

Location: 成都市锦江区下东大街 199 号睿东中心 C 座 3 楼
Chief Designer & Team: Mojo WangIDr.HooIChes 嘉豪 I 艾强
CAD Designer: 刘航
Photography: 形在建筑空间摄影-贺川
Area: 1196.46 ㎡
Year: 2022
MUCHA 位于成都最繁华的国际地标商圈———成都远洋太古里(睿东中心 C 座 3F)
MUCHA is located in the most prosperous international landmark business district in Chengdu ---- Chengdu Ocean TaikooLi(3F, Building C, Ruidong Center).
团队将 MUCHA 的 5 个字母分别作出了“动态化”的诠释。根据现代城市中人的语言模式、情绪、行为方式、态度、社交属性,以“原始”的“动态化”解读引申出五个关键词:MIMICRY 拟态·UNMASK 揭露·CAPTIVATION 迷惑·HUNTING 狩猎·ALLURE 吸引。扁平化后的 5 个首字母则分别呈现出:兽夹、绳索、穿环、锁链、箭头的图形意象,使整体形象呈现出都市狩猎般的怪诞暧昧情绪。
The team made each of the five letters of MUCHA a "dynamic" interpretation. Based on the language pattern, emotion, behavior, attitude and social attributes in modern cities, it extends five key words with "primitive" and "dynamic" interpretation: MIMICRY · UNMASK · CAPTIVATION · HUNTING · ALLURE. After flattening, the five initial letters respectively present the graphic images of clip, rope, piercing ring, chain and arrow, making the overall image depict a strange and ambiguous emotional vibe.
场地围绕 AURA HOUSE 和 PARTY MIX 两个厅展开,根据五个关键词划分为了不同情绪的区块,而克制冷静的公区将每个浮夸怪诞的情绪房间相互链接,最终构筑出流光溢彩的 MUCHA CLUB。
The venue is spread out around two halls, namely, AURA HOUSE and PARTY MIX, then divided into different emotional blocks according to five key words. The restrained and calm public area links each grandiose and bizarre emotional room, so that building a colorful MUCHA CLUB.
团队将 MUCHA 的 5 个字母分别作出了“动态化”的诠释。根据现代城市中人的语言模式、情绪、行为方式、态度、社交属性,以“原始”的“动态化”解读引申出五个关键词:MIMICRY 拟态·UNMASK 揭露·CAPTIVATION 迷惑·HUNTING 狩猎·ALLURE 吸引。扁平化后的 5 个首字母则分别呈现出:兽夹、绳索、穿环、锁链、箭头的图形意象,使整体形象呈现出都市狩猎般的怪诞暧昧情绪。
The team made each of the five letters of MUCHA a "dynamic" interpretation. Based on the language pattern, emotion, behavior, attitude and social attributes in modern cities, it extends five key words with "primitive" and "dynamic" interpretation:MIMICRY·UNMASK·CAPTIVATION·HUNTING·ALLURE. After flattening, the five initial letters respectively present the graphic images of clip, rope, piercing ring, chain and arrow, making the overall image depict a strange and ambiguous emotional vibe.
场地围绕 AURA HOUSE 和 PARTY MIX 两个厅展开,根据五个关键词划分为了不同情绪的区块,而克制冷静的公区将每个浮夸怪诞的情绪房间相互链接,最终构筑出流光溢彩的 MUCHA CLUB。
The venue is spread out around two halls, namely, AURA HOUSE and PARTY MIX, then divided into different emotional blocks according to five key words. The restrained and calm public area links each grandiose and bizarre emotional room, so that building a colorful MUCHA CLUB.
MAINAREA 咨洽区整面的球沙木与金属的材质碰撞打造老派酒店的稳重与精致,定制的方形图案地砖上嵌入铭牌彰显品质,与内场的夸张怪诞形成鲜明对比,更是一种铺垫。-The collision of the ball sand wood and metal material on the whole surface of the consultation area creates the stability and sophistication of the old-school hotel. The nameplate embedded in the customized square pattern floor tile highlights the quality, which is in sharp contrast to the exaggerated and grotesque of the infield.
As the link between the functional area and the block, the corridor also creates an ambiguous social vibe for the people who are about to enter the infield. One side of the corridor is leopard print pattern, and the other side is striped mirror, which achieves a delicate balance between release and restraint, while the red flannelette curtain adds privacy and ambiguity to the social scene.
走廊拐角处的 LOUNGE 吧台,精致的水晶灯伫立两侧,夸张的图样充斥在吧台周围,镜面拱顶将身处其中的人群映射进另一个怪诞的空间。暗藏在吧台后的 DJ 台将在傍晚时分悄然打开,升华整个空间的氛围,让人们的情绪达到顶点。- In the LOUNGE bar at the corner of the corridor, exquisite crystal lights stand on both sides, and exaggerated patterns fill around the bar. The mirrored vault reflects the crowd inside into another bizarre space. The DJ booth hidden behind the bar will be subtly opened in the evening to sublimate the vibe and let people reach the peak of emotions.
吧台四周的房间,分别以 UNMASK、ALLURE、CAPTIVATION 为主题,通过欲望之环、曼陀罗之花以及束缚之皮绳等元素将情绪具象化表达,搭配设计团队所创作的图案再次烘托,使感官体验被逐级放大,暧昧情绪逐层递进,也为进入内场做足了“前戏”。-The rooms around the bar are themed with UNMASK, ALLURE and CAPTIVATION. The emotions are embodied and expressed through the ring of desire, the flower of mandla and the rope of bondage. They are paired with the patterns created by the design team, so that the sensory experience is amplified with ambiguous emotions, thus laying foreplay to get into the infield.
内场布局则以对称形式呈现,犹如一个猎场。不锈钢上的网状暗纹在灯光下隐隐反射出光泽,箭头型的舞美灯光如图腾一般映照在整场。压缩间距后的对坐卡座使得人群更加密集,暧昧气氛将在这里达到高潮。忘掉外面的世界,化身为猎手来一场情感狩猎,纵情享受来回拉扯的快感。-The symmetrical infield layout is like a hunting ground, since the dark mesh on the stainless steel is faintly reflected in the light, and the arrowhead lighting is like a totem in the whole stage. The compressed spacing of the seating booth makes the dense crowd, bringing the ambiguous vibe to reach a climax.
卫生间的镜面将走廊整体倒映,为人群制造尽可能多的美丽邂逅与缠绵氛围。-The mirror of the toilet reflects the corridor as a whole, creating beautiful encounters and touching vibe for the crowd as much as possible.
包厢延续了走廊的形式,将释放与克制保持相对平衡,直至在私密包厢中才得以尽情释放。-The compartment continues the corridor form by keeping a relative balance between release and restraint until it can be released to the fullest in the privateness.