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2019/08/23 18:50:22
项目所在地“半坡国际艺术区”原是国家“一五”期间由前苏联援建的西北地区最大的纺织工业基地,艺术区的建筑主体是 1961 年建成的西北第一印染厂旧址(唐华一印)。之后这片纺织区逐渐退出了历史舞台,但遗留下了上万平米质量颇高的苏式厂房。2007 年,部分西安艺术家和艺术机构进入,自发形成了小规模的艺术聚落,称为“纺织城艺术区”。2012 年,资本的强势介入把艺术区更名为“半坡国际艺术区”,原有的连续性大厂房空间被划分为独立铺面进行租赁,商家可按自己需求进行任意装修。世俗化和商业化的氛围迫使艺术家群体渐渐离去,取而代之的是餐饮、婚纱摄影、广告公司等商业机构。
▼项目概览,project overview
The Banpo International Art District was the largest textile industry base of Northwest China which was built by the former Soviet Union during the First Five-Year Plan period. The main buildings of Art District are the site of the first printing and dyeing factory of Northwest China (Tanghua Yiyin), which was built in 1961. After that, the textile area gradually withdrew from the historical stage, but left behind tens of thousands of square meters of high-quality Soviet-style factory buildings. In 2007, some Xi’an artists and art institutions entered and spontaneously formed a small-scale artistic settlement called “Textile City Art District”. In 2012, the strong intervention of capital renamed this area as“Banpo International Art District”. The original continuous large spaces were divided into independent Shops for leasing. The lessees can make any decoration according to their own needs. The atmosphere of secularization and commercialization forced the artists to disappear gradually, replaced by restaurants, wedding photography, advertising companies and other commercial organizations.
▼旧印染车间(来源于网络)the old Printing and Dyeing Workshops
在这样的背景下,垣建筑于 2015 年接手了其中两跨厂房的改造设计。甲方是一位 80 后的地道陕西人,对艺术和文化充满热情,他希望这个空间能够成为艺术的载体,传播和展示陕西文化,同时也需要满足适当相对独立的办公、接待、研究和储藏功能。
In this context, we took over the renovation design of two-span factory buildings in 2015. The owner is an authentic Shaanxi natives of the post-80s generation, who is full of enthusiasm for art and culture. He hoped that this space could become a container of art to disseminate and display Shaanxi culture, meanwhile satisfy some auxiliary functions such as office, reception, research and storage.
▼改造后的厂房兼具了展厅、办公、接待、研究和储藏功能,the renewed factory works as an exhibition hall with the programme of office, reception, research and storage
面对这个任务书不明确、展示对象不清楚的项目,我们在分析研究后首先确定了几个原则:第一,对工业遗产要有足够的尊重,充分展现其空间价值,这是对历史的交代;第二,对外部环境要有足够的应对,既要屏蔽杂糅商业环境对艺术空间的干扰,又要通过设计积极改善公共空间环境,这是对现状的交代;第三,对内部空间要预留足够的自由度,保证空间灵活调整的余地,这是对未来的交代;第四,对这个现状面积仅有 256㎡的厂房空间要有造园的意趣,避免扁平化,从而延伸人在艺术空间中从感官到身体的知觉体验。
▼展示空间,exhibition space
Faced with unclear mission requirement and exhibition objects, we first determined several principles after analyzing and researching. Firstly, we should respect the industrial heritage and show its spatial value adequately, which is responsible for history. Secondly, we should respond adequately to the external environment, not only shield the interference of mixed commercial environment on artistic space, but also actively improve the public space through design, which is responsible for present situation. Thirdly, enough freedom should be reserved for the internal space to ensure the flexibility of space adjustment, which is responsible for future. Fourthly, we should have the interest of Chinese garden for this workshop space with a current area of only 256 feet so as to avoid flattening, but extending people’s perceptual experience from sense to body.
