知末案例   /   家装空间   /   别墅   /   Kohei Kudo & Associates


2019/04/10 12:39:14
The clientʼs family has been living in the beautiful site surrounded by nature for generations for over 300 years. The client couple lived in the “main house” built two generations ago and an “annex” built by them, going back and forth between those two separate buildings. They wanted to have a new style of living so that they could have a space to invite their daughterʼs family and grandchildren. I planned this extension and restoration to make it feasible for its rich heritage to pass on to the next generation while leaving their favorite “annex”.
▼住宅鸟瞰图,the bird-eye’s view
In order to make the existing building, the garden, the nature in the neighborhood and the newly created extension building section as one piece, not a disjointed structure, the structure was fixed and added based on each buildings condition with using the common material between the existing section and the extension section.
▼从屋面下的露台看住宅外观局部,两个体量采用木质折线形屋顶,partial exterior view from the terrace below the roof, two volumes of the house use the folded wooden roofs
改造后的住宅包括三个各具特色的花园,一个花园保持着其现有的状态,其余两个花园则与新建的大折面屋顶相辅相成。其中,一个折面屋顶体量作为起居室和厨房空间,也可兼作餐厅,另一个体量下则设有一个名为“Nandemo Terrae”的多功能开放式露台空间。这两个折面屋顶都由木质夹层板制成,从而能够在确保经济效益的情况下尽可能地扩大屋顶的覆盖面积。住宅屋顶的造型呼应了周边的自然环境、光环境和风环境,因此,从立面上看,屋顶呈现出折线形,值得一提的是,折线的角度和高度都是根据该体量的功能空间和活动需求来精心设计的。举个例子,“Nandemo Terrace”露台周围的屋檐的高度被降低至1.9米,从而不仅将居住空间与花园联系了起来,更屏蔽了来自周围邻居窥探的目光。
The new plan consists of three gardens with the different characteristics for the existing part and two large roofs. Under the one roof there is the “living room/kitchen building” used also as dining room, and the “Nandemo Terrae” means, multi-purpose terrace, is in the open-air space under another roof. The two roofs are made as a structure of a wooden sandwich panel to make it as large, reasonably and economically as possible. The shape of the roof was designed as a response to the surrounding nature, light and wind so the elevation is very pliable, its angle and height are carefully determined depends on the activities taken under the roof. For example, by setting down the eaves on the neighborhood side of the “Nandemo Terrace” to 1,900mm, it connects the garden while shielding the gaze from neighborhood.
▼折线形屋面下方的“Nandemo Terrae”多功能开放式露台空间,the the “Nandemo Terrae” which means multi-purpose terrace in the open-air space under the folded roof
▼折线形屋面下的露台空间,屋面的檐口降低,与周围的花园相联系,the terrace under the folded roof, the eaves on the neighborhood side of the terrace is set down to connect the garden
▼住宅外观局部及入口,partial exterior view of the house and its entrance
At the same time, at the center the eave rises the elevation to 4,600mm so it could capture the natural light and creates a place for people to gather. On the front part of the existing annex building, we designed a new sunroom by aluminum so it could extend the living space to the outside.
▼从住宅入口室内看阳光房和室外,空间通透,viewing the sunroom, the garden and the terrace from the interior entrance space, the house features a transparent space
▼从阳光房内看室外庭院,生活空间被延伸,viewing the garden from the sunroom, the living space is extended to the outside
▼起居室空间,中心位置的屋面较高,将光线引入室内,the living room space with a high roof at the center, introducing the natural light
▼厨房/餐厅空间和起居室局部,the kitchen / dining space and the partial living space
▼剖面图A’-A’,section A’-A’
▼剖面图B’-B’,section B’-B’
We brought the same materials in walls and fittings in the extension part. Like above, we thought about how we could keep and pass on the memory and the affection in the beloved buildings to the new space and at the same time, we fixed the house to take back the quality of living not dragged too much to the existing buildings. In the end, we found this feeling that you cannot tell the boundary of the existing and new extension parts. Things that existed before, newly brought in, everything is placed in parallel, and rich nature spreads behind them. The toughness of the living of the client, which seems like it would overcome the inconvenience life so far, mixed with the generous environment then moderate looseness appeared. Despite all the different structures, it became “one house” like they are holding hands with each other.
▼黄昏时分的住宅,the exterior view at dusk
▼黄昏时分的“Nandemo Terrace”露台,the “Nandemo Terrace” at dusk
▼总平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,1F plan
▼二层平面图,2F plan
Project name: Higashimatsuyama House Design: Kohei Kudo & Associates Design year & Completion Year: 2018 Leader designer & Team: Kohei Kudo, Hikari Oguro Project location: Saitama, Japan Gross Built Area (square meters): 112.39m2(Extension), 115.8m2(Renovation) Photo credits: Kai Nakamura , Shinkenchikusha Clients: Private Brands / Products used in the project: 1. LIXIL / PRO-SE 2. TOHO-REO / leofitroof 3. Takara-standard / lemure 4. TOTO / SAZANA 5. Creation baumann / Steel base
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