

La Purificadora酒店坐落于普埃布拉,场地是UNESCO认证的世界文化遗产区内最古老的地方。酒店毗邻圣弗朗西斯教堂和城市会议中心,正对购物中心,附近有雕塑花园,步行可达普埃布拉的当代艺术画廊。站在酒店三楼的屋顶露台,可饱览城市的美丽风景。
Located in the oldest part of the UNESCO´S world heritage site and next door to the church of St. Francis (“Iglesia de San Francisco”) La Purificadora hotel in Puebla is right across a shopping center, and next door to the city convention center. It also neighbors a sculpture garden and its only at walking distance from Puebla’s contemporary art gallery, and has wonderful view of the city from its 3rd-floor rooftop terrace.
▼酒店的屋顶露台可饱览城市风景,rooftop terrace offering wonderful view of the city ©Undine Pröhl
普埃布拉在墨西哥的殖民地城市中最具欧洲特色,建筑风貌体现出文艺复兴、巴洛克和本土风格。墨西哥著名建筑师Ricardo Legorreta以鲜艳的色彩,自然光线的运用和纪念性空间的营造而闻名。在La Purificadora酒店的设计中,建筑师选择以黑白为主色,这对他们来说是一个独特的挑战。酒店在黑白色调之外,还点缀了代表主教的紫色。建筑材料丰富多样,包括来自原址遗迹的石材,从圆拱天花板回收的木材,当地生产的Tecalli玛瑙以及Talavera陶瓷特制的怀旧瓷砖。
Puebla is the most European of all Mexican colonial cities with its mix of architecture in renaissance, baroque and indigenous styles. Renowned Mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta, famous for his use of bright colors, natural light and monumental spaces, undertook this project as a unique challenge and designed La Purificadora hotel in Puebla is completely monochromatic. The only colors are black and white sprinkled with ‘bishop’ purple accents. The materials used throughout the building are archeological stone (from the original construction), old wood (recycled for the vaulted ceilings), onyx (indigenous from Tecalli), and an especially fabricated -our tile (reminiscent of Talavera ceramic).
▼建筑材料丰富多样,rich and diverse building materials ©Undine Pröhl
Legorreta能够充分理解场地环境,并将墨西哥传统建筑元素融入设计中,从而设计出La Purificadora酒店令人印象深刻的大堂和楼梯。此外,灯光、开放空间、水的设计也都既体现出墨西哥文化元素,又具有简洁强烈的现代感,使酒店赢得了国内外的广泛认可。
Legorreta is well known for his extraordinary ability to understand the chosen environment and blend it with indigenous Mexican architectural traditions represented in La Purificadora by the impressive stairway that bisects the main lobby. His intense use of light, open spaces, and water, united with his consideration for Mexican culture, simplicity, and a modern sense of design are all elements that have won him extensive national and international recognition that are set in place at La Purificadora.
▼水的营造传统而现代,the design of water both traditional and modern ©Undine Pröhl
▼建筑内部保留传统元素,traditional elements inside the building ©Undine Pröhl
▼从入口进入公共空间,the entrance leading to the public spaces ©Undine Pröhl
▼酒店餐厅,hotel restaurant ©Undine Pröhl
▼夜景,night view ©Undine Pröhl
Opening date: May 2007 26 rooms: 1 TOP SUITE private terrace and jacuzzi 1 CORNER SUITE BALCONY 1 CORNER SUITE 2 BALCONY Double 1 SUPERIOR Double 10 BALCONY 10 SUPERIORS Rates: Range from 165.00 USD-405.00 USD. Distribution: 3rd Floor terrace, pool bar, spa, sauna, Jacuzzi and gym 2nd and 1st Floor rooms Ground Floor restaurant, library, business center, 3 meeting rooms, lobby. Amenities: Artisanal amenities, air conditioning, iPod dock, wireless internet, telephone Bang and Olufsen, messages center, flat TV’s screen, minibar, safe deposit box,24 hours room service and valet parking. Architecture and Interior Design: Legorreta + Legorreta Serrano Monjaráz Arquitectos Art Work: Laureana Toledo, Pool, Jonathan Hernández, Souvenirs, Antoni Muntadas, Quejas, Alexandra Mir, Che Graphic Design: Centro diseño, cine y televisión, Santiago da Silva, Priscila, Venneuville, Daniela Correa y Maru Calva