知末案例   /   公共空间   /   教堂   /   Arkitema Architects

Sdr· Asmindrup中世纪教堂改造

2020/06/12 12:57:47
该项目位于丹麦哥本哈根以西50公里的Sdr. Asmindrup,是一座拥有900年历史的乡村教堂。改造后的教堂将展示如何使历史的教堂空间适应现代社会生活。Vipperød教区和Arkitema建筑事务所希望通过该项目创造出一个能够以现代化方式向大众传递基督教文化的场所。
The 900-year-old village church in Sdr. Asmindrup, 50 km west of Copenhagen, Denmark, has been reinvented and will serve as an example of how the church space can be brought into the present. The local church council of Vipperød parish and Arkitema Architects aim to create a space that conveys the Christian message to modern people in a more contemporary layout.
▼教堂外观,exterior view of the church  ©Jens Lindhe
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改造这样一个和丹麦大多数教堂一样,拥有传统空间布局的空间是一项艰巨的工作。发展至今,Sdr. Asmindrup仍保留着高坛祭台及沉重的深色家具。讲道台位于中殿的右侧,但很快会被拆除。当地的教堂理事会和神职人员希望在这个900年历史的教堂中,创造出“干净”且灵动的空间,使他们在包容的环境中与公众对话,提供新颖的教会服务。
It is a big job changing the layout of a church that has very traditional shapes, like most churches in Denmark. Until recently, Sdr. Asmindrup Church featured a larger altar and altarpiece in the chancel, and a lot of heavy, dark furniture. The pulpit still hangs on the right side of the nave, but it will soon be taken down. The local church council and the clergy want to create a ‘clean’ and flexible space in the 900-year-old church for innovative services in settings that encourage dialogue, co-ownership, and inclusion.
▼教堂原貌,遍布沉重的深色家具,original view with a lot of heavy, dark furniture ©Arktiema Architects
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Sdr. Asmindrup教堂的改造策略是将其看作是一个试验性项目,使其成为该教区及霍尔拜克(Holbæk)教区的礼仪示范点。教堂与当地剧院达成合作,提供一些戏剧服务。这样一来,这间拥有900年历史的乡村教堂也将成为社区中又一宁静同时充满惊喜的集散场所。
The very idea behind the refurbishment of the church space in Sdr. Asmindrup is that the church should act as a liturgical lab in the parish and in Holbæk deanery. Cooperation with the local theatre on, e.g., theatrical services has already been agreed, so the 900-year-old village church will provide a place for both concentration and serenity, and for surprises and new communities.
▼改造后的教堂概览,成为宁静同时充满惊喜的集散场所,after transformation, the church became a serenity, and for surprises and new communities  ©Arktiema Architects
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This wish was backed by the bishop in Roskilde, resulting in large changes to the small village church: Much of the equipment and furniture was removed, including all pews, the pulpit, and the altarpiece. Replacing it is a bright, warm, and vibrant space that is recognizable to regular churchgoers, but offers new opportunities for the future. A new, light Communion table, which can easily be moved, is located right at the entrance from the porch. The flexibility and aesthetics of the furniture highlight the innovation of the space functions, encouraging a much more versatile use of the church than before.
▼灵活且美观的家具,flexibility and aesthetics furnitures ©Jens Lindhe
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教堂室内的木质地板延伸至空间的每个角落,将所有房间连在一起,以增强穹顶壁画的整体性与感知性。整个翻新工程都以高标准建造,包括地板采暖,分隔空间的大型窗帘,由Nicolai De Gier设计的轻巧典雅且的家具。Nicolai De Gier是丹麦皇家艺术学院建筑,设计及保护学院的副教授,他设计的家具确保了灵活性,使教堂能够轻松地举办各种活动。
A large wooden floor now extends throughout the church room, which is a key detail, since it serves to tie the room together and boost the perception of the vault murals. The entire refurbishment is of a high standard: Underfloor heating; large drapes, which can divide the room; and light, elegant furniture designed by Nicolai De Gier, Associate Professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, secure flexibility that allows the church to easily accommodate a variety of events.
▼木质地板连接起空间,wooden floor tie the room together ©Jens Lindhe
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▼穹顶上的壁画,vault murals ©Jens Lindhe
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Arkitema Architects合伙人Poul Schülein说到“这次的项目旨在创造出一个温暖的空间,既可以保留传统,又能够应对未来可能有的发展。我们保留了一些教堂显眼的特征成为整个布局中的亮点,例如门廊中的石灰石墓碑和已重新安置的祭坛。将来,来往的游客可以躺在地板上或坐在合唱团的垫子上与友人惬意交谈。虽然我们不知道教会在接下来的900年中将如何发展,但我们知道,现在的Sdr. Asmindrup教堂将以新的方式再现传统,在未来实现一切可能。“教堂中搬离的物件,例如讲坛将被移送至西兰博物馆。
▼唱诗班的坐垫,cushion in the choir ©Jens Lindhe
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▼演奏室,piano room  ©Jens Lindhe
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▼重新安置的祭坛,relocated altarpiece ©Jens Lindhe
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▼留有历史痕迹的大门,gate with historical traces ©Jens Lindhe
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▼改造前平面,plan before transformation ©Arktiema Architects
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▼改造后平面,plan after transformation ©Arktiema Architects
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▼剖面,sections ©Arktiema Architects
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Engineer: Øllgaard Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S Furniture: Design by Nicolai De Gier, Associate Professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation.
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