知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   西餐厅   /   现代西餐厅

Joker & Thief 餐厅

2019/12/02 08:00:00
当疯子遇见INXS,这是真正的新流派——“Joker & Thief”餐厅的设计将上世纪中期的风格与80年代的迷惑摇滚风潮融合在一起。这间餐厅被构思为一个逃离现实的理想目的地:窗户中吹来温和的海风,房间里充斥着香槟的气味。如果你想度过一个特别的夜晚,不如盛装打扮一番,和坐在你旁边穿着破洞牛仔裤和T恤的朋友形成鲜明对比。夺人眼球的装饰,深沉的色调,加上几乎没有照明的天花板,这是一个挑逗人的、喜怒无常却又充满趣味的地方。
Madmen meets INXS. This is officially a new genre! The interiors are a nod to mid-century styling with a touch of 80s glam rock. We see The Joker and The Thief as the bar that is the perfect moment of escapism.Balmy ocean breezes come through the window as the champagne flows. This place is your lux black sheep. If you want your special night out you can get dressed up to the nines, and look perfectly placed next to your mate in ripped jeans and t.Contrasting patterns, deep hues and almost no overhead lighting.It’s flattering, moody and most of all fun.This place does not take itself too seriously.
▼餐厅概览,project overview ©Fabric Architecture
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Joker & Thief餐厅坐落在Terrigal海滨广场,是由原先的Hog’s Breath餐馆改造而来。业主的要求是希望设计师为餐厅赋予一些其他滨海休闲场所不具备的特质。为此,设计团队特别邀请了Stewart Highfield事务所的设计师Xanthe来打造吧台的部分,并为餐厅选择了所有的家具和装修样式。
Fabric Architecture were commissioned to design an exciting new bar and restaurant space in the old Hog’s Breath eatery along the esplanade at the Terrigal oceanfront. The design concept was left to us, however, the brief for the project called for something unique which the Central Coast had not seen in hospitality. We brought Xanthe from Studio Stewart Highfield onboard to collaborate throughout the process and Xanthe helped set the narrative for the bar and selected all the furniture and styling.
▼用餐区域,dining area ©Fabric Architecture
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The bar is situated on a first-floor tenancy. Perfect for the uninterrupted views over the beach, not so great for the street presence. So getting the attention of people walking past was a key discussion.The new layout also had to be centred around an existing kitchen and lift shaft. We wanted to set the mood from the street and also create a visually interesting entrance. The idea to create this monochromatic tunnel, lit by LED strip lights that lead you up to the Maitre d’ and welcome station.The existing kitchen and lift shaft restraints set the direction during the spatial planning and were utilised by creating separate dining and bar zones.
▼入口隧道通过LED灯带照亮,the monochromatic tunnel lit by LED strip lights ©Fabric Architecture
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▼吧台,bar counter ©Fabric Architecture
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▼墙面和灯具细部,furnishing and lighting details ©Fabric Architecture
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For us, the bar is our favourite! and is definitely the hero of the fit-out creating a focal point for the space, highlighting the themes, styles and colours that have been incorporated into the project. The subtle curves, symmetry, timber cladding mixed with brass mirrors help play on the mid-century styling whilst creating this underlying relaxed atmosphere. The best thing about The Joker and Thief is its ability to transform from a bright and airy day time restaurant to a sundowner bar, One that slowly changes with ever softening light of the sunset outside.
▼沙发区和窗边座位,sofa area and seats beside the window ©Fabric Architecture
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▼从二层望向沙滩,view to the beach from the first-floor ©Fabric Architecture
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▼家具细部,furniture details ©Fabric Architecture
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Key products used: Bar Cladding: Porta Timber Bar Top: Silestone Installed by Central Coast Granite Back of Bar: Brass – That Metal Company Wall Lighting: About Space Paint: Porters Paint – French Wash Furniture: HK Living, Vorsen, Globewest, Life Interiors Project size: 300 m2 Completion date: 2019 Building levels: 1
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