

如何将一栋只有 7 层楼的废弃办公楼改造成酒店,同时不削弱其存在感,让来访者不会被周围强烈的对比吸引所有的目光?这是该项目需要解决的最重要的挑战之一。
How to adapt an abandoned office building with just 7 floors for a hotel in an area of high-ranking contemporary buildings without detracting from its presence and without being absorbed by the comparison that surrounds it? This was one of the most important challenges to be addressed in this project.
▼夜间街景,street view at night© Aveh Studio
▼改造前,before renovation© Blending Dots
What if in You have to follow the stereotypes marked around the site (tempered glass walls and clean and neat finishes, perforated steel facades and aluminum lattices) we Opted for for designing “that quaint and cozy little hotel in the corner”? That was our stance to be able to tackle this problem.
▼前台接待,reception© Aveh Studio
▼通高中庭,free height atrium© Aveh Studio
从这个意义上来讲,设计旨在 100%尊重原有的建筑结构,并专注于与周围环境的对比。立面上,一系列随机分布的开窗和框架,材料的重量感,与周围建筑的轻盈形成对比,这种对比在室内接待空间中进一步凸显了出来,温暖的氛围在中庭壮观的通高空间中自由流动。
In this sense, we seek to respect 100% the structure and focus on designing inversely to what is proposed to our surroundings, proposing a sequence of openings and frames randomly distributed solids on the façade, heaviness in its proposal of materials, in contrast to the lightness of our neighbors, which is repeated in the free height of reception inside, warmth instead of coldness.
▼仰视天窗,looking up to the skylight© Aveh Studio
▼楼梯原状,original view of the staircase© Blending Dots
The core of vertical circulations serves as an extremely important element since that it was rehabilitated taking the original staircase as a starting point, dressing it elegantly with a dark skin and taking over the headroom that houses it.
vertical circulation after renovation© Aveh Studio
▼优雅的黑色饰面,elegant black finishing© Aveh Studio
Cables with vines that run down from the highest part to the area of lobby give life to the circulation spaces and at the same time end in spotlights that They light up the space.
▼绿植与吊灯,plant and lamps© Aveh Studio
The design of the bathrooms contrasts with clean and fine finishes, you could say the leather lining the bathrooms is interpreted as the immediate negative to the dark brick of the exterior and this responds to the use of space.
▼走廊,corridor© Aveh Studio
▼客房玄关,entrance of the guest room© Aveh Studio
▼客房,guest room© Aveh Studio
▼客房细部,details of the guest room© Aveh Studio
▼浴室,bathroom© Aveh Studio
简而言之,Fulton 酒店的设计具有强烈的独特性,它与周围的建筑环境形成鲜明的对比,以不落俗套的方式重新诠释了周围的建筑语言,这种策略使本项目从环境中脱颖而出,并以桀骜不驯的姿态回应了周围的环境背景。
In short, it could be said that the Fulton Hotel is designed with uniqueness since It invariably contrasts with the surrounding proposals and is rebellious to continue with these stereotypes, which makes it unique in its immediate environment and characterizes it for the antagonistic way of responding to their context.
▼一层平面图,1st floor plan© Blending Dots
▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan© Blending Dots
▼三层~五层平面图,3rd~5th floor plan© Blending Dots
▼六层平面图,6th floor plan© Blending Dots
▼七层平面图,7th floor plan© Blending Dots
▼立面图,elevations© Blending Dots
▼剖面图,section© Blending Dots
Technical File Of The Project
Office: Blending Dots
Authors: Arq. Luis Ivan Guerrero Villa / Arq. Emmanuel Javier Trinidad
Social Media
Project Name: Fulton Business Luxury Hotel
Location: Av. De Las Americas 1450, Country Club, Guadalajara, Jal.
Year Built: 2022
Construction Area: 3,450.00 M2
Arq. Rogelio Arturo Castillo Prieto
Photographer: Aveh Studio
Social Media