本帖最后由 鲲誉设计 于 2023-5-25 11:18 编辑
The new landmarks of Shandong, such as the artificial intelligence science and Technology Innovation Park, are the thoughtful elites of this era and the practitioners who will open the future. The pattern is extraordinary, solemn and elegant, and the artistic conception is implicit.
// 空间如人,有思有念 // 方寸间承载的是时间的流动和印迹
At the beginning, it is Zongyi, If space is written into a book, Open the door and see the mountain.
巨幅的水墨丹青与白色基底浑然天成,无缝衔接如生长在空间之中。The huge ink painting is natural with the white base,Seamless connection is like growing in space.
From the perspective of moderation,
Explore the feelings in life,
Not deliberately covered,
Nor does it emphasize deliberate blank space.
把中国人对于传统的居家概念与现代居家体验相结合,现代是框架,内涵是国韵。Put Chinese people’s traditional concept of home want to combine with modern home experience, Modernity is the framework, and connotation is the national charm.
整个空间以白色为基底,用最简单的线条做切分,硬装基础尽可能的保证完整统一和整体性。The whole space is based on white, Cut with the simplest lines, As far as possible, the hard foundation Ensure integrity, unity and integrity. 优雅的气度与不凡,将每个人瞬间带入一个只属于自己的世界。Elegant bearing and extraordinary, Bring everyone into an instant Only belong to their own world.
家具的选型不拘泥于统一的风格,而是注重自由的尺度,在不规则中寻找呼应与共鸣。The selection of furniture is not limited to the unified style, but pays attention to the scale of freedom,Find echo and resonance in irregularity.
In three-dimensional space
Use appropriate design methods to create chic
It’s also a thought for life
Added scenery.
// 空间有信,有收放自如的开朗 // 装满生机与灵动的起承转合
Returning to nature has become the lifestyle pursued by most modern people. What the designer wants to emphasize is the pursuit of simplicity and simplicity.
空间整体通透,格局开阔,设计师也遵循了大道至简的设计方法。The overall space is transparent and the pattern is open, and the designer also followed the design method of Da Dao Zhi Jian.
餐厨空间延续客厅的基底,以中岛将功能区隔开来,视觉上保持空间的协调、完整和统一。The kitchen space continues the base of the living room, and the functional areas are separated by the middle island, visually maintaining spatial coordination, integrity, and unity.
软装选择上延续红色主题的点缀,搭配金色以突出庄重与灵动。The embellishment of red theme is continued in the selection of soft clothes, Match it with gold to highlight solemnity and flexibility.
抓住大道至简的生活理念与人文精髓,将自然人文与艺术融合成一幅生活的画卷。 Grasp the life concept of simplicity And humanistic essence, Combine nature, humanities and art Integrate into a picture of life. ·
// 空间如诗,有韵律有注脚 // 所有的堆叠酝酿心中的安澜
Sleeping area is what people seek. It should be the soul harbor for building a sense of security, where the soul relaxes and comforts.
主卧的基底以白与墨为基底,大面积墨色木饰面给人安稳和安心,让生活的节奏放缓。The base of the master bedroom is white and ink, and a large area of ink wood veneer gives people stability and peace of mind, so that the pace of life slows down.
优雅的墨色纹理让空间的流动性缓缓流淌,让每一寸空间都有韵脚。The elegant ink texture makes the fluidity of space flow slowly, so that every inch of space has a rhyme.
在当代潮流的点缀中,就能不经意间抵达安逸与安静的世界,In the embellishment of contemporary trends,Can arrive inadvertently Comfortable and quiet world,
长辈房的整体构建,更追求传统意境与文化的表达,让空间更具便捷与优雅的统一。The overall construction of the elder house pursues the expression of traditional artistic conception and culture, making the space more convenient and elegant.
以棉、麻、纸等软装选材,和艺术小景的营造,构建一个优雅的休憩空间。Soft packing materials such as cotton, hemp, paper, etc. And the construction of artistic scenery An elegant rest space.
Give notes on age and preferences on soft decorations to create a growing atmosphere for boys.
// 空间如常,每一道光阴透过暮鼓和晨钟直抵你我的日常 //
The theme of the study is set for image lovers. Trying to integrate life lens and space, generate focus and dialogue.
Leave the feelings of life in the camera, Freeze in every unforgettable moment, Like light and shadow, always accompany.
镜头记录瞬间,空间记录生活,一场时空之旅正在徐徐上演。Camera records moments, space records life, A journey of time and space is slowly unfolding.
项目名称 | 银丰世纪公园<br>项目地点 | 山东济南<br>项目开发 | 银丰地产<br>甲方团队 | 李凤春 陈莹 高佳 孙春雷<br>室内设计 | 鲲誉设计 KUNYU-DESIGN<br>项目主理 | 邓满满<br>设计主创 | 麻海涛 郭耀宗 沈倩倩<br>陈设艺术 | 美域高 MIYUKO<br>设计主创 | 方衣珍 郭伊曼<br>设计样本 | 样板间<br>项目面积 | 175.2501349㎡<br>项目摄影 | Ingallery