle play of volume, light, and perspective. A custom millwork unit below the window acts similarly.
▼折叠床可收入墙中,the wall containing a Murphy bed © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
▼墙上的壁橱,the wall containing closet spaces © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
▼充足的自然采光,plenty of natural light © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
纵览室内,设计师以不同材料和饰面平衡空间的收放感,最小的空间也让人感到宽敞。例如,浴室采用小巧的边长5厘米的正方形网格铺地,地板则均采用7.6厘米厚的白橡木木板。这些小巧细腻的材质决定了公寓的视觉比例。项目负责人之一Ivi Diamantopoulou介绍道:“我们选择与公寓规模相符的材料,通过纹理、图像和反射率的细微变化赋予公寓亲切的尺度感。”
Across the unit, the designers balance compression and openness, using the material and finishes palette to make even the smallest spaces feel generous. For example, the bathroom is clad in a small grid-like 2-inch by 2-inch square tile, and the flooring throughout is white oak in thin, 3-inch planks. These small-scale materials manipulate the apparent proportion of the apartment. “We wanted to use materials that worked with the size of the unit—playing with textures, patterns, and reflectivity to transform the feeling of scale of the space,” says co-principal Ivi Diamantopoulou.
▼厨房,kitchen © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
Additionally, the color palette made of soft neutral tones, including shades of off-white and pale green, create an open and airy atmosphere. Custom millwork with faceted and fun forms keep the project simple while also adding specific moments of character. A rabbit ear detail above the bookshelf in the office and small circles cut along the side of the kitchen cabinetry and top of the under-window cabinetry for venting create playful anchor points between the flexible living spaces.
▼书架细节,the rabbit ear detail above the bookshelf © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
▼浴室,bathroom © Michael Vahrenwald / ESTO
▼平面图(改造前),plan before transformation © New Affiliates
▼平面图(改造后),plan after transformation © New Affiliates
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