Hassell:上海天空万科广场是上海大虹桥板块最重要的 TOD(公共交通引导发展)“万科天空之城”中的大型商业活力中心,位于上海的“大虹桥”与青浦“新城市”双轮发展驱动交汇点上,整体约 80 万方的综合体中,商业部分的体量达到约 10 万方。丰富的景观与公共空间让人们在多层次的美景中休闲、娱乐、用餐和购物,通过设计实现了从 TOD 到 LOD(Lifestyle-oriented development 生活方式引导发展)的转变——一个充满生命力的,持续变化的“生活枢纽”。
Hassell:Uni Vanke Mall is a large-scale integrated retail and lifestyle destination and an integral part of an important transport-oriented development (TOD) in the Greater Hongqiao area in Shanghai. The generous multi-level, beautifully landscaped areas of the mall are there for people to enjoy; visitors can come to the development to shop, dine, be entertained or simply relax in the many different outdoor spaces. As such, Uni Vanke Mall represents the next phase of evolution of TODs into more lifestyle developments – a dynamic ‘life hub’ for local residents and visitors. The walkable scale of the development allows visitors and residents to spontaneously interact with the place, creating a vibrant miniature city.
Hassell 团队在设计过程中不断问这样一个问题——什么样的氛围才能让人们在行走中愿意停留?因此,我们不仅克服了站体开发的种种限制,在设计中代入使用者的体验,利用软硬景交错层叠打造出充满新鲜感和氛围感的驻足空间,让平凡的归家路线充满了惊喜与归属感。
Our team asked themselves – what would create a memorable arrival experience and make people want to linger longer in the mall? The user experience was the most important driver for the design combined with tackling the challenges that integrated station developments always present.
The design needed to guide the flow of different groups of people and tackle the complex elevation changes, establish spatial connections between residential areas, commercial spaces, office buildings and community cultural facilities within the district. Intentionally making the outer areas of the mall enjoyably walkable allows visitors and residents to spontaneously interact with the place creating a vibrant precinct.
The planting has been designed so that it appears in different heights to form semi-private spaces, while foliage plants create a natural border that is a departure from the standard manicured borders. And our team specifically selected ever-changing white and blue toned plants to create a gentle, calming feeling.
On the roof garden, we designed different areas with themed plants, creating enjoyable walking paths and education areas planted with sage and Chinese pennisetum especially intended for children.
时间的质量 Time well spent
We considered how different user groups can transition and utilise spaces in different scenarios, aiming to improve the quality of the time they spend in the space and create opportunities for interaction between people and the landscape.
▽充满活力的广场空间 Vibrant square space
天空之城依托 17 号线(徐盈路站)地铁上盖,3 站可达虹桥火车站,实现横跨上海东西的多条地铁线路的换乘,是一个不折不扣的经典 TOD 商业综合体。我们在此基础上,加入了对周边街区在社会行为、建筑和景观设计的理解,把设计重心进一步放在人的体验感上,而不只是单纯提高通行效率。我们希望场地气质从复杂交通的匆忙氛围转变为生活方式引领的体验型空间。
We incorporated an understanding of social behaviour, architectural and landscape design, transforming the site from a bustling environment dominated by complex traffic into an experiential space that leads the way in lifestyle.
“多首层”概念的探索之旅 Multi-level exploration opportunities
One major design challenge was responding to the significant elevation differences of the site. Our design team proposed the concept of multi-level floors to compose the space, utilising landscaping techniques to create visual landscape nodes between different elevations, achieving seamless transitions and connections.
▽错落有致的休闲平台 Scattered leisure platform
In the changing heights, we guide the line of sight, starting from the continuous canopies of tall trees to three-dimensional perennial floral displays.
▽趣味多元的儿童活动空间 Fun and diverse children’s activity space
Passing through arrays of flying saucer sculptures and children’s playgrounds with terrain features, from the commercial square to rooftop gardens, our landscape design features rhythmic and cohesive elements of plants and colours. Through the utilisation of height differences, the simple transition spaces are transformed into a narrative thread.
由星系元素驱动的设计 Galaxy-inspired design
The six main landscape themes of the project revolve around various elements found in galaxies. Cloud-shaped tree planters divide the pedestrian circulation and primary activity spaces into distinct areas, while the Star Shadow Forest creates serene small scenes for communication and peaceful relaxation. The Aurora Stairs lead to the Meteor Plaza, with ‘flying saucer’ installations hanging over the stairs. And finally, the Star Garden on the roof strives to create a sports and learning area for all age groups.
▽流线型艺术云朵景观树池 Streamline art cloud landscape tree pool
As the carrier and catalyst of commercial content and life scenes, landscape design will fully consider the actual use scenes of different people in the same space at different times in the design process. The essence of “doing business” is “doing life”, design and content are inseparable, landscape design can even stimulate the promotion of commercial content, and a good city commercial project will make people unconsciously stay in it for a day. The development mode with strong proximity of public transportation and living space can greatly increase the travel opportunities of residents, while Sky City serves the residents of the entire Xujing area, from the subway to the commercial area to the residential area, and the creation of walking space allows visitors and residents to spontaneously interact with the place. Create wonderful miniature cities.
▽自然与生活共融的场景氛围 Nature and life in harmony scene atmosphere
以人为本的设计亮点 Design highlights:
—Multiple types of gathering and event spaces to host public events, provide seatings in leisure spaces, children’s playgrounds as well as the rooftop garden with clear signage to help users navigate the place.
—Separated cycling and pedestrian lanes to avoid accidents.
—Daily amenities available every 150 to 200 metres, helping to achieve the aspirations of a 15-minute city.
▽平面图 Plan
时间:2022 年
规模:62,200 平米
Client: Vanke
Location: Shanghai, China
Scale: 62,200 sqm
Disciplines: Landscape Architecture
Year: 2023
Design team:
Sean Lin, Sophie Zhou, Xiaoli Zhao, Yucheng Chen, Andi An, Poppy Wu, Wei Yuan, Wenyi Xi, Weiqing Hu
Photography: Hinok Cai, Hassell