

该项目位于法兰克福最狭窄的一栋建筑当中。设计师在一个17平方米的空间中打造了一个拥有15个座位的酒吧(7个吧台座位和6个靠墙座位),并且使整体空间看上去十分宽敞。酒吧的立面安装有艺术家Holmer Schleyerbach设计的黄铜装置,对于内部而言,它定义出了一个封闭而私密的饮酒空间;而对外部而言,它令街上的路人能够看到酒吧里装满烈酒的瓶子,从而吸引到更多潜在的客人。
In the narrowest building of Frankfurt the first room to be entered from the street level would be 4.5 x 3.8 m. On these 17㎡ we created a bar with 15 places (7 at the bar and 6 at the opposing wall) and the overall impression of a big spacious room. The facade and window of the bar provides the first eye catcher of the project. In collaboration with the artist Holmer Schleyerbach the installation in the window was developed to provide the enclosed, intimate shelter, which defines a good bar on the one hand, and partly allows to see details of spirit bottles in the window on the other hand, as a hint towards the new enterprise behind the screens.
▼立面上安装有黄铜材质的艺术装置,facade with massive brass plates hung between the glass and the back bar
The color scheme is dominated in black and gold, the colors being realized in a variety of surfaces and materials. In the upper floor two wooden wall panels with engraved swan images were found on location and kept as a reminiscence to the building. These wooden panels, being realized in the two corresponding colors natural light wood and black, were purposely restored and integrated into the new interior.
▼刻有天鹅图案的木制墙面,the wooden wall panels with engraved swan images
Behind the counter everything necessary to serve demanding cocktail guests is rigged up around the barkeeper on a 1㎡-diameter. The setup includes 2 refrigerators and one ice machine, a glass washing machine and two sinks, and proper space to store bottles, full and empty, and everything else one needs to mix drinks…
▼吧台后方容纳了所有必要的服务设施,the space behind the bar counter accommodates everything necessary to serve demanding cocktail guests
The room in the cellar is defined by its rough ancient stone walls, which also were kept intact as a natural material. A large table made from massive vintage oak planks dominates the room and provides space for 8 guests. They might be entertained by inspecting the 4m long sideboard on one wall, which partly shows its content through steel bar sliding doors. Like in a ‚Spirits locker’, behind the bars the vast collection of valuable bottles and collectors items is shown.
▼尺寸更小的地下空间用作藏酒、品酒和展示空间,a second even smaller room is located in the basement, used as a storage, presentation- and private room
Project size: 30 m2 Completion date: 2015 Building levels: 2 Project team: Hidden Fortress Design Studio Berlin