▼挑高茶室日景,day view of high tea room
▼空间分析 GIF 图,space diagram
▼剖透视图,perspective section
Based on the above principles, we first used the original structure of the middle section to carry out a moderate “space thickening”, which are similar to a “thick wall” filled with stairs, galleries, toilets, tea rooms and other service functions, to separate and define the two main space areas in the North-South direction, but the two main spaces also ensure the relationship of sight to strengthen the depth of North-South space. In both space areas, separate entrances are reserved to ensure the later selection of circulation. The northern area retained a complete large space for exhibition and activities, visitors can feel the most primitive power here. In the southern area, we created introversive spaces with the movement trend of spiral rise, which composited together by the old brick walls on the west and south, the double bamboo wall on the east and the new concrete walls of pine woodtexture.
▼空间在整体上形成视觉关联,the visual connection of the entire space
展示空间和楼梯空间,exhibition space and stair
▼楼梯空间细部,detailed view
▼入口空间夜景,night view of entrance space
一层小茶室,tea room on the first floor
On the one hand, this kind of spatial relationship has the introversive characteristic of Chinese Courtyard: there are many different sizes rooms which are independent and interrelated around the core space, while avoiding the interference from external business atmosphere. On the other hand, the narrative logic of “vertical walls” and “horizontal boards” is adopted in this design, which not only presents the path and feeling of “big in small” in Chinese garden, but also provides the multi-dimensional possibility of vertical space. We called this kind of space as “Vertical Walls Garden”.,the holes of second floor
▼从二层看一层小茶室,tea room of first floor is seen from the second floor
▼洞口关系,the relationship of holes
▼木纹混凝土是对原有混凝土的致敬,the new wood-grain concrete walls are a tribute to these original materials
In the selection of materials, we fully retained the original concrete structure and the brick walls superimposed at different times, the use of new concrete walls are a tribute to these original materials, Similar materials also can help to keep the overall attributes of spacial feeling, only the texture expression is clearly distinguished.
We chose double bamboo walls for the eastern facade of this space which belongs to the public corridor, on the one hand, the natural attributes of bamboo are used to soften the stiffness of external commercial space and produce interesting interface; on the other hand, the gaps between bamboo walls produces a semi-transparent effect to maintain a vague sense of mystery which can be established the self-identity of art space.
▼东立面入口,entrance and east facade
▼东立面竹墙,bamboo wall of east facade
这个低造价项目的主体改造 2016 年便完工了,但因为诸多原因一度闲置。直到 2019 年一批艺术品的入住才得以重新修整布置并对外开放,事先预留的空间自由度也给予了布置的各种可能性,最终呈现了一个充满力量而又琳琅满目的小型艺术空间,因为“小”也才能注入更多的体验、身体与情感。
The main transformation of this space was completed in 2016, but for many reasons it was once empty and wasted. Until 2019 with a collection of artworks’s coming, we had the chance to re-arranged this art space, and finally presented a small art space which is full of powerful and colorful. It is also because of “small” we had the chance to inject more experience, body and emotion.▼展品与老砖墙,exhibits with old Brick Wall
▼展品与细节,exhibits and details
▼项目模型,project model
▼首层平面图,1F plan
二层平面图,2F plan
▼三层平面图,3F plan
Project name: Bu Zaifang Art Space
Location: Banpo International Art District, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China
Design: Wall Architects of XAUAT
Partners in Charge: Wu Rui, Wang Maozhen, Li Shaochong
Project Team: Jiang Shujun, Huang Xiaotong
Design Consultant: Zhong Yuan
Structural Engineer: Baoyulin Construction Service Co., Ltd.
Client: Bu Zaifang
Art Gallery Storey: 3 Floors Building Area: 360m2
Design Stage: 2015.04-2015.10Construction Stage: 2019.08
Materials: Concrete; Bamboo; Steel
Photo credits: Wang Jiaqi/QIJIAN.Photos, Xu Youxiao
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