一座充满当代美学的私人花园丨Pool landscape

2023/05/30 17:22:30
Pool landscape:这是一座充满当代美学的住宅花园,带给人优雅、精致、奢华的感受。
Pool landscape: Contemporary beauty, exclusive elegance, sophisticated luxury, characterize the garden of the house.
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A coordinated project where architecture, landscape, and furniture become one whole. Each space is designed according to user needs.
▽平面图 Plan
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On the left side of the entrance there is a mediterranean garden under the exixting stone pines. At the opposite, on the right side, a custom concrete bench become the border of the garden where is designed the kitchen garden organized into corten pots, and the corner of roses. Along the concrete bench, groups of soft shrubs, in the shade of sculptural stone pine trees accompain the walk until the fireplace sourrounded by hydrangeas.
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道路连接花园中所有主要的区域来组织空间,并环绕着游泳池和padel 球场。
The network of paths organizes the space trough all the main areas of the garden and run around the pool and padel court.
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In this area shrubs and grasses plays with colors, volumes and textures and create a backdrop looking to the garden from the house.
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The lighting design project contribute to create a special romantic atmosphere at night.
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项目名称:Giardino sui Colli Pesaresi(山丘上的私人花园)
项目地点:意大利 佩萨罗
景观/建筑公司:Pool landscape
首席建筑师:Pool landscape(Arch. Caterina Gerolimetto, Landscape Arch. Ilaria Sangaletti, Agronomist Elisa Frappi)
Project Name: Giardino sui Colli Pesaresi (Private garden on the hills)
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: 4000 sqm
Project Location: Pesaro, Italy.
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Pool landscape
Lead Architects: Pool landscape: Arch. Caterina Gerolimetto, Landscape Arch. Ilaria Sangaletti, Agronomist Elisa Frappi
Photo Credits: Silvano Bacciardi
“ 项目中的建筑、花园和家具都具有统一的风格,独特、精致而优雅,充满了文化和现代之美。”
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