

The site is located in a town surrounded by rich nature in Nagano, Japan. It is a project to renovate a historic residence for an elderly couple.
▼项目概览,overall view of the project ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
设计将原本封闭的建筑打散,形成了一个由小房子组成的聚落。不同体块室内外交错,形成了一种与自然 “野性”相融合的新的生活方式。
Large enclosure of existing building was decomposed and each part has been scattered to form an “assemblage” of small buildings. The “assemblage” delivers crossings between inside and outside, offering a new daily routine connected with surrounded “wild” nature.
▼六个不同功能的小房子,six annexes with different functions ©Kiyoaki Takeda Architects
▼项目由分开的体块组成,assemblage of separated volumes ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
▼体块之间的休息交流空间,communication space between the volumes ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
At this particular site, an underground cellar, shelter and well were preserved from ancient time but were not in use. The space contained site-specific atmosphere like a cave, and filled with earth thermal that keeps constant room temperature throughout the year. Keeping this unique character, by stacking additional structure on top of the underground spaces, I designed new architecture – new layer connecting ancient, present and future life.
▼放餐具的棚子 pavilion for tableware ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
▼新结构叠加在地下室上 new structure stacking on the underground rooms ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
▼温室,green house ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
▼保留的葡萄酒库,preserved wine cellar ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
The additional structure is transparent like a glass pavilion, functioning as environmental construction to keep underground condition sanitary by natural lighting and ventilation. Also, its light-weight structure with units of 50x50mm steel was considered for easy assembling by man power, especially at site with uneven landscape.
▼轻钢结构的玻璃体块,可以轻松安装 glass volumes with light-weight steel frame, with is easy for assembling ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
House with 6 annexes is a “future living environment,” standing on its preserved ancient life and allowing itself to now begin a new “wild life” closer to nature.
▼与自然紧密结合的生活 life closed to the nature ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
▼保留的原始结构 preserved ancient structure ©Masaki Hamada (kkpo)
▼总平面图,site plan ©Kiyoaki Takeda Architects
▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Kiyoaki Takeda Architects