

This is a private residence for a couple and two children built in Saitama Prefecture.
▼住宅外观,exterior of the house ©Takumi Ota
The request from the owner who runs a vintage furniture store was a large living space as a showroom for furniture. So what we thought was to create a one-room space with the highest ceiling as possible on the first floor, and to arrange the necessary rooms compactly for the family of four on the second floor.
▼夜景:从入口望向双层高客厅,view to the double-height living room from outside ©Takumi Ota
▼设计示意图,design diagram ©UENOA
▼一层平面图,1F plan ©UENOA
▼建筑一角被斜向地“切割”以形成宽阔的窗户,part of the rectangular plane was cut diagonally to make an opening ©Takumi Ota
▼巨大的窗户为房间引入充足的光线,large blocks of light come from large diagonal openings ©Takumi Ota
On an efficient rectangular plane, we cut part of it diagonally to make an opening. Large blocks of light coming from large diagonal openings are divided into the first and second floors with different spatiality. In addition, the diagonal openings make a closely relationship with the garden in the site and keep a appropriate distance from the neighborhood.
▼位于宽阔窗户旁的楼梯,the stair beside the large opening ©UENOA
▼从起居空间望向入口,view to the entrance from the living area ©Takumi Ota
▼餐厅和客厅,dining and living room ©Takumi Ota
▼餐厅和厨房,kitchen and dining room ©Takumi Ota
▼楼梯井鸟瞰,stair aerial view ©UENOA
▼二层包含了四位家庭成员的居住空间,the rooms for the family of four on the second floor ©Takumi Ota
▼从儿童房望向二层空间,view to the second floor from the children’s room ©UENOA
▼用于各房间之间的卍型柱,the “卍” column used between the rooms ©Takumi Ota (left) ©UENOA (right)
▼空间细部,detailed view ©Takumi Ota
▼街区环境,view from the neighborhood ©UENOA
▼住宅外观,exterior view ©UENOA
▼场地分析,site analysis ©UENOA
▼平面布局模型,layout model ©UENOA
▼室内模型照片,interior model ©UENOA
▼一层平面图,1F plan ©UENOA
▼二层平面图,2F plan ©UENOA
Project Name:QUARTER house Architect or Architecture Firm:UENOA / Yoshinori Hasegawa+Fumie Horikoshi Completion Year:2019 Built Area:113.76 m² Project Location:Saitama,Japan Structure:Ryotaro Sakata / Ryotaro Sakata Structural Engineers Photographer:Takumi Ota