

在塞哥维亚市政府和西班牙文化协会(AC/E)的协助下,西班牙艺术家Gonzalo Borondo推出了其最新户外艺术展“INSURRECTA”(意为不确定)。在该项目中,艺术家划定了一条特殊的广告牌路线,将32件艺术作品分布在塞哥维亚中心区外围的17个可以自由出入的地点,使城市景观转化为一个大型的露天博物馆。
The artist Gonzalo Borondo presents INSURRECTA alongside the City Council of Segovia, and in collaboration with Acción Cultural Española (AC/E). The project sees the Department of Culture commemorate the 500th anniversary of the communal uprising in the city. The format chosen by the artist is a route that includes all the municipal billboards away from the tourist epicentre of Segovia; a total of 32 pieces distributed in 17 freely accessible locations that convert the urban landscape into an open-air museum.
艺术家试图通过其系列雕刻作品“Los caprichos”(异想)和“Los desastres”(灾难)来致敬西班牙画家弗朗西斯哥·戈雅的创作意图。并在STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO的支持下得以成功推进这个当代艺术项目。展览通过视觉隐喻和历史叙事之间的互动来引发人们的批判性思考。每个展示地点的选择也并非出于偶然:它们在艺术作品与塞哥维亚自治公社的发展历史之间建立了连接。
The artist pays homage to Goya’s informative intention, in his series of engravings “Los caprichos” and “Los desastres”, through the monotype technique, used in the project as a whole. Borondo, who developed a big part of his professional career in Italy, counts on the organisational support of STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO, an interdisciplinary lab founded by Edoardo Tresoldi to create and support contemporary art projects. The project seeks an exercise in critical thinking and reflection through the interaction between visual metaphors and historical narrative. Moreover, the choice of support is not accidental, Borondo connects the reappropriation of land by the Comuneros with the reappropriation of art on public fences.
To make each work an experience in itself, the artist applies various plastic techniques that condense or expand the content of the works beyond the support itself: iron sculptures and micro-perforated panels overflow some of the frames; cyanotype in search of a dreamlike realism typical of the first photographs; the use of animation in others expands the project beyond the original support and, of course, the juxtaposition of the fence itself with its surroundings, plays with the perspectives and landscapes of the area, becoming part of the work.
INSURRECTA is composed of 5 chapters, which is developed through 32 works distributed in 17 locations, a real outdoor museum that can be visited on foot, by car or by bike. At the same time, the artist shows the visitor a visual space of Segovia less known among tourists, promoting the visibility of the so called ‘No Places’.
▼作品细节,details ©Roberto Conte
▼创作过程,working process ©Diego de Miguel
展览时间:2020年6月29日至2021年4月23日 Segovia, Spain, from 29 June 2020 to 23 April 2021