“少即是爱”生态装置 | 垃圾分类的艺术实践

2019/09/29 10:11:42
九月,在设计中国北京展览上,建筑师孙大勇(Penda China 创始合伙人)受邀为设计中国北京展设计了一件体现生态设计理念的装置作品,提倡一种新的生活理念“少即是爱”。人类每年正在向海洋倾倒 800 万吨垃圾,不仅危害着海洋的生物,同时也危害着人类自己。面对垃圾这一严峻的生态问题,人类必须改变传统的生活方式,本件作品名称“少即是爱”。就是提出一种新的生活理念,减少不必要的垃圾产生,同时提倡大家进行垃圾分类,垃圾是放错了位置的资源,只有我们重新认识垃圾,合理的循环利用垃圾,才能从根源上减少垃圾的产生,减轻人类对环境造成的负担和压力,最终的受益者将是我们人类自己。
In September, architect Sun Dayong(Founding partner of Penda China) was invited to design an installation work for Design China Beijing exhibition to reflect the ecological design concept and advocate a new attitude toward life known as “Less is Love”. Every year, human beings are dumping 8 million tons of garbage into the ocean, jeopardizing not only ocean life but also the life of our own. Faced with this serious ecological problem, we human beings must change our traditional way of living. This work, titled “Less is Love”, proposes a new concept of life, i.e., to reduce unnecessary waste and encourage people to sort out waste, which actually should be classified as misplaced resources. Only by correctly understanding and reasonably recycling waste can we reduce it from the source, relieve the environmental burden and pressure caused by human beings, and eventually benefit ourselves.
▼装置外观,exterior view of the installation
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This 4-meter-tall installation in the size of 8m*8m is fabricated with metal scaffoldings and 60 trash cans. There are six types of domestic waste, i.e. kitchen waste, disposable bamboo & wood tableware and tissue paper, plastic foam, printed matter, metal & glass, hazardous and dangerous items. These are the most common wastes in our daily life. If they can be effectively separated from the source, the workload of recycling staff in the community can be much reduced. Therefore we should start the change from our behaviors. With the elaborately designed classification signage in enlarged characters and lovely images, the trash cans are no longer the byword of dirt and mess. As the designer wishes to make the trash cans a beautiful rainbow in the city, the installation adopts a semi-circle structure which incorporates the designer’s inspiring idea into the structural rationality.
▼装置外观,采用半圆形的结构,六种颜色的垃圾桶形成一道彩虹,exterior view of the installation that adopts a semi-circle structure, make the trash cans a beautiful rainbow
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▼装置外观,主要由金属脚手架结构和 60 个垃圾桶组成,exterior view of the installation that is fabricated with metal scaffoldings and 60 trash cans
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这件作品首次展出于北京农展馆设计中国北京的主展场,之后受邀参加了北京设计周“亲爱的垃圾”主题展览。 展览后所有的垃圾桶将会捐赠给垃圾分类社区。鼓励更多的人参与到垃圾分类的行动中来。
This work was first presented at the main venue of Design China Beijing at National Agricultural Exhibition Center, and then invited to the themed exhibition Dear Trash during Beijing Design Week. All trash cans will be given away to the communities implementing waste classification after the exhibition, thus encouraging the engagement of more citizens into the waste classification.
▼装置细节,details of the installation
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每个人少一些浪费、少制造一些垃圾,就会给其他生命多留一些空间和机会,同时我们也会更加珍惜我们的拥 有,这就是一种爱。
Less wastage and less waste will leave more spaces and opportunities for other creatures, and will make us cherish more what we own at the same time. This is a kind of love.
▼装置夜景,night view of the installation
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▼金属脚手架结构平面图,plan of the metal scaffoldings
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▼金属脚手架结构节点详图,details of the metal scaffoldings
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主创设计:孙大勇, 万书言
尺寸:8 米×8 米×4 米
时间:2019 年 9 月
Chief Designer: Sun Dayong, Wan Shuyan
Team: Penda China Architecture
Material: Steel pipe, trash can
Size: 8m×8m×4m
Date: September, 2019
Exhibition Location:Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Hall and Jiuxianqiao
Photographer: Xia Zhi
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