

Rever & Drage:位于 Sundshopen 咸水湖北端的海湾世世代代都是当地人喜爱的浴场。这里水浅、避风,温度适宜,可以享受游泳的乐趣。近来,该地区维护不善,很少有人使用。现在,经过改造后,这里已成为当地人和游客游泳、垂钓和野餐的好去处。
Rever & Drage:The bay at the northern end of the brackish lake of Sundshopen has been a popular bathing spot for the local population for generations. The shallow , sheltered water, provides temperatures in which it is possible to enjoy a swim. Recently, the area has been poorly maintained and little used. The upgrade has now made it an attractive place for swimming, fishing and picnics, both for locals and visitors.
▽项目概况 Project overview
▽浴场入口 The entrance
The central element of the site is a traditional jetty of stone and timber that stretches from the land all the way over the shallow waters and out to where the deep waters begin. Such sloping jetties have historically been part of the coastal landscape in Norway from Western Norway and northwards.
▽项目核心-防波堤 Project Core-A traditional jetty
▽由石头与木材组成的防波堤 The jetty of stone and timber
The basis for the construction is that with a fixed sloping deck that goes out into the sea, you can embark and disembark boats regardless of tides. This was particularly relevant before floating piers became common along the coast. A traditional jetty also provides protection from wind and waves, which a floating pier does not do as well. With its placement and orientation, the jetty also frames the area towards the beach and functions as an indicator for the varying water levels in the lake during the different seasons.
Another existing quality at the site was the dense patch of woodland surrounded by open farmland. This quality is emphasized by laying the path to the beach through the middle of the forest.
▽休闲设施-座椅 Leisure facilities-seats
The toilet building, with its modern form and material of aluminum, provides a contrast to the traditional pier and marks the entrance to the area. This, in turn, gives the access a classical dramaturgy where you park the car at the north end of the area and walk through the dense forest before coming out on the open plain by the water.
▽入口的标志性构筑-厕所 The landmark building of the entrance-toilet
On the path from the parking lot towards the water, the tip of the jetty is visible as a motif at the end of the perspective as you approach the beach.
▽设计平面图 Plan
▽模型 The model
地点:挪威 Sømna
建筑师:Rever & Drage
景观:Rever & Drage AS feat. Eirik Dalland、Grindaker AS
设计团队:Tom Auger、Martin Beverfjord、Eirik Lilledrange
建造人:OK Kristoffersen、Idar Flostrand、Torbjørn Prytz、Steinar Jørgensen、Steinar Jørgensen
照片:Tom Auger
Project name: Sundshopen – Norwegian Scenic Routes
Complete: 2023
Location: Sømna, Norway
Architects: Rever & Drage
Instagram: @reverdrage
Landscape: Rever & Drage AS feat. Eirik Dalland, Grindaker AS
Design team: Tom Auger, Martin Beverfjord, Eirik Lilledrange
Built by: OK Kristoffersen, Idar Flostrand, Torbjørn Prytz, Steinar Jørgensen, Helgeland Sveis
Photo: Tom Auger
“ 一个由石头和木材组成的传统防波堤从陆地延伸到深水区,在平静的水面构筑起一道亮丽的风景线。”