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融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地

2019/06/05 18:42:50
Courdimanche小镇位于法国北部塞尔吉市的郊区,同时靠近Vexin高原,既可以利用周边城市设施之便,又拥有得天独厚的景观。该城镇被分为两个区域,历史老城区和圣阿波罗街区,前者属于独特古老的建筑风格,后者则规划于70 -80年代。本项目(Champ Arthur游乐场)毗邻Louviere购物中心、学校和新建的青少年活动中心,因此成为该社区的主要公共空间之一。
The town of Courdimanche is situated at the outskirts of Cergy, taking advantage of a peri-urban setting, close to the large landscape of the Vexin plateau. The town is currently split between its historical core, built on a promontory in an atypical architectural style, and the Sainte Apolline neighborhood, planned in the 70s-80s. The Champ Arthur playground area represents one of the main common spaces of the neighborhood, thanks to the proximity of the Louvière Mall, of the schools and the newly-built recreation center for the Youth.
▼Champ Arthur游乐场,the Champ Arthur playground ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-3
▼社区的主要公共空间之一,one of the main common spaces of the neighborhood ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-5
Coherently with its geographical position, at the gates of the Vexin, the town of Courdimanche benefits of a multitude of planted spaces, ecological corridors and large avenues, which contribute to define a green atmosphere for the town. Therefore the main concept of this project consists in the combination of a park and a playful public space.
▼周边林荫大道,large avenues ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-9
▼概念示意图,concept illustration
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-12
The design is marked by a strong linear feature: a Trike Lane that represents at the same time a walking path, a playground and an urban staging, emphasized by the ground markings. The lane is the generating line of the project, it will translate in an encircling path, integrating different activities and micro-spaces: benches, open libraries, lawns, picnic areas, a fountain, a shed for the trikes.
▼自行车道,the Trike Lane ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-15
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-16
▼车道、长椅、草坪,the Trike Lane, benches, lawns ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-18
The playgrounds are inscribed within the lane, in order to be clearly defined areas. Their position, being at the center of the plot, will favor a sense of security and protection. The two playgrounds are physically linked, thanks to a ground blackboard, an asphalt surface that will work as a free space of graphic expression.
▼地面标识,the ground markings ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-22
▼两个活动场地之间由一块“黑板地面”相连,the two playgrounds are physically linked by  a ground blackboard ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-24
▼不同的活动和微型空间,different activities and micro-spaces ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-26
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-27
The plantings have been carefully defined and selected between the local flora, in order to compose a comforting vegetal backdrop for all the common spaces. The entire area is enclosed by a peripheral shrub filter and a low-sized and visually permeable wood fence.
▼场地周围的绿植,vegetal backdrop for all the common spaces ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-31
▼灌木和低矮的木栅栏,a peripheral shrub filter and wood fence ©Julien Falsimagne
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Besides the playground program, the project has been developed through a series of dialogues and meetings between all the local stakeholders. These meetings gave birth to the idea of a partnership with the Youth center, which participates to the management of the area, thanks to the creation of an autonomous shed for the trikes. The trikes are stored in the shed and made available for the children at the morning opening of the site.
▼设计细部,design details ©Julien Falsimagne
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融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-38
The Park / Playground is also suited for the organization of collective and cultural events, the entire area will actually work as an ephemeral extension of the Youth center entrance square. The ground blackboard has the ideal size for the setting up of a common long table or little stages.
▼场地周边环境,surrounding environment ©Julien Falsimagne
融合公园与活动空间,法国 Courdimanche 社区打造绿色亲子天地-42
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