

The rise of rural constructions attracts architects to rush into the wild rural area as aliens, hunting for the meaning of construction there. Most architects focus on rural cultures and consider “nostalgia” as a major concept in their design works. The difficulty here is how to represent this poetic, yet abstract concept with a physical presence of architecture. For us, to regain nostalgia is to regain the lost sense of belonging to the community and the homeland by means of architecture. There used to be a core public space in Chinese villages, but most of them have become desolate nowadays as the removal of the village host. Therefore, it requires designers, from the beginning of a rural project, to locate that lost space and start from there. In Qinquan Village, we found that core public space defined by an east-west axis, which starts from the village memorial gate and ends at where the village committee building is. Core area as such naturally became our design priority.
▼琴泉村西侧鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of Qinquan Village from west ©Yu Zhou
Across the entire plaza, we designed a series of zigzag short walls, enclosing multiple micro plaza spaces on both sides of the axis, which provide seats and canopies with the existing trees and Roman columns. Introducing into our design more graphics is an extra experiment we did in this project. We took advices from the local residents for themes of the paintings on the short walls, which did enrich the spatial experience with paintings that are more familiar to the local, bringing the project closer to the village.
▼村庄广场俯视图,drone view of Qianquan Village plaza ©Yu Zhou
▼西立面亚克力板编号图,west facade panel mapping ©清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司产业园区研究中心
▼立面构成分析,composition diagram of the facade of Big Fish ©清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司产业园区研究中心
Apart from being the village committee, the two-story building contains a few public programs, so it’s not only the geometric center, but also the activity center of Qinquan Village. Renovation for this building is therefore the highlight of the whole project. We proposed a low-tech “breathing skin” façade system, which is a matrix of 28,736 pieces of translucent acrylic panels with 15 colors, forming a huge fish image. The fish is the village totem from a famous local historical story, thus conveying the most emotional connection with the local inhabitants. In addition, to guarantee the basic environmental performance of the existing building, the new façade shades the west elevation while allowing for a decent amount of daylighting and ventilation. More importantly, we simplified the construction process and designed the last step of construction to allow unprofessional local residents to hang the acrylic panels onto the wire mesh themselves, participating in the creation of their own life scenes. So that the project became a collective work that evokes a sense of belonging among local residents.
▼村委会小楼的新立面是整体更新中的焦点,new facade of the village committee building as the highlight of the village revitalization ©Weiqi Jin
▼村委会小楼的正立面是一片低技的“呼吸幕墙”,该墙体通过28736片包含15色的半透明亚克力片组成了一幅巨幅“锦鲤”图,front of village committee building with Big Fish facade, which is a low-tech “breathing skin” façade system and a matrix of 28,736 pieces of translucent acrylic panels with 15 colors ©Yu Zhou
▼村委会小楼西南侧外观,以纯粹的图像呈现了村里古老的文化图腾——鲤鱼,southwest view of village committee building, presenting the village totem from a famous local historical story in a geometric form ©Weiqi Jin
▼村委会小楼西北角外观,用最直白的图像建立与村民的情感连结,view of Big Fish from northwest corner, conveying the most emotional connection with the local inhabitants ©Yu Zhou
▼立面近景,Big Fish facade ©Weiqi Jin
▼随风起舞的亚克力片,活动的亚克力片在解决了建筑西晒问题的同时保证了室内充足的采光通风,facade panels dancing with wind, the new façade shades the west elevation while allowing for a decent amount of daylighting and ventilation ©Yu Zhou
▼立面细节,facade details of Big Fish ©清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司产业园区研究中心
The project made Qinquan Village one of the most successful rural revitalization projects in Qinyuan County. “Big Fish”, as the local call its nickname with the long-lost pride. The big fish façade is clumsy. It was completed with rough craft, cheap materials and unprofessional constructions. No tectonic detail sophisticatedly designed to show off (or hide), no obscure formal language pursued, the big fish façade was purely constructed to carry an image, to solve some functional problems. The big fish façade is meanwhile flexible. It’s designed with fault tolerance, adjustable in accordance with construction and easy for installation. Without any narcissism on architectural tectonics, the big fish instead gets its freedom in the remote rural.
▼从室内看“大鱼”,from inside of village committee building ©Yu Zhou
▼总平面图,site plan ©清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司产业园区研究中心
项目名称:大鱼,琴泉村广场更新 设计方:清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司产业园区研究中心 项目设计 & 完成年份:2019 主创及设计团队:廉毅锐,焦泽通,周宇,黄子铭,司帅,李丹,Brian Wong,刘思嘉,卢鹏鹏,刘旭东,陈又新,蒋功名,王祺,周洁(实习生),杜雪静(实习生) 项目地址:山西省沁源县琴泉村 建筑面积:568㎡ 摄影版权:金伟琦,周宇 客户:沁源县沁河镇人民政府
Project name: Big Fish – Revitalization of Qinquan Village Plaza Design: Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Design year & Completion Year: 2019 Leader designer & Team: Lian, Yirui; Jiao, Zetong; Zhou, Yu; Huang, Ziming; Si, shuai; Li, Dan; Wong, Brian; Liu, Sijia; Lu, Pengpeng; Liu, Xudong; Chen, Youxin; Jiang, Gongming; Wang, Qi; Zhou, Jie (intern); Du, Xuejing (intern) Project location: Qinquan Village, Qinyuan County, Shanxi, China Gross Built Area (square meters): 568㎡ Photo credits: Jin, Weiqi; Zhou, Yu Clients: Qinhe Town Government, Qinyuan County