

Studio Gang:田纳西州孟菲斯市(2023 年 9 月 1 日)——孟菲斯河公园合作组织(Memphis River Parks Partnership)、Studio Gang 和 SCAPE 公司共同宣布,位于密西西比河和孟菲斯市中心之间、占地 31 英亩、经过全新改造的汤姆·李公园(Tom Lee Park)正式开放。该公园的设计由 Studio Gang 和 SCAPE 合作完成,Studio Gang 负责总体规划和建筑设计,SCAPE 负责景观设计。
该公园以孟菲斯当地的一位英雄、黑人河流工人汤姆·李(Tom Lee)的名字命名,他曾在 1925 年一艘蒸汽船倾覆后独自救起 32 名溺水者。该公园的设计旨在通过为当地居民提供公共设施,来促进整个孟菲斯经济的平等发展。公园位于密西西比河畔,毗邻一个新月形的缺乏投资的社区,其中包括田纳西州收入最低的人群。
Studio Gang:Memphis, TN (September 1, 2023) — Memphis River Parks Partnership, Studio Gang, and SCAPE announce the opening of Tom Lee Park, a newly transformed 31-acre public space set between the Mississippi River and downtown Memphis. The park’s design was a collaboration between Studio Gang and SCAPE, with Studio Gang leading master planning and architecture and with SCAPE leading its landscape design. Named for Tom Lee, a local Memphis hero and Black river worker who single-handedly saved 32 people from drowning after a steamship capsized in 1925, the park’s design seeks to foster greater economic equity across Memphis by providing publicly accessible amenities for local residents. Situated on the banks of the Mississippi River, the park is adjacent to a crescent of disinvested neighborhoods, including the lowest-income zip code in Tennessee.
孟菲斯河公园合作组织总裁兼首席执行官 Carol Coletta 表示:“我们创造了一个只有在孟菲斯才有的公园生活场所,它将以丰富多彩的空间和活动为各年龄段的人们带来乐趣,同时促进河流走廊的生态修复。”
We’ve created a place for park life that could only be in Memphis, one that will delight people of all ages by the variety of spaces and activities on offer, while contributing to the resiliency of the river corridor,” says President and CEO Carol Coletta, Memphis River Parks Partnership.
Studio Gang 创始负责人兼合伙人 Jeanne Gang 说道:“从一开始,孟菲斯社区的意见和建议对这个项目就至关重要,这可以确保公园的规划能反映出孟菲斯市民理想中的河滨生活。在他们的帮助下,我们创建了一个既朴实又美丽且生态健康的目的地。我们希望每个人都能在这里放松、锻炼、玩耍,并在密西西比河畔欢聚一堂。”
“Insights and input from the Memphis community were essential to this project from the very beginning, to make sure the park’s programming reflects how Memphians from across the city want to enjoy their riverfront,” says Jeanne Gang, Founding Principal and Partner of Studio Gang. “With their help, we’ve created a destination that is down-to-earth but also beautiful and ecologically healthy, where we hope everyone feels welcome to relax, exercise, play, and come together along the Mississippi.”
Tom Lee Park restores the area’s ecology, responding to the dynamic ecosystems of the Mississippi River. A restored soil system and the introduction of hardy native plant species will attract birds and pollinators that thrive along the river corridor. Replacing flat expanses of grass and adding topography will provide new and surprising views of the river.
公园的设计灵感来自密西西比河的动态水流模式和复兴河流走廊的美好愿景。我们对土壤进行了修复,以培育本地植物,并在原来不到 50 棵树的场地上种植了 1000 多棵树木,为传粉昆虫和鸟类提供了必要的树荫、更多的生物多样性和栖息地,”SCAPE 创始负责人 Kate Orff 说道。公园的设计还加强了孟菲斯市中心与河流之间的联系。它提供了第一条符合美国残疾人(ADA)标准的河流通道,让人们可以通过万斯街、胡林街和巴特勒街的河滨路更安全的人行横道通往河流。
Tom Lee Park’s design was inspired by the dynamic flow patterns of the Mississippi and the desire to revive the river corridor. We have rehabilitated the soils to nurture native plantings and planted over 1,000 trees where there were less than 50, providing essential shade, more biodiversity, and habitat for pollinators and birds,” says Kate Orff, Founding Principal, SCAPE.
