

Ldesign landscape architectural company:该项目主要涉及对位于基辅左岸的堤坝部分进行翻新,这部分空间将作为与之同名的购物中心(River Mall)的一部分向公众开放。项目毗邻的水域为第聂伯河(Dnieper River)的一部分,被称为 Berkovshchyna 海湾。
Ldesign landscape architectural company:This project involves renovation of an embankment part, open to public as a part of a shopping mall with the same name – River Mall, located on the Left bank of Kyiv. The waters are part of Dnipro River, called Berkovshchyna Bay.
The length of the renovated embankment is three hundred meters. However, the circular structure of the space provides the possibility of long walks and different behavioral scenarios.
The main entrance to the space opens up with the imitation of wild mangrove isles, adorned with a dry river way, floating up and down along the embankment. The dry river gathers many sorts of elements, designed to both play, rest and perform, share secrets and simply viewing the waters.
A unique highlight of the project is the observation deck that protrudes over the bay. Two ramps lead to it, which meet the norms of inclusive space. A multifunctional terrace is located along the promenade. It is convenient to hold festivals, evenings of social and street types of dance, yoga, temporary exhibitions (fairs, art exhibitions), concerts, shows, theatrical performances, thematic events and a movie club.
To expand the pedestrian route visually, a wide pontoon on the water was designed. Its dimensions make it possible to place moorings for the rental of river transport and to increase viewing places. Stairs that, in addition to their direct function, also play the role of an amphitheater crown to the embankment – here it is convenient to contemplate the water surface or become a spectator of some event.
To protect from the sun in the summer, adult plane trees, planted along the water. The large crown and wide leaves of the trees create a good shade without blocking the view. The greenery of perennial conifers harmoniously complements it.
Proximity to the water and plans to create a river transport stop on the embankment defined the design elements. A fence near the water resembles a handrail on a ship’s deck. It is deliberately made of layers (thin cables with two attachment points) at a special angle. The massive lights at the bottom and light at the top resemble masts. This design allows you not to overload the space.
The concept of planning the promenade includes the idea of reflecting waves. All elements, including retaining walls with benches, paving, landscaping and lighting elements, create a visual flow of space. We paid considerable attention to the work on the paving pattern, which serves as the basis of the composition and has a functional load.
The goal of the architects was to make a modern, comfortable embankment that meets the social needs of rest, communication and active leisure.
Our task was to create a space where people would willingly spend time. The routes at the exit and entrance to the shopping center deliberately provoke one more time to stop or linger near the water.
This green island will become a popular Instagram spot. In the summer, they will enjoy the sunset by the water, the aromas of flowering bushes and trees, and grasses growing in the wind.
We thought of a place of attraction, where you want to come to relax, to think, where it is nice to make an appointment. Judging by the number of people on the embankment even in the cold season, we succeeded.
该项目(River Mall)的优势在于,由于滨水,它可以直接与水取得亲密的接触。它完美地融入既有环境中,成为从水面到购物中心建筑之间的过渡景观。
▽设计图纸 Design drawings
项目名称:Embankment of the shopping mall “River Mall”
面积:4 747 平方米
项目地点:乌克兰 基辅
景观/建筑公司:Ldesign landscape architectural company
Project Name: Embankment of the shopping mall “River Mall”
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: 4 747 m2
Project Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Ldesign landscape architectural company
Photo Credits: Ldesign
“ 该项目完美地融入既有环境中,成为从水面到购物中心建筑之间的过渡景观。”