

El Cabanyal是巴伦西亚的一座历史悠久的海滨城镇,由一个小渔村发展而来。一排排房屋沿着海岸建造,能够充分地享受到来自春季的暖风。在19世纪末期被纳入巴伦西亚之前,El Cabanyal一直被称作“海上新城”(Pueblo Nuevo de la Mar),时至今日,这里仍旧保持着村庄的特色。El Cabanyal正在经历长期的改造过程,长方形的地块为建筑的组合变化提供了多样的可能,例如2-4层高的现代风格建筑,以及后来的7层以上的细长塔楼。尽管El Cabanyal经历了内战的轰炸、拉里亚洪水的侵袭,甚至差点遭到强拆,但如今,在我们的见证下,它将再次被建造起来。
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
El Cabanyal, a Historic Borough which does not need presentation. It was born as humble fishermen village, where long barracas were built, one next to the other and parallel to the shore, taking advantage of the easter main wind. It was named Pueblo Nuevo de la Mar until it became part of Valencia at the end of XIX century. Although it happened 3 centuries ago, El Cabanyal still feels like a village. El Cabanyal is on continuous transformation, its rectangular plots have permitted to great combination variability, such as modernist buildings of two to four stories and later on svelte towers of seven or more stories. Despite fires, the civil war bomb attacks, la Riuà (Turia river flooding) and a stubborn Major who tried to tear down the borough, here we are, El Cabanyal is on construction again.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
▼背部立面,rear facade
这座建筑的故事始于Pepa和Ernesto。Pepa是本地人,而Ernesto来自特鲁埃尔的一个小镇。在著名的Rein大街中段,也就是125号,有一间长期以来广受欢迎的Gadea文具店在等待着他们。这座4层高的住宅建筑从东向西一直延伸至Barraca大街128号,15年来充满了Erasmus学生的欢声笑语。但不幸的是,当时的市长提出了名为´zero zone´的拆迁计划,使建筑周围的地块逐渐失去了价值。
The story of this building began with Pepa and Ernesto. She is local from El Cabanyal and he is from a town in Teruel. In the middle of the well-known Reina street, number 125, the life long and popular Gadea stationer was waiting for them. The large 4 stories house, which goes through from east to west up to Barraca 128, got filled of joyful Erasmus students for 15 years. During that time, unfortunately, its surroundings started to be devaluated due to the Mayor demolition plans, named ´zero zone´.
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
Resisting proudly, what was valueless for years, at this moment is a graded building. The renovation of the front façade and the plot end have been the starting point, causing a new vision to the owners: four flats where the communal area was the key of the project. A residential building where you could live in neighborhood. This has been possible due to a large and central brickwork patio in the 7,5x26m plot, where everything revolves around a washingtonia palm tree, as a reference to the historic palm trees in the Barraca Street.
▼以棕榈树为焦点的砖砌庭院,a large and central brickwork patio where everything revolves around a washingtonia palm tree
In Reina 125, you would find a welcoming place, open to the street. The new building has been respectful with its past, restoring elements and components from the former house, always in harmony with the new elements, such as ceramic tiles or the galvanise stair in the patio. It has been prioritized naturalness and comfort, both on atmosphere and the construction details, with the idea of pouring modernity on a traditional building and keeping in mind the Mediterranean warmth.
▼镀锌楼梯,the galvanise stair
▼楼梯细节,detailed view
▼庭院细部,detailed view
▼光影,light and shadow
▼地中海的温暖气息被完整地保留下来,the Mediterranean warmth is kept in mind
▼阁楼层,loft level
▼室内细部,interior detailed view
▼窗景,window scenery
随着新主人的到来,这座温馨的公寓建筑又将充满生活的气息,并持续为El Cabanyal新城注入活力。
Now is the moment for the new residents, who will take ownership of every corner giving a new life to these borough’s walls, consolidating the new town El Cabanyal.
▼从露台望向住宅,view to the house from the terrace
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼三层平面图,second floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
▼纵剖面图,longitudinal section
▼剖面图bb’,section bb’
▼剖面图cc’,section cc’