The design of Tom Lee Park also strengthens the connection between downtown Memphis and the river. It provides the first Americans with Disabilities (ADA)-compliant access to the river with the Cutbank Bluff and safer pedestrian crossings of Riverside Drive at Vance, Huling, and Butler Streets.
Its sheltering structures are made of timber, inspired by the industrial structures that once operated on the riverfront. A river-themed playground designed by Monstrum and landscape features create exciting destinations for recreation, outdoor education, dining, performances, and other activities—elevating them with the living backdrop of the Mississippi.
公园的中的核心建筑为日落天篷,这是一个占地 16000 平方英尺的木结构建筑,由六根“捆绑式”钢柱支撑。建筑木梁采用胶合层压木材(glulam)制成,这种工业木制品的碳足迹远低于传统的钢筋混凝土或钢材。横梁上方是同样由木材制成的百叶窗式屋顶监测器,为下面的人遮挡烈日和风雨。日落天篷的设计为全年举办社区活动如篮球赛、瑜伽课、舞蹈课和音乐会提供了场地。
公园中还融入了两件新委托制作的公共艺术装置:一个是 Theaster Gates 创作的“倾听纪念碑”,另一个是由在孟菲斯出生并长大的纽约艺术家 James Little 创作的多彩几何图案篮球场装置,该作品就位于日落天篷之下。
The architectural centerpiece of the park is the Sunset Canopy, a 16,000 sq ft timber structure supported by six “bundled” steel columns. Its wood beams are constructed with glued laminated timber (glulam), an engineered wood product with a much lower carbon footprint than traditional reinforced concrete or steel. Above the beams, louvered roof monitors, also made of wood, provide sun and rain protection for those below. The pavilion is designed to host community activities and events year-round—including basketball, yoga classes, dance lessons, and concerts.
The park integrates two newly commissioned public art installations: A Monument to Listening, by Theaster Gates, and a multi-colored, geometrically patterned basketball court installation created by New York City-based artist James Little, who was born and raised in Memphis. Little’s project is situated under the Sunset Canopy.
▽日落天篷(总面积 2 万平方英尺,占地面积 1.6 万平方英尺,地面到屋顶平均高 37 英尺,地面到柱顶高 47 英尺)The Sunset Canopy
A series of open lawns define the park’s four zones: the Civic Gateway, Active Core, Community Batture, and Habitat Terraces. While each has its own distinct character, they are unified by an overarching plan inspired by the hydrological forms of the Mississippi River. Transforming a once flat expanse of lawn, undulating hills of native plants and trees sculpt spaces inspired by the dynamism of the Mississippi River. Civic, recreational, to contemplative, these spaces host a range of activities and provide habitat for native birds and pollinator insects that migrate along the Mississippi Flyway Corridor.
▽场地平面图 Site Plan
▽核心活动区平面图 Active Core Plan
Studio Gang 的城市规划负责人 Gia Biagi 表示:“从项目一开始,设计团队就以有意义和持续的方式将社区纳入其中,因此公园的规划体现了社区本身的想法和愿景。”
该项目以公私合作的方式实施,总投资 6100 万美元,包括来自市、县、州和联邦政府,以及当地和国家慈善机构、公司以及个人的捐款。
“From the outset of this project, the design team included the community in meaningful and sustained ways, so the park’s programming reflects the ideas and vision voiced by the community itself,” says Gia Biagi, Urbanism Principal at Studio Gang. Delivered in a public-private partnership, the $61 million project includes contributions from the city, county, state, and federal governments, along with a consortium of local and national philanthropies, corporations, and individuals.
▽河道一侧立面图 Elevation from River
▽北侧立面图 North Elevation
▽日落天篷透视图 Perspective Elevation
▽剖面图 Section
项目名称:Tom Lee Park
开放时间:2023 年 9 月
占地面积:31 英亩,沿河沿南北轴线延伸 0.75 英里
总体规划:Studio Gang
客户:Memphis River Parks Partnership, Tyree Daniels, Board Chair, Carol Coletta, President & CEO
项目承包方:Montgomery Martin Contractors (田纳西州孟菲斯)
土木工程师:Kimley-Horn (田纳西州孟菲斯)
结构工程师:Thornton Tomasetti(伊利诺伊州芝加哥)
MEP 工程:Innovative Engineering Services(田纳西州巴特利特), Sustainability Analysis DataBased+ (伊利诺伊州芝加哥)
照明设计:Randy Burkett Lighting Design(密苏里州圣路易斯)