

Myllypuro校区位于芬兰赫尔辛基,隶属于大都会应用科技大学(Metropolia University of Applied Sciences)。这是一个理工专业园区,拥有一系列教学、学习和研究设施,为 6000 名学生和 500 名教职员工提供服务。高度专业化的研究空间与开放式的社交空间相结合,为学生创造了一个可以深入了解自己专业的环境,同时还能经常接触到更多同侪的工作。
The Myllypuro campus, located in Helsinki, Finland and designed for Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, is a polytechnic campus which looks to serve 6,000 students and 500 staff through a range of teaching, learning and research facilities. The combination of highly-specialized research spaces and open social spaces creates an environment where students can foster an intense understanding of their subject, whilst having frequent exposure to the work of so many more of their peers.
▼远眺建筑,distant view ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼鸟瞰,aerial view ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼屋顶鸟瞰,roof top view ©️ Marc Goodwin
The aim of the campus was to create an inspiring and open network of learning. The design bases itself on the Finnish approach to education which realizes the importance of shared learning across disciplines through social study spaces; whilst allowing for focused learning of individual practices in isolated environments.
▼从街角望向建筑,view from crossroad ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼外观概览,exterior appearance overview ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼立面,facade ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼入口,entry ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼立面细部,facade details ©️ Marc Goodwin
The campus is made of four main blocks, joined by huge atria. While keeping it sheltered from the harsh Finnish climate, the separation of the units gives an almost urban atmosphere, breaking away from the traditional ‘school’ feeling and promoting informal, out-of-office-hours type interactions.
▼首层共享空间,ground floor shared space ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼中庭,atrium ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼中庭,atrium ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼中庭仰视,upwards view of the atrium ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼连廊,bridge ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼阳光露台,terrace ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼抵御芬兰恶劣气候的庇护所,a shelter against the harsh Finnish climate ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼走廊,corridor ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼交通空间,circulation space ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼螺旋楼梯,spiral stairs ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼卫生间,washing room ©️ Marc Goodwin
Catering for the high volume of users, underneath the campus is a service yard and parking hall. The ground floors are kept primarily for shared uses. Within the main volumes are a whole host of facilities, including two large auditoriums, restaurants and cafés, two sports halls, a therapy pool, clinical training and simulation facilities for social services and healthcare, construction and building services laboratories and workshops, a library and Metropolia’s own commercial premises. On top of this, a significant amount of space is dedicated to teacher’s offices, designed according to the activity-based office concept – bringing a more practical and hands-on approach to education which looks to trickle down into the teaching environment.
▼体育馆,sports hall ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼泳池,pool ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼报告厅,auditorium ©️ Marc Goodwin
▼实验室,laboratory ©️ Marc Good
▼工坊,workshop ©️ Marc Good
▼草图,sketch ©️ Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
▼总平面图,siteplan ©️ Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
▼场地平面,site plan ©️ Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©️ Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
▼六层平面图,fifth floor plan ©️ Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
▼立面图,elevations ©️ Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
▼剖面图,section ©️ Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Client: Real estate company Myllypuron Kampus / City of Helsinki
Year of completion: 2019
Total area: 56,000 m2
Programme: Educational and state-of-the-art research facilities, library services and commercial premises