

▼傍晚的院,Yard at dusk
▼爆炸图,Exploded diagram
The project is located in No. 64 Dongrongxian Hutong and 150 meters away from the National Grand Theatre. The owner requests that the 37 square meters duty room, which could only be used by one person, should renovate to a perfect apartment fo 3-4 people. This design shows how to renovate a 37 square meters traditional building to a modern Three-bedroom apartment.
▼庭院俯视,Courtyard overlooking
▼玄关走廊,Hallway & corridor
▼午后庭院,Yard in the afternoon
▼双人床大小的院子,A double bed -size yard
▼景观由镜子渗透进室内,Landscape enter through mirrors
▼卧室望向院子,Yard from the bedroom
▼客餐厅与简厨,Meeting Room & Kitchen
The composite furniture layout mode, full use of the space between different furniture.
▼二楼卧室,Second floor bedroom
The original layout is on the two-dimensional plane. After the renovation, the three-dimensional space is divided and arranged into functions.
▼主房充分利用了不同功能之间对层高的不同需求,The main house makes full use of the different height for different functions.
In order to make full use of the space, all pipelines are arranged in the floors and walls.
▼所有的管线全部嵌入楼板与墙壁,All pipelines are arranged in floors and walls
The architect used “panorama” to infiltrate the landscape of the courtyard into the main space.
▼院子与室内的相互映照,courtyard and interior
▼门前小巷,Front Hutong
▼望向大剧院,Looking at the Grand Theatre