

展厅由北京过半儿设计师设计,已在北京北皋1号国际艺术地区向客户开放。过半儿的创始人Christian Taeubert表示:“我们想要展示一个非常灵活的展厅,轻松把展厅变为社交聚会的场所。”
Designed by guò bàn ér architects, the showroom has opened to customers in the Bei Gao area of Beijing. “We intended to deliver a very flexible showcase space which easily transforms into a place for social gatherings,” says Christian Taeubert, founder of guò bàn ér.
▼北京梅赛德斯-乌尼莫克展厅,Mercedes Unimog showroom in Beijing ©Boris Shiu
The showroom had to be a very flexible space by default since up to two trucks will have to be driven into the gallery. The only area which does not overlap with the trucks turning radii is a circle six meters in diameter. This remaining roundabout, covered with a radial stack of large slate plates, evokes associations of the outdoors and simulates a sense of uneven natural ground. The corresponding array of floodlights on the ceiling turn the circle into a stage-like set. The slate circle is a platform for themed events ranging from pitching a tarp and gathering around a fire bowl to presenting bushcraft skills.
▼铺设着青色大石板的圆圈引起人们对户外的联想 ©Boris Shiu the roundabout covered with a radial stack of large slate plates evokes associations of the outdoors
▼架起帆布天幕和火盆,pitching a tarp and gathering around a fire bowl ©Boris Shiu
在天花板上巧妙地放置了六个电动绞盘,这样就可以悬挂雕像艺术品或者其他物件,进一步扩大空间的灵活使用。装置艺术品出自艺术家Johannes Nielsen之手,由Imagechaser艺术咨询公司创始人Nikolaus Ellrodt负责策划,旨在打造一个美丽自然的主题。酒吧和会议区设置在夹层办公室的下方,由实心橡木墙板,家具,以及燃木壁炉组成。
Six electric winches were placed strategically across the ceiling to allow for suspended sculptures and objects to further enhance the space. Sculptures form Artist Johannes Nielsen, curated by Nikolaus Ellrodt founder of Image Chaser Art Consultancy, create a complimenting nature theme. Tucked below the mezzanine office level, a bar and meeting area features solid oak wall paneling and furniture accompanied by a wood-burning fire place.
▼电动绞盘可以悬挂雕像艺术品,six electric winches allow for suspended sculptures and objects ©Boris Shiu
▼鸟形雕塑和探照灯,the bird sculpture and floodlights ©Boris Shiu
Christian Taeubert表示:“在设计聚集区时,我们考虑到创造一个现代化版本的‘Gasthaus’触感,让顾客感到舒适是多么的简单” 结论是极简的装修,使得在油实心橡木和上蜡橡木显得更为重要。四个橡木桌子可以拼成一个大会议桌,也可以重新排列成一个八米长的餐桌,提供休闲晚宴和节日活动晚会。
“When designing the gathering area, we thought about how little it would need to create a modernized version of a ‘Gasthaus’ touch to make customers feel comfortable,” says Christian Taeubert, founder of guò bàn ér. The result is a minimal fitting out, which expands on the materiality of oiled and waxed solid oak timber. Four oak tables create a large meeting table and rearranged into an eight-meter long dining table they serve casual dinners and festivities.
▼聚集区,the gathering area ©Boris Shiu
▼家具细节,furniture detailed view ©Boris Shiu
The showroom is equipped with an automated smart building system for commercial spaces. All building functions such as operating windows, blinds, lights, and intercom are linked to a mini-server controlled remotely via a tablet or mobile phone.
▼室内细节,interior view ©Boris Shiu
The impact of COVID had a silver lining for the outdoor industry. “Everyone wants to get outside. People want to escape after months at home,” says Sun Min, founder of guò bàn ér. The power of the outdoors has led to a boom in the Chinese overland traveling community.
▼将户外活动引入家中,an outdoor life at home ©Boris Shiu
Bliss Mobil 展厅向客户显示了MAN和Mercedes房车,车后方配置生活设施,使它们成为哪里都能去的娱乐休闲车。 梅赛德斯乌尼莫克是传奇的四驱卡车。1953年,推出了第一辆三点式安全带梅赛德斯奔驰。
The Bliss Mobil Showroom offers its customers MAN and Mercedes carrier-vehicles with a rear living module, turning them into the ultimate go-anywhere recreational vehicles. Mercedes Unimog is a legendary four-wheel-drive truck. The first Unimog to feature the three-pointed Mercedes-Benz star was introduced in 1953.
▼配有生活设施的MAN运输车,MAN carrier-vehicle ©Boris Shiu
“因为预算极有限,我们不得不早点决定在展厅里不需要的东西,结果证明这是设计一个真正灵活的使用空间有效的选择过程。” 过半儿的创始人孙敏说道。
“Due to a challenging budget, we had to make early-on decisions on what we don’t want to see in the showroom which turned out to be the healthy selection process needed to deliver a space truly flexible in its use,” says Sun Min, founder of guò bàn ér.
▼细节,detailed view ©Boris Shiu
客户:北京洲际之星汽车销售服务有限公司 设计师:北京过半儿(由孙敏和Christian Taeubert创办) 现场管理:孙敏 施工方:北京金平凡装饰工程有限公司 艺术家:Johannes Nielsen (瑞典) 策划:ImageChaser艺术咨询(由亦然 和ImageChaser创办) 摄影:Boris Shiu
Client: Brix Machinery and authorized Bliss Mobil dealer (General Manager Felix Li) Designer: guò bàn ér (founded by Sun Min and Christian Taeubert) Site Management: Sun Min Contractor: 北京金平凡装饰工程有限公司 Sculptures: Johannes Nielsen, Sweden Curators: Yi Ran and Nikolas Ellrodt founders of Image Chaser Art Consultancy Photos: Boris Shiu