

Rizoma品牌的目标是使用可以促进土壤再生的系统来大规模地生产食品。他们希望能够邀请一个新生代的当代建筑事务所,这个建筑事务所要跟他们有着相同的品牌价值观,同时设计出来的方案要能够充分反映品牌理念。Rizoma首先选择了Edifício Coruja大楼作为办公室的选址,因为这里拥有充足的绿化,且室内外空间的融合十分自然。Edifício Coruja大楼还设有宽敞的窗户,确保了与周围的环境良好的视觉联系。因此,室内设计的重点就在于丰富建筑室内现有的空间环境,例如混凝土楼板等。
▼办公空间局部,室内绿植与周边绿化融为一体,partial interior view, interior plants are integrated into the surrounding green
因此,建筑事务所Estudio Penha 将“城市丛林(urban jungle)”作为了设计的出发点。在空间布局上,室内丰富的绿植与周围的绿化区和谐地融为了一体。景观设计则主要通过不同色调的绿色植物来完成,从而加强了彼此之间的联系,值得一提的是,在确定植物的布局位置时,建筑师还特别考虑到光线因素。此外,室内还设有自动灌溉系统,以确保植物的健康品质。
The idea of an “urban jungle” started the concept. The layout was chosen to allow for plenty of plants and integration to the surrounding green. The landscape design, done mainly in different shades of green, reinforces the connection and also considered the natural lighting when choosing each of the plants’ position. An automated irrigation system ensures a healthy maintenance.
▼办公空间局部,办公桌围绕着绿植排布,partial view of the workspace, work tables are arranged around the plants
The exposed pipes minimize the impact of the renovation by generating less rubble and also frees the ceiling to show the concrete slab, which was one of the original premises. A cement coating was applied on the few existing walls and on the floor. The idea behind keeping the walls, floor and ceiling in the same color was to highlight the plants. The pipes were painted light blue green, bringing softness to the whole.
▼办公空间局部,同一颜色的墙体、地面和天花板突出室内的绿植,partial view of the workspace,the walls, floor and ceiling in the same color highlight the plants
▼办公空间局部,浅蓝绿色的外露管道为整个空间带来柔软感,partial view of the workspace, exposed light blue green pipes bring softness to the whole
▼会议空间,上方设有圆形照明系统,周围绿植上方则设投影照明系统,the meeting space with round lighting system above the table and scenic projectors above the landscape
▼会议空间,the meeting space
木制家具为整个空间带去了舒适感和自然感。所有的家具均由建筑事务所Estudio Penha设计,采用海洋胶合板(marine plywood)这种无涂层的生态木材打造而成,在本项目中,建筑师在其表面涂上了一层清漆,有助于维护和保养。置物柜的面板上设置了大小不同的孔洞以取代把手。本项目致力于减少后续的室内设计和材料对原有空间的影响,从而反映了Rizoma品牌的理念。
▼置物柜构造细节,面板上设置了大小不同的孔洞以取代把手,cabinet details with hole in different sizes, eliminating the need for knobs
Opting for wood furniture brings comfort and a natural feeling. All furniture was designed by Estudio Penha and done in marine plywood, an uncoated ecological wood, which in this cases received a layer of varnish to help with maintenance and durability. The cabinets’ design feature hole in different sizes, eliminating the need for knobs. A design born of the conscient search for less impact in the solutions and materials, reflecting the brand’s ideal.
▼室内休息空间,采用木制家具,置物柜表面设圆孔以代替把手,interior rest area with wood furniture, the cabinet features hole in different sizes, eliminating the need for knobs
▼室内茶水吧,采用不锈钢台面,the interior rest bar with stainless counters
▼带有沙发的休息区,the rest area with the sofa
▼办公空间平面图,floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
▼展示柜构造细节,details of the printer cabinet
▼工作空间构造细节,details of the workspace
▼桌椅构造细节,details of the table and the seat