LOVE MORE(乐默)坐落于江阴市朝阳路226号,是一间结合花艺、咖啡、甜品和高档活动主题场景布置的时尚生活方式工作室。
Located at 226 chaoyang road, jiangyin city, LOVE MORE is a stylish lifestyle studio that combines floral art, coffee, desserts and high-end event themed settings.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
有别于一般的花店或者读者对“花艺工作室”的理解,LOVE MORE 花艺工作室并不是随处即花,整体的感觉也没有“花”的娇弱与柔美。
Different from the ordinary flower shop or the reader’s understanding of the “Floral Studio”, LOVE MORE Floral Studio is not just everywhere, the overall feeling is not the “flower” of the delicate and feminine.
▼咖啡甜点区,coffee and dessert area
▼吧台背景墙细部,bar counter background wall
Whether it is color, VI system, studio soft home, or floral work itself, it presents a harmonious, simple and sturdy, very masculine style. Not only that, but each piece of the studio combines a variety of design elements and highlights the cultural philosophy of the studio in every detail.
▼座位区,seating area
▼裸露的混凝土呈现出简洁硬朗的风格,the exposed concrete surfaces present a simple and sturdy style
▼通往二层的楼梯,stair leading to the upper floor
On the concrete wall on the second floor, there are different sizes and scattered grids to guide people to watch the home art here. The concrete wall has become a canvas stage. The changing light and shadow not only illuminate the interior, but also become the stage. “actor”.
▼家具展示区,furniture display area
▼错落分布的格子,the scattered grids for displaying
▼展架细部,detailed view
Inside the building, the original floor was opened and the original stair structure was preserved. The stair railings are connected by black metal. Walking on the stairs is like an “artistic edification tour”, and the form of the stairs also presents structural aesthetics.
▼原本的楼梯结构加上了黑色的金属扶手,black metal railings are integrated to the original stair structure
▼楼梯细部,detailed view
▼洗手间,wash room
▼施工阶段,construction phase
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼功能分区示意,area view
▼功能空间细分示意,plan layout