

皇家坚果公司(Royal Nut Company)是一家位于Brunswick、深受欢迎的家族企业,已经在当地从事坚果销售30多年了,为产品原料产地带来了独特的零售体验。最近,建筑师发现皇家坚果公司向可持续性商业模式发展的转变:减少塑料包装、采购本土生产的坚果而非便宜的进口坚果原料。公司也一直与当地养蜂人合作,购买他们的蜂蜜并使用玻璃瓶包装公司生产的坚果酱。
The Royal Nut Company is a Brunswick institution. A beloved family business that’s been selling wholesale nuts to Brunswick locals for 30 years or more, offering a unique retail experience right at the source of production. In recent times we’ve watched the Royal Nut Company change to a sustainable business model reducing their plastic packaging, buying and sourcing home grown local nuts instead of cheaper imported product. They’ve been working with local beekeepers for their honey and they’ve been producing their own nut butters in glass packaging.
▼工厂外观,exterior of the factory
Breathe Architecture的建筑师对这家公司所做的一切都非常感兴趣,当他们因为需要为公寓楼腾出场地而出售了他们的仓库后,建筑师希望能够帮助这家公司搬入新工厂中。新工厂位于一片已经闲置多年的场地中,为了强调场地的工业历史,仓库现有的风格被保留下来:裸露的屋架、高处的钢制窗户、现存砖墙和混凝土地面。砖墙仓库被涂刷为金色,在场地中凸显出工厂的存在感。借鉴公司过去几十年的超大图形元素,立面既具有标志性又令人印象深刻,呼应了品牌的“皇家”形象。在内部,涂刷为白色的材料板与金色主题贯穿整个空间,强调皇家坚果品牌和产品本身。建筑师希望新工厂功能优良且具有真实性,同时拥有极其突出的金色外观及特征。
At Breathe, we’ve been big fans of what they’ve been doing and when their warehouse was sold to make way for apartments we wanted to help them move into to their new factory – a site that has been vacant for a number of years. Celebrating the site’s industrial history, the existing character of the warehouse was retained – exposed roof trusses, high-level steel windows, existing brickwork and concrete floors. The existing brick warehouse was painted gold, establishing the company’s presence within the industrial area. Combined with oversized super-graphic elements borrowed from former decades, the facade becomes iconic and memorable, resonating with the ‘royal’ character of the brand. Internally, a whitewashed material palette was adopted alongside the gold motif that appears throughout, placing emphasis on the Royal Nut brand and the products themselves. We wanted to make it functional, we wanted to keep it honest and of course, we wanted to make it gold, very gold.
▼涂刷为白色的材料板与金色主题贯穿整个空间,a whitewashed material palette was adopted alongside the gold motif that appears throughout
▼仓库现有的风格被保留下来:裸露的屋架、高处的钢制窗户、现存砖墙和混凝土地面,the existing character of the warehouse was retained – exposed roof trusses, high-level steel windows, existing brickwork and concrete floors
▼室内细节,interior details
▼办公区域,working area
▼超大图形元素, oversized super-graphic
▼金色立面细节,detail of the golden facade
Details Project size: 2325 m2 Completion date: 2018 Building levels: 1 Project team: Breathe Architecture-Architect & Interior Designer