

Atelier Scale:The Leaf Vein Garden is located in a corner of the library at the Jian’ou High School in Nanping City. It used to be a forgotten green corner, but it has now become a pocket garden where students relax in their daily lives. Despite the small space and tight budget, this small and beautiful garden cleverly combines the aesthetics of space with low-intervention design, showcasing a unique sense of tranquility, restraint, and beauty.
▽位于丘陵地带的建瓯一中校园 Jian ‘ou No. 1 Middle School campus in hilly area
▽位于图书馆旁的荒废绿地 An abandoned green space next to the library
The site of the Leaf Vein Garden is enclosed by high walls on three sides, naturally forming a enclosed corner green space. The garden’s design is delicate and simple, using the form of leaf veins to connect the garden paths with pocket spaces. Brick benches gradually grow, becoming undulating “leaf vein bookmarks.” The garden does not feature sculptures and statues; it consists of a sculptural space created by transforming the existing terrain. The “leaf vein bookmarks” are inscribed with the history of the school’s founding and inspirational quotes, waiting for students to discover. This simple design element creates a tranquil and pleasant resting place.
▽被高挡墙三面围合的叶脉花园 A veined garden enclosed on three sides by a high retaining wall
▽花园的“叶脉”形态 The “vein” shape of the garden
▽进入花园的叶脉步道 Enter the vein walk of the garden
▽逐渐“生长”的叶脉道路 Gradually “grow” the vein path
▽“叶脉书签”装置转移了对挡墙的视觉关注,成为一道缓冲的屏障 The “Leaf vein Bookmark” device diverts the visual attention from the retaining wall and acts as a buffer barrier
▽花园内没有出现雕塑,而是以留白的具有雕塑感的方式呈现 There is no sculpture in the garden, but it is presented in a sculptural manner that is left blank
▽跟随叶脉园路生长的“叶脉书签” “Vein bookmarks” that follow the vein garden path
▽学生可以与“书签”发生有趣的互动 Students can have fun interactions with bookmarks
Sustainability is another feature of this project. Gravel paving reduces surface runoff, promoting rainwater infiltration. The original trees are preserved next to the retaining wall, cleverly integrating them into the new landscape. We have respected the original environment to the greatest extent, allowing the previously inefficient green space to be rejuvenated with minimal intervention.
▽砾石铺地并无混凝土垫层,雨水可直接回渗土壤 Gravel paving has no concrete cushion, and rainwater can directly permeate the soil
▽青砖作为材料的首选,满足预算限制的同时又能与环境协调一致 Black brick is the material of choice to meet budget constraints while being in harmony with the environment
▽以低干预的方式嵌入一座叶脉花园 Embed a vein garden in a low-intervention manner
Although this is a very small mini garden, it perfectly combines the aesthetics of space, sustainability, and low-intervention design, adding a peaceful and eco-friendly resting place to the campus.
▽“书签装置”的背面是一处不错的悄悄话口袋 The back of the Bookmarking device is a nice whisper pocket
▽“书签装置”的韵律 “Bookmark Device” rhyme
▽挡墙上的爬藤植物正在持续生长 The climbing plants on the retaining wall are continuing to grow
后记 Afterword
Campus landscapes have always been a type of landscape that we pay close attention to. We have observed that many campus landscapes in China lack depth in planning, design, and construction, and there is a lack of professional organization in the construction process. Atelier Scale participated in the design of the leaf vein garden as a pro-bono manner. We believe that campus landscapes, as an extension of outdoor education, offer great imaginative potential. Through the practice of campus landscaping, Atelier Scale hopes to provide students with more interesting and practical campus environments.
▽叶脉花园平面图 Leaf vein garden plan
▽“书签装置”平面图 “Bookmark Device” plan
▽“书签装置”剖面图 “Bookmark Device” section
Design Name: The Leaf Vein
Project Name: Library Garden of the Jian-Ou No.1 Middle School
Project Location: Nanping, China
Landscape Design: Atelier Scale
Design Team: Huicheng Zhong, Feimin Song, Yongchun Ma, Bingxing Lin,Fan Wang,Min Xu
Client: Jian-Ou No.1 Middle School
Funder: CIFI Holdings Group
Funder Project Managing: Yiting Fan, Guoyan Cheng
Photo Credit: Yan-An Studio
“ 通过低干预的设计和现有地形改造而成的具有雕塑感的公共花园景观空间。”