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洛杉矶 auburn 餐厅 | 温馨家庭式美食空间

2019/05/07 16:52:53
厨师Eric Bost 通过在auburn创造一种开放、活力和设计平易近人的体验来重新定义美食。以鼓励自由为目的,菜单提供多道菜式的用餐方式,带来了食物、时间与消费的灵活性,消除了原有的拘束感。与auburn菜单形式相反,酒吧提供单点饮品服务,在延续餐厅理念的同时提供一种截然不同的体验。auburn餐厅的名字来源于炉火散发出的鲜艳而斑斓的色彩,auburn内大部分烹饪活动都围绕着这一媒介进行,唤醒了人们内心的愉悦与温暖感。
▼内部空间概览,interior view of the restaurant ©Nicole Franzen
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Chef Eric Bost (Republique, Guy Savoy, Alain Ducasse) is redefining fine dining by creating an open, energetic and design approachable experience at auburn. Designed to encourage freedom, the menu provides a multiple course format that allows flexibility in food, time, and cost, while stripping away formality. In contrast to auburn’s dining room menu format, the bar will offer a fully à la carte selection, maintaining the same culinary philosophy, yet contributing an entirely different way to enjoy the restaurant. The name auburn stems from the vibrant and iridescent colors emitted from the fire of the hearth, the vehicle around which much of the cooking at auburn will revolve, invoking conviviality and warmth.
▼餐厅外观,exterior view of the restaurant(Architecture by ORA)  ©Nicole Franzen
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与Eric Bost厨师一起合作,auburn表达出对工艺及天然材料的敬意。进入auburn仿佛进入了朋友的家中一样,内部被构想为一个温暖的家庭空间,火炉旁边是国际化的厨房操作区。与当地一小队工匠密切合作,Klein得以为Bost厨师的理念量身打造一系列家具和设施。新旧元素之间精妙的平衡定义了进入空间的序列,沿着原有高窗进入,预示着对原有元素与历年新增元素的相互区分。顾客同时能够感受设计师对地面、墙壁、天花板之间精心雕琢的精妙区分。地板与天花板彼此分离,营造出两者之间供顾客尽情享受的感官空间。空间序列慢慢展开,呈现出拼贴式的餐厅区域,让室内外流畅地过渡相融。
In collaboration with Chef Eric Bost, auburn stands as an homage to both craftsmanship and natural materials. As if stepping into a friend’s home, the space is conceived as a warm, domestic shell with the fine-tuned operations of an internationally driven kitchen at its hearth. Working closely with a small team of craftsmen locally, Klein could design and fabricate a custom range of furniture and hardware tailored specifically for Chef Bost’s dining concept.A delicate balance between old and new defines the entry sequence into the space. Entering the restaurant along an original clerestory signifies the division between what was original and what was added over the years. The guest simultaneously senses a careful, sculpted division between floor, walls, and ceiling. Pulled apart from each other, a haptic band of materiality for the guest to indulge is formed between the floor and the ceiling. The space slowly unravels to reveal a collage of dining areas seamlessly transitioning between inside and out.
▼沿着原有高窗进入,预示着对原有元素与历年新增元素的相互区分,entering the restaurant along an original clerestory signifies the division between what was original and what was added over the years ©Nicole Franzen
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The main dining space opens up to the sky through five large incisions in the wooden ceiling structure of the patio. With generous planters below each cut, the diners feel as if they are seated within a wild, rural landscape set in the city. Through a large wall of solid oak windows, the main dining space continues inside directly adjacent to the open kitchen. This room maintains the most intimate relationship to the chef.
▼主要用餐区通过天井木制天花板结构上五个大切口向天空开敞,the main dining space opens up to the sky through five large incisions in the wooden ceiling structure of the patio ©Nicole Franzen
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▼每个开口下都布置有植物生长繁茂的小花园,让用餐者感觉仿佛坐在繁忙城市中一处充满野趣的田园景观之中,with generous planters below each cut, the diners feel as if they are seated within a wild, rural landscape set in the city ©Nicole Franzen
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▼室内用餐区域,interior main dinning area ©Nicole Franzen
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The final, most exclusive dining space is a room set for 10 guests equipped with its own private garden. Two large, oak sliding doors allow the dinners to connect to the garden and the cool evening breezes of the city of angels.
▼一间带有独立花园的10人用餐包间,a room set for 10 guests equipped with its own private garden ©Nicole Franzen
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▼空间细节,space detail ©Nicole Franzen
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洛杉矶 auburn 餐厅 | 温馨家庭式美食空间-26
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