

Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine is an internationally recognized leader in veterinary education, research, diagnostics, animal care, and biomedical science. The design transforms the original complex—an ad-hoc collection of individual buildings—into a cohesive campus through strategic demolition of non-adaptable structures, renovation of existing buildings, and new construction. It signals the importance of the College and enables the school to advance research while offering innovative curriculum for training future practitioners and researchers. Through outreach that ranges from Ebola virus prevention to healthy pet clinics, and research ranging from invasive diseases to species tracking, the College works to support communities across the world by leading in research on animal health and infectious disease prevention.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Albert Večerka
项目坐落于Tower 路东端,此次扩建拓展了康奈尔大学东西方向上的校园轴线。新建的图书馆与改造的兽医研究大楼围合出重新设计的入口广场,相比于先前混合的建筑风格,现在的正门与入口则更具有统一性与标志性。该项目建筑面积为117,000平方英尺(约10870平方米),其中包括67,000平方英尺(约6224平方米)的新建面积,以及50,000平方英尺(约4645平方米)的改造面积。除增加教学空间,以及将医院与学院连接起来外,还增设了一个与原建筑群等面积的公共论坛空间。在这里,学生们可以根据课程或自主开展研究活动。
Located at the eastern terminus of Tower Road, the expansion provides an updated anchor to Cornell’s east-west campus axis. Here, a redesigned entry plaza is framed by a new Library Wing and re-clad Veterinary Research Tower providing a unified identity and front door to what was formerly a mixture of building styles and entries. The 117,000-square-foot project features a new 67,000 square foot addition and 50,000 square foot gut-renovation—adding teaching spaces, connecting the hospital to the College, and creating public forums for programmed and spontaneous activities within the same overall square-footage as the original complex.
▼学院主入口,main entrance of the project © Albert Večerka
▼入口广场左侧为图书馆,右侧为研究大楼,library is on the left side of the entrance square and the research tower is on the right © Albert Večerka
Selective demolition of underutilized and non-adaptable structures created opportunities to reconnect existing laboratories and insert a series of classrooms and lecture halls centered around a wood-lined, three story space. The most notable newly constructed space is the Gallery which creates a “town square” for the Veterinary Complex, providing opportunities for informal meetings, social gatherings, performances, and dining, while clarifying circulation and providing connections to teaching and research spaces, the medical center, and a new shared central courtyard.
▼从庭院看画廊大厅,viewing the gallery hall from the courtyard © Albert Večerka
The Gallery connects to teaching spaces that include two new wood-lined, double story tiered lecture halls which support seating for up to 160 people each and can be combined to provide an amphitheater for larger scale symposiums, lectures, and performances. Additionally, two new 60-seat flat-floor classrooms allow for multiple teaching configurations. Renovated lecture halls and laboratories, as well as new seminar rooms, a cafeteria, and administrative suites within the existing complex encircle the Gallery, providing a seamless transition between the existing and the new.
▼三层通高的画廊大厅,the gallery hall © Albert Večerka
▼画廊大厅,为校内人员提供了一个会议,社交,讲演,就餐的公共区域,Gallery which creates a “town square” for the Veterinary Complex, providing opportunities for informal meetings, social gatherings, performances, and dining © Albert Večerka
▼大面积的玻璃幕墙为画廊大厅提供了充足的自然采光,large glass curtain wall provides ample natural light to the gallery hall © Albert Večerka
▼位于二层画廊的公共休息区,public rest area of the upper gallery © Albert Večerka
▼位于北侧的图书馆,library wing on the north side © Albert Večerka
The redesign significantly increases the energy efficiency of the new spaces as well as the existing Research Tower, featuring sustainably harvested wood as well as local and recycled materials. Radiant floor heating and cooling is employed throughout the new spaces, and a new curtainwall on the existing Research Tower replaces a single-paned glass façade providing improved insulation. Surrounding the College are native plantings and an Entry Plaza featuring a bio-retention basin for more efficient storm water management. During the day and at night, the building is illuminated exclusively with LED lighting. The project achieved LEED Gold certification.
▼画廊大厅阶梯细部,detail of the steps in the gallery hall © Albert Večerka
The design expands the existing College through strategic interior renovations and bold new additions, creating a coherent internal campus that is a compelling expression of the vitality and critical relevance of veterinary medicine. This project reaffirms the College’s position as a global leader that values innovation through collaboration.
▼一层平面图,first floor © WEISS/MANFREDI
▼二层平面图,second floor © WEISS/MANFREDI
▼三层平面图,third floor © WEISS/MANFREDI