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2019/11/04 13:50:19
建筑事务所Silvio d’Ascia Architecture与摩洛哥的建筑公司Omar Kobbité Architects合作,共同完成了拉巴特(Rabat)北部盖尼特拉市(Kenitra)的高铁车站项目。作为非洲首条连接地中海和大西洋的高速铁路的一部分,本项目不仅是盖尼特拉市内一个客流量较大的中转站,更将城市的历史中心区域与其他各个区域联系了起来。
The office of Silvio d’Ascia Architecture, in association with the Moroccan firm Omar Kobbité Architects, has delivered the new Kenitra TGV station, north of Rabat. The station, part of the “Royal” construction project of Africa’s first high-speed train line, which connects the Mediterranean with the Atlantic, is also conceived as a lively transition zone for Kenitra, linking its historic center with districts of the modern city.
▼高铁站鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the high-speed train station © Takuji Shimmura
盖尼特拉市高铁站就像是一个珠宝盒,在城市环境中重新展现了摩洛哥传统建筑的特色。其中最引人注目的当属建筑的外立面了:白色的外立面在城市的尺度下重新诠释了传统雕花木格窗的形式。可以说,本高铁站不仅与Al Boraq高铁站所带来的社会经济和技术的进步息息相关,更是盖尼特拉市和摩洛哥与当代世界融合的象征。
The Kenitra station was imagined as a jewel case framing the renewed identity of traditional Moroccan architecture in an urban context, in particular thanks to its facade, a reinterpretation of a moucharabieh expanded to the scale of the city. Associating the socio-economic and technological progress concretized by the arrival of the Al Boraq TGV, the station is a symbol of this city’s and of Morocco’s integration with the modern world.
▼高铁站外观远景,白色的外立面在城市的尺度下重新诠释了传统雕花木格窗的形式,distant exterior view of the high-speed train station, the white facade creates a reinterpretation of a moucharabieh expanded to the scale of the city © Takuji Shimmura
▼设计概念图,concept diagram
In addition to being the place to take the train, the station’s spatial and functional organization is designed to serve as a key public space of the city’s daily life. It now enables city dwellers to pass back and forth between the new city districts on the south side and the historic district on the north side. Prior to its construction, the only connecting point was a narrow subterranean passageway. This new urban bridge above the railways contains shops and services and facilitates the smooth flow of the foot traffic of passengers and inhabitants crossing the city. The station’s dual entry points to the city, to the north and the south, help balance the urban fabric and turn the city into a genuine public space for all.
▼高铁站外观近景,close exterior view of the high-speed train station © Takuji Shimmura
▼高铁站北立面,开有8个形状不同的气势恢宏的拱形门洞,the north facade of the station with 8 imposing arches of varying geometries © Takuji Shimmura
▼高铁站外观局部,外立面由800多个三角形图案的混凝土框架构成,facade of the station that is composed of morethan 800 triangular blocks of fiber-reinforced, ultra-high performing concrete © Takuji Shimmura
The facade of the station is an imposing screen on the cityscape, like “an urban moucharabieh”, permeable to the flow of foot traffic crossing the plaza and the passenger building. 200 meters long –the length of a standard high-speed train (TGV) – and a height of 12 meters, it is composed of morethan 800 triangular blocks of fiber-reinforced, ultra-high performing concrete overlooking the broad marble and concrete plaza, on the historic city side, thanks to 8 imposing arches of varying geometries.
▼高铁站外立面及其不同形状的拱形门洞,partial exterior view of the facade and its arches of varying geometries © Takuji Shimmura
▼高铁站外观局部,partial exterior view of the station © Takuji Shimmura
The triangle motif on the building’s skin is inspired by the geometric compositions of Islamic architecture. Expanded to the scale of an urban edifice to create the perfect balance between light, shade and transparency, the motif of the facade becomes an enormous frame and filter through which to view the city.
▼从高铁站内部看由大理石和混凝土打造而成的城市广场空间,viewing the broad marble and concrete plaza from the interior space of the station © Takuji Shimmura
▼高铁站室内局部,外立面像一个巨大的取景器,partial interior view of the station, the facade acts as a frame and filter through which to view the city © Takuji Shimmura
▼立面细节,facade details © Takuji Shimmura
▼外表皮的温度和季节适应性,the temperature and climate adaptation of the facade
This enlargement of the “moucharabieh” architectural element offers a way of dealing with the strong seasonal variations of the station’s outdoor temperatures. This active and porous skin naturally filters light and air to ensure comfortable interior temperatures. Shadows cast by the functional blocks onto the gray marble floor and the glazed surfaces of the facades, evolving with the season and the time of day, are the poetic result of the natural thermal regulation ensured by the moucharabieh feature.
▼高铁站室内局部,外表皮在室内的灰色大理石地板和玻璃立面上投射出光影效果,partial interior view of the station, the shadows are cast onto the gray marble floor and the glazed surfaces of the facades © Takuji Shimmura
▼高铁站的站台,the platforms of the high-speed train station © Takuji Shimmura
▼从铁路站台看高铁站,viewing the high-speed train station from the platform of the railway © Takuji Shimmura
▼高铁站夜景,night view of the high-speed train station © Takuji Shimmura
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view of the station
▼总平面图,site plan
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼纵向剖面图,longitudinal sections
▼横向剖面图,transversal sections
Client: ONCF – Office National des Chemins de Fer Project management: Silvio d’Ascia Architecture: G. Perino, E. Seif, F. Nicolosi, A. Ares Sainz Omar Kobbité Architectes (Moroccan lead architect): O. Kobbité, F. Mannella, E. Giudice All trade works: TPF Pyramide Ingénierie, Control office: DEKRA, SPC Coordinator: SOGEA Maroc, Acoustics: TPF Pyramide Ingénierie, Lighting engineering consultant: TPF Pyramide Ingénierie Program: High-speed train station and multimodal exchange pole Mission: Project management Address: Royal Army St, Kenitra, Morocco Surface area: 13 500 m2 (145312,79 sq ft) Cost: € 30,000,000 excl. VAT Calendar: Delivery: 2019 Photo credits: © Takuji Shimmura
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