

Pottery路是一条繁忙的交通要道,将贯穿多伦多顿河河谷(Don River Vally)的休闲步道一分为二。此项目是顿河河谷游径大型改造计划的第一步,后者旨在提高河谷的可达性及河谷下游游径的环境可控性。项目采用可控且可识别的路岛,代替过去频繁使用但缺乏安全性的过街横道。
Pottery Road is a busy traffic artery that bisects the recreational trail running through Toronto’s Don River Valley. This project – the first component of a larger scheme to provide interpretation, accessibility, and environmental control along the Lower Don Recreational Trail – replaces a widely used but unsafe crossing point for trail users with a new controlled crossing and reconfigured road island.
▼项目概览,overview ©Peter Legris Photography
项目地点被多伦多地区保护局指定为环境敏感区(Environmentally Sensitive Area, ESA),同时也是多伦多顿河流域沿线土地自然遗产系统的一部分。多伦多实施Pottery路自行车及行人过街横道项目的初衷是倡导安全便捷的多样性交通方式,并提升公众对顿河河谷周边城市生态及工业历史的了解。同时,对于这条贯穿城市中心的生态轴线,该项目也致力于加强其监管力度。
Designated an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, this site is part of the City of Toronto’s Terrestrial Natural Heritage System along the East Don River Valley. The City’s aims in implementing the Pottery Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Crossing were to encourage safe and accessible multi-modal transportation, increase public understanding and appreciation of the Don Valley’s urban ecology and industrial history, and enhance stewardship of this ribbon of wilderness that flows through the core of a large city.
▼pottery路地图及可进入位置,pottery road location map with access points ©Plant Architect
过街横道的铺装设计为水纹图案,暗示着该地区经常受到洪水威胁。同时,Plant Architect团队也将设计重点放在安全信息的标识系统,例如“请看两边”和“请等待间隙”等等。标识信息被刻在过街环岛的耐候钢护栏上。护栏材料上的选择及其上雕刻的图形化超大字体都展现着顿河河谷的工业传统。
▼水纹铺装,暗示洪水威胁,water-like paving pattern alluding to the flood ©Peter Legris Photography
▼铺装图案细节,detail of the pavement pattern ©Peter Legris Photography
The water-like paving pattern marking the location for the crossing alludes to the flood-prone nature of the site. PLANT’s design also incorporates safety-enhancing messages – “Look both ways” and “Wait for gap” – into the beam-like, weathering steel barriers that enclose the crossing point. The materiality of the barriers and the font style of the super-graphic messages incised through them both evoke the Don Valley’s industrial heritage.
▼耐候钢防护栏,展现工业遗迹风格,weathering steel barriers representing industrial heritage ©Peter Legris Photography
▼安全标识采用超大的图形化字体,the font style of the super-graphic messages ©Peter Legris Photography
AWARDS: National Urban Design Awards – Award of Merit 2014 Toronto Urban Design Awards – Award of Merit 2013 DESIGN TEAM: PLANT Architect CLIENT: City of Toronto CONTRACTOR: NuRoad Construction Ltd. SIGN FABRICATORS: Provincial Sign Systems TEAM: PLANT – Mary Tremain, Chris Pommer, Lisa Rapoport, Vanessa Eickhoff, Jeremy McGregor, Victoria Taylor, Suzanne Ernst. PHOTOS: Peter Legris Photography