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2019/11/22 17:13:07
▼项目概览,project overview ©David-Boyer
▼与藏品相邻的集体工作区提供了一对一或集体咨询的场地,a group work area adjacent to the collection provides a space for one-on-one or group consultation ©David-Boyer
The Video Collections Repository (VCR) is a project created by the Faculty of Fine Arts at Concordia University to collect a significant collection of art in different formats in one place. The VCR includes the Faculty of Fine Arts Slide Collection, which is one of the largest in Canada with over 350 000 catalogued 35 mm slides and data bands of over 18 000 high resolution digital images, and the Moving Image Collection which is comprised of over 41 000 titles dating back to 1895 in all types of formats as well as the Canadian Women Artists History Initiative. The VCR stores, catalogues and displays all these different collections while simultaneously serves as a discovery space and a platform for informal gathering.
▼横跨整个空间的大木墙被用作资料储存室,a large wooden wall spanning the entire space is used as a data storage room ©David-Boyer
▼木墙的特殊之处在于其表面上用激光雕刻的数字,what makes the wooden walls special is the Numbers carved on their surfaces by lasers ©David-Boyer
▼墙上雕刻的数字源于历史上使用过的不同数位格式,the Numbers carved on the wall come from different digital formats used throughout history ©David-Boyer
▼细部,details ©David-Boyer
▼木墙内部,inside the wooden wall ©David-Boyer
The collection of art is at the heart of the renovation project concept. The thousands of slides, cassettes and discs are displayed and stored in a large wooden wall that spreads across the space. This focal point, whose laser engraving is inspired by the different digital formats used throughout history, reminds the users of the wealth of knowledge available in the media bank. The large wood panels create a uniform treatment for the storage of diverse documents and act as a separator between the different program elements while ensuring acoustic and visual insulation. The collective workspace adjacent to the collection provides an opportunity to consult, either individually or collectively, to foster an educational dialogue within Concordia University’s Faculty of Fine Arts.
▼多媒体视听室,multimedia audiovisual room ©David-Boyer
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing
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